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Zoner Reputation too low for buying weapons - Printable Version

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Zoner Reputation too low for buying weapons - Sombs - 02-23-2014

Hello there!

My character "Jake Remmington" (Freelancing Edge World-Explorer) did buy a Zoner Q-Ship at Omicron 74 at the Zoner Ship Yard Lavidia. My Reputation to the Zoners is friendly, but not good enough to buy the weaponry for the cruiser-class. I have over 50 Million Credits to buy bribes, but there aren't any bribes available for the Zoners (or Zoner Guard), so my ship is now unarmed, excluding an Improved Cruise Disrupter. I can attack Zoner Ships and Stations, but my reputation won't get lower so I cannot buy a new bribe, and I cannot enhance the reputation with the Zoners since they don't offer jobs. (Even if there were any, how to do them without any weapon? CDs don't do damage at all. :O)

Since the Fearless is a 150.000.000 credits expensive cruiser, I wanted to ask if I there could be done something for me like enhancing the reputation to the Zoners (for money of course!) or the ship equipped manually or get the money back and get me back my last ship or a little ship with weapons to make the reputation better or something.
Or the ship could be transfered to my other character "Christin Krumeich" (Zoner-Core restart char in Baffin)

(I'm sorry for my maybe cheesy english-skills, I'm from Germany and not always sure if everything is grammaticaly correct. Smile )

I just don't want to have wasted the 150 millions just because of a little reputation issue... :/

RE: Zoner Reputation too low for buying weapons - Rhonkar - 02-23-2014

Buy civilian weapons (Barrier Gate Station perhaps ?) and try to kill GMG or Order ennemies like BHG. Should help to be friendlier with Zoners. Also, one day Redon has given me this link : "Bases not run by Zoners that offer Zoner bribes" (certainly outdated). You can't dock in Houses but what about independent, edge and border worlds ?

RE: Zoner Reputation too low for buying weapons - Ponge - 02-24-2014

A solution:
find an official faction Zoner (TAZ, OSI, Phoenix - (\^/) is their tag) or any Zoner, and ask them to buy you a Zoner ID; equip it, and your Zoner and Zoner guard rep will be maxed. The ID can be transferred to your ship in Connecticut PvP system (to enter: type /conn on an NPC base, to return: type /return while docked on New Haven station in Connecticut).
What ID are you using? Freelancer ID is not good for the Q-ship, as it is a Cruiser.

RE: Zoner Reputation too low for buying weapons - Sombs - 02-24-2014

Thanks Ponge, problem solved! Smile

RE: Zoner Reputation too low for buying weapons - Olowokandi - 02-24-2014

However, if your character is a freelancer, according to the Freelancer ID, you cannot have a battleship (cruiser is a battleship class)... am I correct?

RE: Zoner Reputation too low for buying weapons - Connor - 02-24-2014

(02-24-2014, 09:58 AM)Olowokandi Wrote: However, if your character is a freelancer, according to the Freelancer ID, you cannot have a battleship (cruiser is a battleship class)... am I correct?


RE: Zoner Reputation too low for buying weapons - Traxit - 02-24-2014

Go to Corfu Base in Omicron Theta, It's North Right from the Lava field where the Omega-41 Jumphole is, There you can buy Zoner weapons with regular Zoner Rep