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Stuck - Orangemilk - 02-27-2014

I am stuck in LPI Huntsville

I am neither in the base or out of the base, I'm in space but also inside the box of the base, so I can dock or leave.

Can I please be moved to planet Houston? I would prefer to be moved to where I am docked somewhere whilst I am away.

I attached a pic for "evidence" since my word means nothing as a new player.

RE: Stuck - Garrett Jax - 02-27-2014

Have you tried using the /stuck command?

RE: Stuck - Orangemilk - 02-28-2014

repeatedly tried /stuck, logged in an out several times.

It says I'm in space, not docked so /stuck won't work, but I'm in the base, except I can see space

RE: Stuck - Garrett Jax - 02-28-2014

Ok, I'm at work right now. Give me your ship name and I'll move you out of there when it get home.

RE: Stuck - Orangemilk - 03-04-2014

Messed up my Knee, have been down and out, so late reply.


that's the ship