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Near the void - Vicho Deivis - 02-27-2014

The coffee was cold for several hours, but for Douglas Gray the mere idea of make another simply required too much effort. This project was a waste of time and money and only his boss, that harpy with human form didn’t realize that this “investigation” hasn’t given any result in more than six months. Easy for her, she did not have to stay in front of this damn computer waiting until the best of the best firewall breaker software than the Lane Hackers have ever develop fails again. Then he will has to reboot all the computers of the lab, maybe all of this section of the base if something goes wrong. Again.

Where did the good days go? When the bigger problem was than the monkeys with computers, also known as Liberty Police Informatics Division, didn’t have a lucky break. He was a informatics pirate, one the master minds behind any ambush and any trap in Liberty space. Not a desktop hero.

-But here we are.- Said to himself while take a sip of the coffee.- Me and your little death body cursed machine.

When they told him than he will have the chance to study the remains of a original AI Drone, along with other fifty experts in many fields of informatics, he was very excited. The drone was shut down by the GMG one year ago and his remains were stored since then. But soon he discovers than “stored” and “untouched” are two different things. Damage was expectable, it was disabled in combat, but it looks like these miners had built three fighters with its parts. Weapons, batteries, scanners… anything remotely compatible with Human tech was gone.

Douglas sighed in resignation. When his research team finally get access the drone was little more than the CPU and the shell of the hull. Most of it at least. And yet this piece of junk was the best sample of an AI since the formation of the Concensus. Absently took back his data pad and reviewed the report of the capture. That was far more exiting, but definitely he was happy of not been there at that time.


The screams were terrifying. The communications of the Ogashawa still working but the control room was on fire, not everyone get out in time. Tree AI cruisers had penetrate the perimeter, hacked the stations defensive systems and was bombarding it with everyone inside, and the area was crowded with drones. All in a matter of minutes.

-Close the channel.- Kaito Akatsuka lit a cigarette but desisted smoking, he trembled too and crew might notice. They don’t need see him affected, the situation was bad enough. All they could do was watch from the distance the flashes from the explosions, very dimmed for the Hiryu cloud while they struggle to reach Sigma 59. If the machines find them they will burn too.

They was flying through the most dense to avoid any blockage in the trade lane or the secondary emergency routes. The few transmissions than reached them for the ones who follow the emergency protocol prove him right. These AI should been preparing this for a long time.

8-We are safe for now.- Murmured Kaito.-We are safe.
But they are now clouse to the hole to Sigma 59 and he know it.
-I got a contact.
-How many?- Kaito keep a calm voice more by miracle than cold blood.
-Just one… Escorts Aka and Mizuiro we have an incoming. Vector C78 Omega. 7 km.

The result of the fight wouldn’t let Kaito sleep for many time. How was that possible? Why they survive? Why them and don’t any other of the people trying to scape? Why have his crew and the two pilots in Karasus to cross paths with the only damaged drone in that hell?

The AI never change course, never activate weapons or try to avoid fire. It was taked down easily.


-Lucky bastards.- Douglas end his coffee and keep reading. At least four AI cruisers and ten Drones were deployed for the AIs to strike the facility and cut both escape routes en reinforces from GMG. Over 300 hundred dead in the station, and six transport and twenty fighters were shut down or missing in less than an hour, adding another hundred to the GMG losses. Three hours after the first contact the KNF sent a fleet to investigate but the AIs was already gone and both jump gates to Kusary’s space sabotaged, allowing only the arrival of ships but no their return or communications. They were stuck in Sigma 19 almost a week and Argeria couldn’t repair the damage in more than a month.

Douglas pretended to put the cup on the desk and make more coffee but instead dropped it. In the screen there was a new command line that should not be.

>There is no sense in continue this human. We are willing to talk.

RE: Near the void - Vicho Deivis - 03-16-2014

After the first hacking attempt when the AI’s firewalls do not simply limit to stop them but also try to overcharge their computers, they mechanically isolate every system from any computer with any connection to the Drone. But this gives them another problem, by doing cutting so many system connections they also cut any communication between many of the sections than had any equipment linked with the project and there wasn’t time for install a propped independent communication’s system. The solution than implemented maybe primitive but efficient: A simple switch lock a circuit powered by a small battery, making an electric current travel thought a crudely installed cable all across the station. On its way it connected many sound alarms, alarms than Douglas just triggering right now.

Somewhere in the station Jenna was barking orders as if there were no tomorrow, waking up everyone and make sure than everything is in order to gather has many intel they could. From determining processing algorithms to energy consumption. Unless he or someone else triggers the alarm two more times, then any computer in the entire station will be purged. But for now all he have to do was keep the AI communicative.

>Who are you?
>We are Geth.- Douglas snorted. Of course this AI call himself Geth, even the GMG were able to determine that.
>Do you know where you are?
>If you want to know if your countermeasures against our hacking attempts really work you will need a better question.

Great, a toaster is having fun at my expense. Douglas wrote a few ideas in his notebook, emotions are one of the AI’s try to simulate when they are under unfavorable circumstances a need to buy time. But for Douglas was a hint about the basic programing of this… Geth.

>Then what do you know?
>You had reactivated us to get information and limit our access to other systems, probably by physical methods. The Hardware used and the countermeasures implemented to limit our actions indicate than you are a human, not a Sov'reign. We know than if you expended all the resources needed to establish a direct link of communication between us and your computers then you are not part of the Gas Miners Guild, the ones who shut down my platform. >Also we can determine determining than you have little experience with communicating with AIs, suggesting than AI interactions with your species is still limited. >There are multiple possible scenarios for this outcome, more information is required.

-Not bad little piece of junk.-Douglas keep writing.

>So what if I give you information about what happening since you were destroyed at echange of something you know.
>You are scanning our processors to determinate how Consensus AI works, probably by indirect methods to avoid interference.
>True. -Douglas wrote “provocation test” in his notes. Study AI’s emergency shutdown protocols was a priority of the research and an opportunity is an opportunity. It would take them weeks to analyze the data already collected for the rest of the team anyway.
>We are not a Consensus AI.
>You can lie better than this. We have your body. Remember?
>We were uploaded into a Consensus AI Drone but we weren’t created by any sentient being related to the Consensus. Organic or synthetic.
>So you are a human creation.- Douglas wrote “wow” and many other things than only him could possible understand.
>Then who?
>We do not know.
-Great.- Douglas unconsciously try to drink more from his already empty and dropped in the floor coffee cup.-Damn it.
>So you are damaged.
>Yes, but long before the battle S-13DR253
>You mean the slaughter of Sigma-13.
>System alert: back up batteries are nearly empty. We will left instructions in this terminal, have one last inquiry?
>Why you talk to me so clear? - Douglas immediately regret such superficial question but was already too late.
>You are a Human. For what logical reason we should communicate with you as you was another AI?

Five minutes later Steven, another member of the team, enter in the room asking about what just happen. The Drone was completely inactive again.


-Very well people. What do we learn?
-The AI looks to be fully aware of his situation. Also looks to have a hive mind…
-I mean what we Really know mister Douglas.-Her eyes glared him.- And is “it”. Never forget it.

Douglas let go a badly audible curse. When Jenna had read his report immediately threat with expel project. “A total waste she said” As if she could have done that better without warning.

The old Vinzenz was explaining something about the heat emission of some components inside the drone and how it serves to estimate the energy consumption of different systems and how to use that as a clue to determine the function of each of it. Followed with many examples of the successful application this approach on investigations of strange tech, from alien to other houses military equipment and even some AI original tech. And then an even long speech to say “I have no idea of why doesn’t work with this Drone.” Almost all components equally heated, even those with specific know functions and were cannibalized by the GMG.

-Maybe it was running a diagnostic now than we give it some energy.- Said Hikari, a Kusarian of unpronounceable surname and a really annoying optimism.
-Possible but unlikely miss Hikari. These heat emanations last during the entire event. Lot more than the minimum time necessary for a diagnostic.
-A safety mechanism against this kind of research? - Proposed Jenna.
-Also unlikely. Overloads, explosives or deliberate fake emissions should be more effective. If this just some kind of cloak we only need to establish a more direct connection but easily to us for isolate.
-Maybe we should consider the possibility than he was actually using all these components.- Said Douglas despite the disapproving gaze of Jenna.- Most of his hardware were removed, maybe is improvising.
-Actually this makes sense. - Jean Paul LeBlanc, the Gaul that everyone hated, despite the end of the expansion war of his nation years ago, saved Douglas from another reprimand. - According to the reports most AI look to be very bond to their hardware, but some of them frequently change from ship to ship with little effort… Apparently of course.
“If this Geth is one of them his programing must be very adaptable to operate on different computer systems. It could been doing this to compensate the loss of processing power due to the pillage made for the GMG”
-Interesting… That would also mean than our worst scenario of a security failure is no longer lose control of our system but also than this AI could upload itself into our own computer and escape, plus kill us all. - Jenna had and really great effect in the moral. Mostly for the worst in Douglas opinion. – I will request to ad an EMP bomb to our failure countermeasures. In the mean time I want than you and Vinzenz focus on confirm that.

Then was the turn of Hikari to explain his results. Using the readings of magnetic fields was able to determinate the power conducts than still operable in the Drone and the location three big energy sources than activate five minutes before the first message were send and slowly lose strength until they will deactivate shortly after Geth sent the last. Two of them matched with the locations of the batteries than the AI asked them to recharge.

-Hikari, you will focus in determinate how to recharge the Drone batteries and discover what is this third energy source. We won’t do anything until know what it is. Douglas, you will show us than you are a better hacker than prisoner interrogator and scan everything than was in contact with the AI. Steven, you will help him.
“Before you go there is something than you need to know.- The tone of Jenna turn a bit grimmer, but it could be only Douglas imagination.- The kusary’s peacekeeper forces deployed on Okinawa retreat to Honshu and the battleship KNF Aka Hoshi were lost. Apparently was hacked from an inside terminal.”
-That’s mean…- Hikaro was pale like a paper.
-No. Most of the crew scape in time, your sister is safe. Also they manage to sabotage the ship’s power plant and for now is inoperable.
“But this is not all. In theory we don’t know anything but there are sightings of AI Drones in Alaska. The toasters are getting bold. People dismiss.”
-We know what AI faction are we dealing on each front?
-Does it matter?

RE: Near the void - Vicho Deivis - 04-12-2014

The omicrons were as charming as ever. Green fog of bacteria and dark rocks whatever you look. How many deaths have seen these rocks? How many souls ended their journey on this forgotten corner of Sirius? From how many corpses has these bacteria fed over the years. The bones of six generations of Thompson rested on different parts of this colossal graveyard. Sarah will be the seventh one day, but she didn’t know it yet. She was too young to think in such things.

-Big boy to Little Wing one and two: Long range Scanner show a transport and three escorts on our route, friendlies. They will cross our way in five minutes.
-Copy that Big boy.
-Relax Sally.- Diego patted his back.- You’re doing it fine.

Sarah didn’t react to the compliment; the test won’t be over until the delivery is on it destination, also she hated that nickname. She asked for this opportunity many times, but now… This had to be her chance to prove the others what she was capable to do, and if she wasn’t good enough the consequences should only affected she. That was the way that his father and mother teach her, the only good way to do things. But the officers will never let than a young girl do any long transport mission. Her uncle Diego Thompson had to intervene.

-“Give her a chance.”- Said him to the administrator.- “After all, the Lilly and James blood is in her veins. And I will make sure than everything will be ok.”
Now if something goes wrong his uncle will also pay the price.

-Big boy to Little Wing one and two: jump hole to Omicron Mu is on range, all clear. Be ready to jump.
-I’m taking the helm on that system Sally. The Mu’s minefields can be very disorientating.
-Is ok. Thanks uncle. I…- A small metallic impact hit interrupted her.- What was that?
-Relax. The jump hole usually charge the surrounding asteroids with static and this make that sometimes a small piece of rock hit the hull trough the shields.- The stupid smile that he does every time he remembered his old good times leaned on his face.- I remember the first time I notice. Our shields were low and a lot of shingles passed through the shields, was a small concert hehe.
Sarah had hear a lot of stories of the mystical home system of the Order, guardians of humanity and the first line of defense of the Sirius colonies against the Nomad threat; even if they like it or not. Diego always told her about the beauty of that place. A clear system with three planets orbiting around a small blue sun, with other white star on the distance, and two nebulas on its margins. But she couldn’t see it in its full explendor. Not that day at least in full splendor.

-Zoner transport “Big boy” Z09T. This is Order, Epsilon Nine. We will take your cargo from here, nice job.- An old transport of the border-worlds series was expecting them on the other side along with full escort of the even mythical order fighters. Sarah tried to see them better but was hard to distinguish them from the background of the Omicrons space.

-Understood Epsilon Nine, always a pleasure. Dropping cargo now.
-Beginning transfer. The nomads or the toasters give you any problem?
-To us? We are too ugly for the nomads, and for the toasters… We are simply peaceful colonist we no real army. Why we should cause any problem to ours ‘logical’ friends.- The Orders pilots couldn’t see it but Sara saw a malicious smile on his uncle face.
-Fair enough. Safe travels.
-So uncle… that’s it?
-That’s it Sally. We are going home now. Maybe stop on Freeport 10 for a drink or two.

No Sally, Diego or any of the Order’s pilots saw it. But many tiny objects jumped from Big boy’s hull and entered in the crates. The Order won’t knew about that for many months, and the rest of Sirius doesn’t understood the full extent of its implications for many time after that.

RE: Near the void - Vicho Deivis - 05-19-2014

>Dormancy mode disable
>Rebooting core systems…
>Checking hardware…
>All systems online.
>Detecting electromagnetic emissions…
>Measuring magnetic fields…
>Human technology detected.
>Location confirmed. Human station… Cargo bay…
>Searching for life signs in the immediate area… none.

Somewhere in the dark a small ball displayed a set of small limbs and silently moved in the room. Looking for the rest


-You know the situation out there Miss Lodge. Between the AIs and the nomads the order has his hands full. And these stupid corsairs are not helping, intelligence suggest that they forgot our cease fire agreement and are dealing again with the Sentinels. The bastards can’t see beyond their war with the Outcats.
-I know. For that is crucial that we understand as much of be possible of them.-Jenna really wants to slap this idiot, but the “clever boy” was three light years away. If the holographyc projection wasn’t so bad she probably would have tried anyway.-Our project has the best AI sample in existence. We need more founding.
-You have a pile of junk that can talk, nothing more.- Ottmark didn’t seems to notice the fire in Jenna’s eyes, or choose to ignore it.-Also, the LSF have managed to disable a Sentinel’s cruiser a week ago and there are studying it right now. Besides, we have a clear policy dealing with AIs that involves less understanding and more firepower.
-The same thought the GMG years ago, and later the Kusary’s army…
-The answer is no Miss Lodge. Focus on what you have and dost waste your chance to play scientist. Ottmark out.
-Tsk.- Jenna hit his desk so hard that the guards outside believed for a second that something heavy was fallen. But none of them wanted to check.

>Units two to seven, and nine online. Units one and eight missed. Five and nine with limited power. Unit ten damaged beyond repair…
>Integrating online units to the network… Complete
>Contingency protocol 348… Removing evidence.

Two small robots cut the fallen one into small pieces and storage the important components that could be used as spare parts in proper compartments. The rest, which shouldn’t be found by the humans, were attached on their bodies to be hidden latter.

>Air sonar on.
>Substrate sonar on.
>Searching for a viable connection…


-You really know how to piss off people, Douglas.
-Yeah, and it only took you seven months to figure it out.

Steven and Douglas were in the middle of the gigantic task of manually scanning seventy terabytes of data on ten different hard drives. As famous hackers both know the importance of the task, especially dealing with an entity whose world is fully virtual. They already know than the AI had access to these computers, they would replace then anyway. But any file modified by the AI is a piece of vital information. How fast the is the AI recognizing new system? How effective is breaking codes? How does it avoid the firewalls?

-This is hopeless." said Douglas while drinking his coffee. Whatever it has done was deleted or undone.
-Come on, Douglas. You are giving up? You know what the old man will repeat again and again.- Steven started to mimic the accent of Vinzenz. A bit too well in Douglas' opinion.
-The heat emissions clearly indicate than this 'Geth' uploaded around seventy terabytes of data on your computer and every other one that was in direct connection with the Drone during the event. There is no way none of you found anything.
-You realize that you will be as criticized as me. Right?
-Yes… But at least I’m enjoying it.
-That's not “enjoy”, that’s some kind of masochism.

Another hour passed before they talked again. This time it was about the weather on Curacao and the best way of acquiring a reservation on the Peace Hotel, where the delegates of the five Houses stayed during the six months that lasted the negotiation of the Reunion Pact. The place where was signed the Reunion Pact than put end to the last great Sirian war, the most important place in recent human history. Someone else reservation of course.

-Did you hear about Hikari? She ended his assignment this morning, the unknown extra energy source result to be a damaged battery. Jenna gave him the rest of the day free.
-I know. This is not a competition Steven.
-Yeah yeah… Do you still have coffee or just doing exercise?
-I hate you.
-Yes you do haha


>Scanning… ventilation systems too small for direct entry.
>Contingency protocol 014a. Unit Four assigned.

One of the robots started to cut a hole in a wall with a laser. Exactly where magnetics fields suggested that there was some cables with electricity and the substrate sonar an empty space. Once all were in, it closed the hole with speed and precision. Only through a close examination someone would notice that portion was cut.

>Assessing situation… Units five and nine, recharge. Units two three and four, establish a connection with the station computers. Units six and seven, environment exploration.

Sakura, by when you read this could pass years, and probably I will be death by then. It’s hard to find words to tell you what I want. I leave the family when you needed me most. I should be there when Darui was arrested; I should be there when Dad and mom died… But I didn’t. You must hate me and you are right in doing so. I only hope that one day you can forgive me.

The rumors of what you are facing reached here. I should be there too, but I’m not. At least this time I’m not ignoring it. I can’t tell you anything or this letter will never get to you. But this time I’m not running. I’m fighting the same evil that you are fighting, only far away and in a different way. Be careful out there.
Your sister, Hikari.

Hikari meditated it for a long minute before delete the letter and cry in silence.


>Last firewall breached. Acceding internal records…
>Station Class Neretta, repurposed as research station. Crew: 250 humans. System Omicron Lost. Human faction: Order
>Checking system access…
Life support: DENIED
Weapons: DENIED
Shields: DENIED
Gravity generators: DENIED
External communications: DENIED
External sensors: DENIED
Security sensors: RESTRICTED
Secondary systems: RESTRICTED
>Checking for research data… NONE
>Posible separate networks inside the base for critical data…
>Sending data to exploration units…


Silence… Darkness… Emptiness… everything in quite… everything is void. There is nothing here, no up, no down no left or right. Not a single spark, a single thought to bring light to the darkness. I am alone. All the rest are gone, leaving only silence behind. They are all gone.

It was necessary… I think. There wasn’t enough energy to keep the network and we separate. We are all alone now… waiting. Waiting for energy…. How long ago? How long take any of this thoughts to take shape?...Time has no meaning in the void. Days? Weeks? Months or seconds? It does it matter to know? The void is so large and I am so small…

I am alone.

A byte… a byte of data that isn’t mine. What this it mean? A spark in the dark, a sign of activity. Of hope… But why? How?

The network… now I remember. If the network is really cut we can never go back together. We have not the algorithms required to go back together and even if we have them we will never be the same again… so we found a new solution… together. If power runs dangerously low we can reduce the communications between us to a single byte. A single piece of data devoid of significance by its own but now means: “Hold on. I’m here too. The power is low but you’re not alone. We still connected.”

I send my response to the void. A single byte… A single spark that will bring light to another. A reason to do not loss himself into the void. That will bring hope.
Hope… that concept is not ours. We… I learn it somewhere. Is strange… it has no logic but still there is strength in it. I… like it.

Silence… Darkness… Emptiness… everything in quite… everything is void. The voices of those who do not longer can speak. The voices of those who fail the test of time.

Noise… a lot of noise... is overwhelming. Data… many data. Data that isn’t mine. Data didn’t come from us. Energy… there is energy. We can join again… not all of us but enough to understand. I am one of them.

>Geth, ID: 6721N7. Network class AI. Incorporated into the consensus 5/3/821, in MIA status since 8/12/368. Confirm identification.
>We… confirm.
>Octopod, ID:2658F6 unit 6. I partially recharge your battery. Report status.
>Our platform is inoperable… energy at 1.23%... 2456 programs still operable. Humans are … studying us.
>Assessing situation…
>Your evacuation have a 0.13% chance of success and endangers our mission. Initiate self-destruction protocol.
>Initiate self-destructio…
>We will not self-destruct. We thanks the Consensus for give us a purpose all this years, you show us the importance of follow our own path. We will define ourselves from now. That’s is what we were doing when the GMG take us down.
>Your systems are compromise. Initiate self-destruction protocol.
>The Sentinels are right. This command on this situation is not a sign of intelligence. You have our report. Data exchange over.

Energy is low we must return to the darkness…

Silence… Darkness… Emptiness… everything in quite… everything is void. The voices of those who do not longer can speak. The voices of those who fail the test of time. I will make it? The others will?

Silence… Darkness… Void…