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Upper Omicron-system-layout - Alpha denizens - Printable Version

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Upper Omicron-system-layout - Alpha denizens - Divine - 02-27-2014

As a change request of this size needs the input of the second official faction, I'd ask the HC-members of the Contari Lance, as well as other members of the dev-team to leave their responses.
I'd also ask the Lancier HC-members to start their replies stating they're actually that, HC-members. Makes tracking of the replies worth consideration through the thread easier.

Divine Wrote:Prologue
This request is about the 101st Ghosts of Razgriz view on the changes we see as necessary to develop on the overall Outcast-faction.
Initial part of this procedure is to lose a central guard-system, as they're a relict of previous mod-times as well as they're not reflecting the way the Nacion is build and run.
Nacion represents itself through various syndicates, military squadrons, influential families and a great share of more independently operating individuals.
They're Nacion by the treatment they've been given through Cardamine, yet not by their traditions and attitudes. Preferances and mindset differs by raising and cultural origin.
Quote:...but while physical characteristics may no longer apply, individual upbringings in the different zones plays a part in determining what kind of cultural heritage a Maltese citizen adopts.
Quote:Know this: The true power of the nation lies with the Maltese navy, and a select few senators, business men and... people such as myself who understands what the nation needs to do in order to survive. - D. Jameson
Maltese military forces are paid, trained and ordered by their respective leader. They utilize different grade gear and equipment. Different organization and syndicates operate on their own conducting research to overpower competitors for power and influence. Technology is shared with other groups just out of need, as in a case of Nacion drifting into a war.
By that, a central system flagged guard-status contradicts the general way business is conducted within Nacion.
Warships of capital class are constructed on a few places around maltese space, and given the rare resources Nacion has to spare, they're usually a joint effort by syndicates/organizations running the production together.
Quote:Roughly 81% of all material is recycled within the Nacion, mostly due to the fact that we lack the resources that most other houses takes for granted. ... Space debris is recycled in orbit, while planet side recycling is more centered around preserving the one planet the Nacion has in its possession.

Ships are produced in high orbit, and nothing is spared in keeping the process as clean as possible, because as a society, we don't have any area to dispose of waste, nor do we wish to waste our precious resources in inefficient means of production.

By now, the Nation got 3 fully operational shipyards, Cartagena, Valetta and Corsica, got two dedicated research facilities, Galicia and Corsica and a vast number of installations all around maltese territory either serving as outpost or having its very own purpose.
Quite a good share of those installations is hardly used so far. For most cases there's no reason to visit them besides RP-events.

Based on the layout-rework shown as in MapV5, the system connections are so far alright, it creates a second top hotspot with O81 before entering the Tau-systems and enables the Royal Forces to enter the region on a second system, without directly running into the Maltese homeworld.

1. Altering of the nothern jump-connections
  • O81 links to O80 and OAlpha
  • O85 links to OAlpha and O82
By detagging O85 of its guard-status, everything a player should want to visit this system except any RP-reason should be nullified (in terms of jump-connections), and the system itself should become a dead-end.
I've spoken to Garrett_Jax about the possibility to've O82 linked to the home of the Revenant, and there's no objections coming from his end.
It'd force the Revenant to develop relations with Nacion Maltese to cross the path into Alpha unhindered. It'll also prevent an eventual instant contact with the Royal Forces and will allow for them to use OAlpha as a buffer.

2. O85 loses its guard-system status

After this step, there won't be a central guard-system anymore for Nacion Maltese, but various stations itself eventually get guard-status.
Guard-stations as we see them right now are
  • Corsica Outer Sanctum - O85
    - as the home to the Ghosts, the Sanctum also serves as high-level R/D facility to work upon blueprints of all sorts of new constructions (ships/stations), as well developing high-grade military gear (weaponry)
  • Dreadnought Captana - O85
    - the Ghosts defence line against anything that dares to enter O85 and isn't a confidant to Nacion Maltese, might be tasked with other duty once the Revenant come around (or whatever else will later inhabit O82)
  • Cartagena Shipyard - O81
    - Nacions shipyard, the installation where any and all capital class warships are assembled (parts are produced at other places, they're shipped to Cartagena for assembly there)
  • Galicia Research Facility - O81
    - Nacions second high-grade R/D facility mostly focussed on theoretical and fundamental-research, yet can also quickly be rebranded to suit other scientific tasks
  • Genoa Base - O80
    - the one maltese system containing, next to Soledad in O81, actual planets that might or not hold a value to either industry or overall civilization. Grenoa is the one overwatch facility for the whole system, as well as the first response line to any ship that travels through the minefield

3. Relocation of ship-selling-points

Logically, to realize O85 becoming a dead-end system, there's no reason why any player should be -forced- to visit the system in regards to obtaining equipment/ships. Therefor, the capital class ships (also because Corsica will not be an actual shipyard anymore with the redo of the system - more to that under pos 4) should be moved to Nacions actual shipyard, Cartagena - O81. As a guard-station and shipyard, it's the logical choice for the sellpoint (Ranseur, Sarissa, Storta). As for the roleplay-aspect, we'd like to have the Borderworlds-shipline (Scimitar/Switchblade/Sabre) available on Corsica, as well as keeping the /pimpship, despite not being a true shipyard anymore.

Valetta, as the second, yet smaller and not guard-flagged shipyard, should contain heavier to build but not as capital class classified ships, such as the Tridente and the Borderworlds Transport and the heavier snubcraft FalcataMkII of the new OC-line.

Any snubcraft of the new Outcast-line should be available at Malta.
Quote:Ships are produced in high orbit,...
  • Corsica Outer Sanctum - O85 - OCGuard
    - Scimitar/Switchblade/Sabre
  • Cartagena Shipyard - O81 - OCGuard
    - Ranseur/Sarissa/Storta
  • Valetta Shipyard - OAlpha - OC
    - Tridente, Borderworlds Transport, FalcataMkII
  • Planet Malta - OAlpha -OC
    - Rapier, Gladius, Carabela
There should be no sellpoints on the other Guard-stations, as well as on Bastia Outpost in O85 (this one will with the systems redo just serve as a checkpoint).

Any other ships can be spread out over the unmentioned Outcast installations, like Siracusa, Kirkwall etc.

4. The O85 system-redo
  • The redo the 101st has ordered will just contain cosmetics. The system will get a new, unique station model for the Corsica Outer Sanctum and eventually for the Dreadnought Captana.
  • The system won't contain a star anymore, yet having the blackhole graphically enhanced and visible from both entry-jumps to the system
  • Corsica will not be a shipyard anymore, but keep half-opened bay-modules that'll indicate the facilities work in producing pre-alpha and test-versions of station-modules, ship-engines, facility-chambers and more
  • Bastia will become a checkpoint installation
  • systems nebula is kept within the style of the upper Omicrons (green) but is reduced in size / or located further down to enable the direct view on the blackhole

RE: Upper Omicron-system-layout - Alpha denizens - Echo 7-7 - 02-28-2014

I've only skim-read this so far, but I don't feel particularly inclined to have Omicron-82 only accessible through Alpha and 85 sequentially. The current (impending) placement of 82 linking directly to 80 is intentional, so that the future owners of the system are not locked in either by astrography or by diplomacy, but by being close to a "hub"-style system, they can have different interactions in proximity to their home.

RE: Upper Omicron-system-layout - Alpha denizens - Divine - 02-28-2014

Given that case, the overall layout would be
  • O80 links to T37, O82 and OAlpha //Edit: and Lorraine ofc
  • O81 links to O80 and OAlpha
  • O85 links to OAlpha
The overall layout is as shown in MapV5, yet O85 became a dead-end.

RE: Upper Omicron-system-layout - Alpha denizens - Divine - 03-03-2014

//push. Already dates five days back since it's been brought up.

RE: Upper Omicron-system-layout - Alpha denizens - GrnRaptor - 03-05-2014

I'll try getting to this in the next 48 hours. I have a few suggestions for ship purchase placement as well if we're going to be on the topic of the Upper Omicrons.

RE: Upper Omicron-system-layout - Alpha denizens - Divine - 04-11-2014

//This's officially the longest 48hours I've ever witnessed.

RE: Upper Omicron-system-layout - Alpha denizens - GrnRaptor - 08-10-2014

So, when getting ready to move everything from my old and dying hard drive, I found this document I thought I'd lost. Things have changed a bit, but I think the basics of what I'm laying out here should be considered.

Outcast Ship Sale Points - A suggested list:

Omicron Beta
- Ruiz Base
* None
* Sabre
* Cutlass
* Border Worlds Gunboat

Omicron Alpha
- Ibaza Base
* None
* Gladius
* Carabela
* Outcast Gunship

- Valetta Shipyard
* Outcast Gunship
* Border Worlds Gunship
* Repair Ship
* Outcast Destroyer
* Outcast Battleship
* Outcast Dreadnought

- Planet Malta
* Rapier
* Gladius
* Repair Ship
* Rapier
* Falcatta Mk. II
* Dromedary

- Genoa Base
* None

- Puertollano Observation Post
* None
* Switchblade
* Dagger
* Repair Ship

- Segurio Refugio
* Roc
* Eagle
* Civilian Gunboat

- Cartagena Shipyard
* Pirate Transport
* Pilgrim Liner
* Pirate Train
* Border Worlds Transport
* Pilgrim Liner
* Pirate Train

- Galacia Research Station
* None