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Honor and Greed - Tenacity - 08-13-2008

The following is a Biography of Christopher Thorn, his ships, and the members of his crews.


[Image: 2wfp8vs.jpg] Christopher Thorn
Born: July 3rd, 778 AS, Planet Nuremburg, Munich System, Rheinland Space
Genetic Profile: Libertonian/Rheinlander Mix
Current Age: 38 years old
Father: Kristof Schneider
Mother: Katherine Thorn

Christopher Thorn was born on Planet Nuremburg during the latter part of the 80 years' war. His father was, for the most part, non existent in his upraising due to constant deployment against GMG forces in Sigma 13. Raised solely by his mother - a retired employee of Orbital Spa & Cruise - Thorn was subjected to the poor and dangerous environment of Nuremburg's Industrial sector. When his father was given leave from the front lines, he would teach Thorn military strategies and combat techniques - always hoping that Thorn would secure himself a prestigious position within the Rheinland Military.

During the initial stages of the Nomad war, beginning in 795 AS, Rheinland Military agents working under the control of Nomads within the Military's upper ranks attempted to impose a lockdown on Nuremburg. The intent was to use the small, isolated populace of the planet in initial experiments to create nomad-human hybrids. Recognizing this as an unconventional and suspicious move by the military, Christopher Thorn formed a resistance militia from the locals, enciting a civil war with the rheinland military that endured for two long years. Despite numerous victories in individual skirmishes due to guerilla tactics, the Rheinland Military had seemingly endless reinforcements sent to Nuremburg by the week; in the end, there could be no real victory. Thorn evacuated most of those who had fought alongside him from the planet in freighters during a localized Ion storm, breaking through the Rheinland blockade and departing Rheinland Space.

After the 'escape', Thorn seperated from his fellow soldiers to go his own way. For four years he drifted through Sirius, performing odd jobs as a freelancing trader. During a convoy run to Kusari, his freighter's systems suffered critical failure due to disrepair, and he was stranded on Planet New Tokyo. It was there where he found the firefly-class transport ship he would come to name the "Tenacity" - The ship was repaired and purchased in 805 AS.

[Image: fel7q9.jpg] Rachel Coriolis
Born: Unknown, 790 AS, Southampton Shipyard, New London System, Bretonian Space
Genetic Profile: Bretonian
Current Age: 26 years old
Father: Unknown
Mother: Unknown

Rachel Coriolis was born in Bretonia to a poor family. She grew up on space stations and transport ships, and took an ever increasing interest in engineering and mechanic work - she had a knack for it, and with minimal assessment could repair almost any part of a ship with nothing more than a tube of synth-grease and a wrench.
During a trip aboard a transport vessel into kusari, Rachel found herself in serious debt to a local shipyard after her ship's captain could not pay for the parts she required to repair his vessel. Becoming the victim, Rachel was 'offered up' by the captain of the transport, and became an indentured servant to the shipyard owner - forced into hard slave labor and repairwork for the company at only 13 years old.

She grew attached to one vessel the shipyard contained in particular... a firefly class transport almost completely broken down, not much more than a scrap shell. She often 'hid' in the vessel to avoid beatings by the shipyard owner. When Christopher Thorn came along and bought the ship, she was devestated - the vessel she considered her 'home' was being taken right out from under her.
Her pleas to Thorn werent unheard, however. He enlisted her help in repairing the ship, and when he had finished the repairs Thorn let Rachel hide out onboard as he left the planet - freeing her from slavery. Since then, Rachel has vowed to never leave Thorn's side, and has proven a priceless contribution to the ship's success through her repair and mechanical expertise.

[Image: 2r614w6.jpg] John Dekker
Born: September 6th, 781 AS, Sheffield Station, Manchester System, Bretonian Space
Genetic Profile: Libertonian/Bretonian Mix
Current Age: 35 years old
Father: Tom Dekker
Mother: Mara Dekker

John dekker was born on Sheffield Station in the Manchester system. His parents were bounty hunters, his grandparents were bounty hunters, his sisters and brothers were bounty hunters... he learned the trade from a young age and quickly earned the respect of his fellow pilots as one of the most trigger-happy and bloodthirsty hunters around.
Dekker found himself increasingly dissapointed with the way the guild ran things, however. Most of his pay was taken by others, and he was constantly ordered to bring targets in 'alive' rather than being allowed to kill whoever got in his way. After years of such treatment, he left the guild and signed on with a small group of mercenaries - soldiers for hire.

Dekker fought in several small battles as a hired gun, and his mercenary group was even contracted as an insurgent team during the nomad war - tasked with seeking out and destroying nomad-infected personnel within liberty. Dekker didnt even realize who he was fighting for until after the war was over, when "The Order" became more well known to the public.

After the war, and after years without a decent paying job, Dekker found himself working as a lowly security guard for the docking ports on planet denver. It was there that he met Christopher Thorn, who hired him as a personal bodyguard. Dekker gained Thorn's trust over time and eventually came to be the 'second in command' of the Tenacity, as well as the ship's Gunner.

[Image: b4vwgx.jpg] Jace Dillon
Born: May 22nd, 784 AS, Planet Los Angeles, California System, Liberty Space
Genetic Profile: Libertonian
Current Age: 32 years old
Father: Thomas Dillon
Mother: Jessica Dillon

Jace Dillon grew up on Planet Los Angeles in the California system. He was born into a wealthy family and received the best education money could buy. Going along with his family's legacy, he signed on with Ageira Enterprises once his schooling was complete, and quickly became one of their top data analysts.
As his work load increased and pay decreased due to Ageira's embezzling ownership, Dillon quit the company and signed on with the Lane Hackers - ex Ageira employees that used their technical expertise to fight the company's corruption.

He worked with the hackers for almost a decade, but they slowly turned from a resistance group to nothing more than petty pirates and criminals - not someone Dillon wanted to be associated with. His skills and education were wasted on meager transport convoys when he could have been hacking into Ageira's network and tearing the company apart.
While on assignment at Leiden base in the Galileo system, Jace Dillon met the captain of a firefly class transport called the "Tenacity". The captain - Christopher Thorn - only had two crew members at the time, and none of them were qualified communications officers. Tired of poor treatment at the hands of the other Lane Hackers, Dillon signed on with Thorn's crew - and in short time proved himself a valuable member, able to hack into the trade lane network and intercept communications and information from other groups around liberty, which in turn lead to countless jobs for the ship to undertake.

[Image: wi3689.jpg] Kayla Myers
Born: January 9th, 794 AS, Planet Cambridge, Cambridge system, Bretonian Space
Genetic Profile: Bretonian/Hispania Mix
Current Age: 22 years old
Father: Unknown
Mother: Tamika Myers

Kayla's mother was raped when the research ship she was operating on was boarded by Corsair pirates. This information was kept from Kayla so as not to scar her youth, but being raised without a father was difficult - on mother and child alike.

Kayla excelled in xeno-archaeology courses during schooling on planet Cambridge, and despite her young age became one of the most respected artifact researchers within Bretonian space. During an excavation on Planet Chester, most of her research team was killed, and all of their equipment was lost, in an unidentified seismic anomaly. That event caused Bretonian companies to pull funding from Kayla's research, and her status within the educational community of Bretonia plummeted. Kayla was forced into early "retirement" before she was able to prove that the anomaly which killed her research associates was caused by the very thing they were researching.

Several years ago, while smuggling artifacts through Bretonia, Christopher Thorn and the crew of the tenacity stumbled upon Kayla working at the New London docks - she discovered their cargo, which was considered illegal contraband by Bretonian authorities. In exchange for her silence on the matter, Thorn allowed her to join the crew; and since then she has proven an invaluable asset when dealing with nomads and artifacts across Sirius.

Kayla became quick friends with Rachel Coriolis, and quickly fell into a relationship with Jace Dillon - finding an equally genius intellect among the rest of the crew.

[Image: 2jdf2qa.jpg] Dimitri Vostok
Born: November 4th, 779 AS, Planet Stuttgart, Stuttgart system, Rheinland Space
Genetic Profile: Unknown/Rheinlander Mix
Current Age: 37 years old
Father: Sivorsky Vostok
Mother: Olga Vostok

The Vostok family is of coalition descent - one of the few still in existence from the time of exile from Sol. During the coalition-alliance war, the Vostok family betrayed their comrades and joined the alliance - and they have been considered a disgraced bloodline by coalition and Sirius houses alike ever since.
Though their existence since the exile has been closely intertwined with that of Rheinland, and the blood line has become diluted with Rheinlander intermarriages, the Vostok family fights on to this to earn back their honor and respect.

Dimitri Vostok took up mercenary work at a young age, and fought alongside Christopher Thorn during the Nuremburg civil war. The two were close friends, but became seperated during the evacuation. It wasnt until Thorn began the formation of the Junker's Union at Bornholme Station that he met Dimitri once again - now working as an independently contracted mercenary for the Rheinland military, tasked with handling corsair and hessian violence in Dresden and Omega 15. He quickly burnt his contract with Rheinland after being asked by Thorn to join his crew and help with the founding of the Junker's Union. After securing a place within Thorn's crew, Dimitri sought out his younger sister and brought her aboard as well.

[Image: 2zxusms.jpg] Nika Vostok
Born: August 28th, 788 AS, Planet Stuttgart, Stuttgart system, Rheinland Space
Genetic Profile: Unknown/Rheinlander Mix
Current Age: 28 years old
Father: Sivorsky Vostok
Mother: Olga Vostok

Nika is Dimitri Vostok's younger sister. Up until Dimitri's invitation to serve with Thorn's crew, Nika was an acting security pilot for Synth Foods in the Stuttgart system, based out of planet Stuttgart. She is an excellent fighter pilot, and was a valuable asset in protecting Synth Foods shipments from LWB terrorists.

Now serving with Thorn and his crew, Nika has taken her place as Pilot of Thorn's ships, and has earned his full trust after getting the crew out of countless incidents with Rheinland Forces. Somewhat to Dimitri's disdain, Nika has fallen for Thorn, though he tries to keep like feelings towards her to private.

Honor and Greed - Tenacity - 08-13-2008

Death of the Tenacity

Personal Recount by Captain Christopher Thorn, Junker's Union

"Serves me right for hauling cardamine, every time I ship that garbage something goes wrong... anyhow, I'll set it from the start...

We picked up a shipment of Cardamine, two tons of orange, from Trafalgar. Someone needed it shipped out to Kreuzberg in a hurry and the Tenacity was the only ship available that could fill the job. I should have gone the omega route... at least the Corsairs dont give a rat's ass about contraband, they can be paid off - the same cant be said for liberty navy. No, instead I had to take the shortcut, I wanted this crap off my ship ASAP and the best route was through cali and tex.

We managed to avoid the liberty patrols all the way up to Texas, most of 'em tend to run on set patrol routes, and Dillon is a genius at finding them for us. When we jumped into Texas from Cali though, there was a patrol waitin. Someone had tipped them off, probably those damned stuckup OSC back in cortez, ramblin rat bastards. Anyhow, we were caught red handed and liberty's been really crackin down on the drugs lately. It aint even a "drop it and we'll leave you alone" anymore... nowdays they'll kill you for even carryin an ounce of synth, no questions asked. It's even worse if the cops get ahold of ya, they'll drag you down to sugarland and make you a slave for the rest of your being.

I had Nika make a run for it, we were close enough to the dallas dark matter clouds that we may have been able to lose them... maybe, if they hadnt've been so trigger-happy. As we got close to the edge of the cloud they blew out the port engine and sent us tumblin, we had no control over the ship and the dark matter cloud was pullin us in pretty quick-like.

The navy boys broke off, they knew we were done for; dark matter only takes minutes to eat your skin off if your ship dont have proper containment, and with the port wing and engine gone we didnt have no containment to speak of. I had no choice, I had to order an abandon ship; as much as I hate to leave my baby to that dark matter our lives were more important. Rachel was real torn up about it, she'd been livin on that ship before I even bought it, I still feel bad for her...

The seven of us piled up in the escape pod and detached from the Tenacity, leaving her to fall into that abyss of a cloud. The pod's thrusters were barely enough to keep it from getting sucked in along with the ship. We spent two days cramped up in that tin can before catchin a transport on the comms - a Junker's Congress vessel headin to puerto rico had picked us up on scanners and scooped up the pod.

We spent a couple more days on Vieques in Rico before we could book transport back down to Bornholme. The Junker's Union is still in it's infancy and I cant let my people start runnin amok thinkin they aint got nobody in charge anymore. 'Course... it aint easy runnin a fleet of salvagers when your own ship just got eaten by the Grande Negra.

Shuttin down the log, I got work to do. Hopefully we're able to secure another ship soon."

Honor and Greed - Tenacity - 08-13-2008

New Beginnings

Personal Recount by Captain Christopher Thorn, Junker's Union

"Couple weeks after we got back to Bornholme I got a report from one of our scouts out in the Walker - they'd found somethin out there, a ship... a big one. Well, bigger than usual. Borrowed one of the CSV's from the docks and went out to investigate.

That cloud always reminds me of cardamine... damned orangaid is nothin but trouble. Anyhow, the ship they'd found was an old Corsair blockade runner of sorts, part-transport and part-warship. Decent sized cargo hold but the sucker was loaded with armor plating, surprised it could even break Atmo with that kinda weight.

Took a few hours to get her back to the station where we could re-pressurize the hull and check out the innards. The ship was clean, escape pods had been launched - thank god for that, I hate boarding ships that've had rotting corpses in 'em for who knows how long, the stench is enough to make your bones melt. The ship had been disabled though, engines were completely fried, turrets had been blown off entirely, and there were over a dozen ruptures in the hull. Still, nothin a team o' dedicated junkers cant fix.

Rachel took charge, she loved fixin things and finally had a new ship she could call home... or would have, once she got this baby repaired. It took her and the Bornholme crew three weeks... here, lemme dig up her report-

Engineering Log, Rachel Coriolis:
"The hull was simple enough to patch up, cap'n had the Union haul in scrap metal for weld plates. We replaced the engines and manuvering thrusters with some that they salvaged from a few broken down transports a month or two back.
Didnt have much for guns around here, just some basic turrets, but Cap says he's on the lookout for some higher quality defense from the black market. Kreuzberg may turn up something, I dunno.]
The interior was a complete mess. With the hull ruptured, gas from the nebula was eatin away at everything. We tore out most of the innards, and replaced all the computer systems and databanks with supplies from Bornholme's stores. I found some nice velvety upholstry for the chairs on the Berlin market, we had one of our freighters go pick the stuff up. Cap'n says it's too luxurious for a junker ship, but I dont think you can ever be too luxurious, it's our home, y'know?
Once we get the wiring finished tomorrow the ship'll be ready to fly."

Excerpt End

"Anyhow, I've named 'er the "Midgard" after Dimitri suggested it. Those hessian names are always good, even if it is a corsair box o' bolts. She'll be my new personal ship until somethin better comes along, and she's got enough firepower and armor to serve as a guard for Bornholme until the Union starts getting more combat-worthy ships out here.

Shutting down log."

Honor and Greed - Tenacity - 08-17-2008

Machine Alliance transmission interface unit (X) - "Codename MAX"

[Image: n2ljme.jpg]

Construction Date: August 16th, 816 AS
Construction Location: Bornholme Depot, Omega-15
Assignment: Crewmember, JU-Midgard

"MAX" is a communications protocol artificial intelligence, tasked with maintaining a connection between the Junker's Union leadership and the Machine Alliance - Primarily the Harvester Units.

Through Max, Christopher Thorn is able to easily communicate with other non-organic intelligences within the machine alliance. Modifications made to Max's programming circuits by Jace Dillon also allow the unit to express limited control over non-machine-alliance mechanical entities.

Honor and Greed - Tenacity - 09-19-2008

With the disbanding of the Junker's Union, Thorn's latest ship - The JU-Midgard, Corsair Gunboat-Class Vessel - has been broken down for parts and scrap, and used to rebuild the remains of the Tenacity.

A one-week salvage operation was mounted to pull the Tenacity's wreckage from the dark matter clouds of Texas. It was hauled to Vieques Shipyard in puerto rico for repair. All electrical and computer systems, both engines, the primary reactor, thruster, life support, and hull plating were repaired at Vieques using parts from the Midgard.

The ship is scheduled to launch in 48 hours, once again under the command of Thorn and his crew, to resume it's freelancing operations.

Kayla Myers has chosen to take leave from Thorn's crew, securing herself a position as head of the recently founded Atka Xenoarchaeology Organization.

MAX has been dismantled, his virtual intelligence unit returned to the Harvesters to be rebuilt under their control.

Honor and Greed - Tenacity - 09-19-2008

The Tenacity has two decks, upper and lower - layout is as follows:

[Image: jj2r06.jpg]

A - Cockpit. Contains the Pilot and Gunnery stations of the ship.
Piloting station: Nika Vostok (Pilot)
Gunnery station: John Decker (Gunner)

The Tenacity, in it's repair, has been outfitted with improved hull plating, eight standard transport-grade photon-burst cannons, and improved actuators allowing for increased manuverability.

B - Stairwell to lower deck (Cargo bay).

C - Commons area. Contains a central table where crew meals are held, a side kitchen area where meals are cooked (top left), a ladder to a top hatch on the ship (bottom left), and a crew lounge area (bottom right).

D - Stairwell to lower deck (Crew Quarters).

E - "Engine" room. Contains the reactor which powers the ship's systems.

The previous BMM optical-based reactor core has been replaced with the Daumann superconductor reactor, pulled from the Midgard during it's dismantle; allowing for increased power output, more resilient life support systems, and improved shielding capacity.

[Image: 6jiqms.jpg]

A - Stairwell from upper deck.

B - Cargo Hold. The main entrance and airlock of the ship are at the front of the hold.

C - Stairwell from upper deck.

D - Crew Quarters. Five rooms total, Nika Vostok and Christopher Thorn share the captain's room. Contains two small, triangular supply storage rooms. Also contains the sole toilet/shower aboard the ship.


<Repair & Refit schematic release from Vieques Shipyards>

[Image: sheet67sm.jpg]