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What's wrong with mining? - Printable Version

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What's wrong with mining? - Tenacity - 08-13-2008

I just started trying to mine the scrap field at bornholme again, and I'm only getting 1 peice of scrap metal per can...

Back before I 'quit', the cans at bornholme would regularly drop 18-36 or so scrap metal each...

This severely screws with the faction i'm trying to start, as our primary income is from that scrap field =/ What's causing this? new FLhook changes?

What's wrong with mining? - Tanker - 08-13-2008

The same thing happened to me when I was mining ice for water..I later found out there were a bunch of hackers (not Lane Hackers) in NY. I went back to same field the next day and it was back to normal.

What's wrong with mining? - mjolnir - 08-13-2008

well that field is the 4.84 version of Harris-McDuff... so I don't feel sorry for you.

What's wrong with mining? - Tenacity - 08-14-2008

' Wrote:well that field is the 4.84 version of Harris-McDuff... so I don't feel sorry for you.

it's the only place in sirius where junkers can actually make a decent profit junking... be glad we're not all running diamond-niobium routes.

What's wrong with mining? - Banza - 08-14-2008

That field is diferent than Harris-Battleship.And no one still earn zillions at that field,unlike Tau 31 powertrading.

What's wrong with mining? - Tenacity - 08-14-2008


back when I had my firefly transport (3495 cargo) it took around half an hour to get a full cargo hold, roughly - and a full hold would make under 2 million credits (1.9 or somewhere around there). It's not even close to powertrading, and it takes a lot more 'paying attention' to mine than it does to set a waypoint and hit F3 a few times.

That field is critical to the faction I'm trying to run - we're supposed to be the 'legal' junkers, focusing entirely on salvaging and mining operations over smuggling and piracy. If our field gets taken away, we're shot back to smuggling again.

What's wrong with mining? - Taffic - 08-14-2008

' Wrote:well that field is the 4.84 version of Harris-McDuff... so I don't feel sorry for you.
I sorta agree, even though its my own kind that is suffering here.

I've mined the odd freighter load & I felt the same shame as when I did the Harris-McDuff trade run.

What's wrong with mining? - mjolnir - 08-14-2008

You know when I accidentally passed by last time... I saw Liberty Cruiser, COrsair GBs and 2 transports.... all happily mining together.. talking about new games coming out, what's the best capship etc....

so basically same thing as Harris-McDuff

EDIT: And just so you know there are many places where junkers can earn A LOT of money by some well chosen piracy. (of NPCs)

You shoot the pods on transport hauling goods that are sold for 1000 a piece just next door. No problem to earn 2-3 mil per 15 minutes.. while having fun instead of shooting rocks around...

What's wrong with mining? - Drake - 08-14-2008

Why shouldn't Junkers be able to make money junking, rather than pirating NPC depots or power-trading? Especially since it pays out less than several power-trade routes. It's nothing like Harris/McDuff which could pay out over 2mil in 5 minutes.

What's wrong with mining? - Tenacity - 08-14-2008

Quote:You know when I accidentally passed by last time... I saw Liberty Cruiser, COrsair GBs and 2 transports.... all happily mining together.. talking about new games coming out, what's the best capship etc....

so basically same thing as Harris-McDuff

Obviously I wasnt around when that happened. Back when I was first trying to start the Junker's Union I saw a lot of that and it didnt take me but a week and a few kills to kick everyone into line.

Once we get established, there will be no OOC going on there, and just because a few people have abused it doesnt mean we should lose profit from the field entirely.

Quote:You shoot the pods on transport hauling goods that are sold for 1000 a piece just next door. No problem to earn 2-3 mil per 15 minutes.. while having fun instead of shooting rocks around...

Once per server restart for those transports, they always seem to be looted by the time I get around there.


Nevermind, I was talking about the derelict transports next to bornholme, while you were referring to blasting pods off of NPC's...

That wont happen, it's very OORP behavior and exploits NPC cargo without altering your rep. Why are you trying to force us into doing something OORP when we have (or had) a completely RP solution to our monetary problems that fit with the faction we play?