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Omicron's notice, Skype - Printable Version

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Omicron's notice, Skype - Omicron - 03-05-2014

So today it went completely unnusuable, lagging my PC, freezing or entirely crashing at will. It took me 3 hours to backup my contact list, clear out said contacts from 70% of people, remove my chat history (500 mb) and restore Skype into more or less usable status, without delaying my messages by at least 30 minutes or so.

Not only that, somehow dealth with all the annoying adds that suddenly popped up (they were not the case before the incident) and managed to cut them away without turning Skype into useless, virtually scorched app. Feels like winning a classic boss battle on hardcore mode.

So yeah... I might've deleted someone important from disco. No offense.

RE: Omicron's notice, Skype - Kazinsal - 03-05-2014

I just got a skype "update" pushed today that did the same thing. Ended up installing an older version and blocking all skype updates.

100% disk usage while Skype is on is not acceptable.

RE: Omicron's notice, Skype - Omicron - 03-05-2014

Not sure we can post links to such stuff but here it is anyway.

That was my solution to the advertisements. Works very well except it had me to run Internet Explorer again... Final effect was worth the effort anyway.

RE: Omicron's notice, Skype - Luke. - 03-05-2014

And the adverts. Oh god, the adverts.

Back to a previous version as well. 6.9 is working fine for me.

RE: Omicron's notice, Skype - Tyler - 03-05-2014

(03-05-2014, 12:19 AM)Omicron Wrote: someone important from disco.

We're all the scum of the earth. No-one, literally NO-ONE on Disco is important.

RE: Omicron's notice, Skype - 7AlphaOne1 - 03-05-2014

I suggewst you all use skype on androids, as I do. can use it also while you are in game(powergaming/ metagaming , whatever)

RE: Omicron's notice, Skype - Jansen - 03-05-2014

Still running 5.something, hopefully it will be supported a bit longer, did you set your chat history do autodelete every week or so? Because 500 MB of history seems to be a lot.

RE: Omicron's notice, Skype - Omicron - 03-05-2014

[Image: 676102d1330029702-ot-california-haters-g...62-580.jpg]

Edit: Where did Aviv's post go?

RE: Omicron's notice, Skype - Tyler - 03-05-2014

His post was captured and executed by 50,000 Order marines.

RE: Omicron's notice, Skype - Ichiru - 03-05-2014

Skype for linux isn't too bad, but then again it's so light it can't do quotes properly