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Dayz Epoch - Chernarus - Printable Version

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Dayz Epoch - Chernarus - Errant.Venture - 03-07-2014

Hey Disco Community,

GTX Gaming shutdown all Origins servers due to an issue regarding the Main Developer of Origins absconding with donation money. Due to this unfortunate event, GTX gave us an Epoch server for 4 months to compensate us. If you like playing dayz epoch give us a try:
Server IP:

The basic stuff:

-Custom Anti-Cheat
-New spawns Halo Drop in
-Starter Loadout - MP5 / M9
-Veteran settings, no crosshairs
-Krixes Self Blood Bag
-Build Snap
-AI missions and random events
-UK Based Server
-166 Ping from the US(Colorado) on 3mb connection
-Anyone can join / play how they wish to play. Bandit, Hero, Merc, etc.

Tidbits about the Epoch Mod:
-Custom buildings / can actually build
-AI Vendors / Traders
-Vehicles can be locked to secure your loot
-Larger weapon base
-More Vehicles
-Tame dogs

Admins on our server are myself(Tereus), JBJ, and Magnus if you need help.

RE: Dayz Origins - - Anyone Play? - Sabru - 03-08-2014

do people actually still play the mod version?


RE: Dayz Origins - - Anyone Play? - Errant.Venture - 03-09-2014

Yes. Mainly because the standalone is complete crap, and using an pre-alpha Arma 3 engine. The most prevalent dayz mods for Arma 2 Combined Ops are Origins / Overwatch / Epoch. I think its Epoch / Overwatch for Arma 3 as well.

RE: Dayz Origins - - Anyone Play? - Sabru - 03-09-2014

(03-09-2014, 02:36 AM)Errant.Venture Wrote: Mainly because the standalone is complete crap,
1. I, and a lot of people round the world, would beg to differ. the standalone is far superior than the mod.

2. there is no 2.

RE: Dayz Origins - - Anyone Play? - nOmnomnOm - 03-09-2014

I play the DayZ mod!
DayZ commander yeah?

RE: Dayz Origins - - Anyone Play? - Errant.Venture - 03-09-2014

Yes Dayz Commander.

Server IP if you have origins:

The standalone has better graphics and an interesting weapon system. The Origins mod has custom vehicles which can be upgraded, submarines, post-apocalyptic mad-max style vehicles, multi-level / tier bases, more lootable buildings, AI missions / patrols, Helicopters, etc. While I personally like Epoch's building system, Origins is growing on me.

RE: Dayz Origins - - Anyone Play? - utrack - 03-09-2014

Join the Wrecking Epoch Napf if anyone's playing Epoch. ^^

RE: Dayz Origins - - Anyone Play? - Errant.Venture - 03-10-2014

I'll Check it out Utrack. I've been playing Medevac in my blackhawk...

RE: Dayz Origins - - Anyone Play? - nOmnomnOm - 03-10-2014

I might actually join u Errant Smile

Where is the server located?

RE: Dayz Origins - - Anyone Play? - Errant.Venture - 03-10-2014

The server is hosted by Gtxgaming - UK. I'm not sure on the exact location, I'm thinking London? / But it works because its bearable ping from US ( 175 max for me on 5mb DSL). I could backtrack it if I was motivated enough. All I know is that Most Euro's get less then 80 ping, Server Owner / Main admin is in Denmark and He averages 75, Sweden gets no more then 25 because of their ridiculously epic infrastructure, Highest I've seen was 275, from a guy in Texas.

If you do join, I'm rocking a hero level 2 group atm, and we are ridiculously well supplied, so when you log on then just look for Tereus and I'll help you get kitted. Sadly, the german's haven't been logged in a week or so, so outside the AI missions / patrols, its relatively peaceful.

EDIT: We have a skype group set up atm, so if you want in / do decide to play, add me, and I'll drag you in the call. Goal is, once the majority of our group can actually spot the AI shooting at them, is to raid salvation city...although I saw this ridiculous video where a guy suicide HALO dropped into the area with the DC3, and just sat there until the AI ran out of ammo, then ran around and hatcheted them all in the face...tempted to do that.