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Notice to all Kempeitai cells. CC: Kusari Naval Forces - Printable Version

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Notice to all Kempeitai cells. CC: Kusari Naval Forces - Redacted.Member1-2 - 03-08-2014

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Project "Storm God" has been approved and the prototypes are now on Matsue Base for testing. The units are to be deployed for field testing by Kempeitai agents and approved Naval Personnel before full scale deployment. We do not trust the integrity of the technology without prior testing.

Technical staff are to monitor all onboard systems, and black box data is to be transmitted in real time. Repair vessels should be kept handy in-case of unforeseen system failures.

You are to actively seek out engagement with Blood Dragon, Outcast, and Liberty Rogue vessels in order to verify combat performance against known enemy combat vessels. In addition, you are to engage in mock engagements under live-fire conditions when applicable.

That will be all.

[Source Redacted]

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RE: Notice to all Kempeitai cells. CC: Kusari Naval Forces - Sonoshee - 03-08-2014

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operative 'SONOSHEE' reporting. The prototype has been acquired and deployed for field tests. Further information will be transferred to the KPT central data banks.

Sonoshee out.

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RE: Notice to all Kempeitai cells. CC: Kusari Naval Forces - Sol - 03-08-2014


Sender ID: Taiyouji Jiro, Santo Kaisa of the Naval Forces
Receiver ID: Unknown Address
Subject: The Field Tests and Initial Successes

Konnichiwa, this is Taiyouji Jiro of the primaries, serving in New Tokyo.

I've received this message in my inbox this morning, and I suppose it was not here by mistake.

We have tested the vessel before it was revealed, on a few outcasts and junkers, and so far it proved sufficient. However, there are some concerns I have to warn you with, so listen carefully.

While the Raijin is durable, with enough energy core that makes it viable for a supporting role when we want to keep the enemy bothered, compared to the Chimaera it is also a lot less maneuverable and it is a lot more easy for it to get hit. On the plus side, you'll be feeling those hits a lot less, as the armor was upgraded immensely at the cost of the agility and size advantage.

Chimaera still seems more advantageous when you look at it from a purely fighting perspective in the hands of an experienced pilot, but Raijin will be able to stay in the field a lot longer. All in all, I can safely say that it's not worse than anything we have to face daily, or potentially could face in the future.

Be very careful when you're against fast weapons, and when you are outnumbered. Flying this vessel and the Chimaera you all got used to are matters as different as Heaven and Earth.

Be safe. Taiyouji out.