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To:Admiral Michelle O’Brian - Printable Version

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To:Admiral Michelle O’Brian - myg0t33 - 03-09-2014

To:Admiral Michelle O’Brian.
Subject: Requested Report on Yesterday’s Events.

Good day Ma’am,

As request a report of the events from Yesterday. It started in New London when I started my Watch. On arrival I met up with a new BPA Officer call sign Pixel. He asked if I would show him the ropes. So I decided to go on a Patrol as I explained what our duties were. As I jumped in to Cambridge a strange event occurred, I blacked out and when I recovered consciousness I found that I had been catapulted across the system and now was 50k south of HMS Norfolk. I regained communications with Pixel and found that he was still by the Jump Gate. From discussions with him only a minute had passed by since I jumped in to Cambridge. I told him to meet me at Norfolk.

As I neared Norfolk I detected a Corsair Dreadnought on Scanners. I decided to head towards him. At the same time as arrived in his vicinity, he was bypassing Norfolk at the time, I also detected a BAF Fighter in the same area. Shortly after a whole BAF Fleet (I say a Fleet it was probably about 5 Ships) came on scanners and it seemed that they were chasing the Corsair. Pixel and I proceeded to shut down the TLs to stop him escaping. HMS Thunderer, which turned out to be a Battleship, was ordering the Corsair to cut his engines. The Corsair continued to head to the Omega 3 Jump Gate and was eventually destroyed by the Thunderer. Pixel managed to pick up the Bretonian Pilots that had been captured and successfully delivered them to the Hospitals on New London.

After this we headed back in to New London to carry on patrolling. Just after arriving in NL I was contacted by HMS Matilda and told that a large Gallic Fleet had been detected in Magellan. I was also told a large Libertonian Fleet was assembling in California. With this Pixel and I headed to Magellan. I was told that a Bretonian Fleet was being assembled and that they would be making their way to aid the Libertonians.

Just as we arrived at Liverpool Border Station a Trader started broadcasting over System Wide Channels that we were being invaded by Outcasts. I had to inform him that they were deemed as ‘friendly’ within Bretonia. This still did not seem to placate him much but I had more pressing things to worry about. At this time an Outcast Fighter turned up and after a few pleasantries proceeded to jump in to Magellan. There still wasn’t any sign of the Bretonian Fleet, so Pixel and I proceeded in to Magellan and headed to Freeport 4.

On arrival there the only ship we could detect was a Valor sitting approximately 5k away. HMS Matilda was informed and we said that we would keep track of it. The Valor decided to engage Cruise engines and try and make an escape back towards the Leeds Jump Hole. Both Pixel and I managed to keep the Valor out of Cruise. It carried on making a beeline to the Jump Hole whilst pouring heavy fire power and both Pixel and I. After a time Matilda was spotted on scanners but wasn’t close enough to engage before the Valor jumped. I believe Matilda continued to follow but I couldn’t be certain of this.

Pixel and I decided to head back to Freeport 4 to assist in the battle. At this time an Ion Storm hit Magellan and through everything in to confusion.
Once the Ion Storm had abated and I found my bearings again I carried on to Freeport 4. Here I found Pixel and after a discussion we decided to help out the Libetonians who, by now, were in a big battle with the Gallics about 9k away from the Freeport.

It didn’t take long until I was involved in dog fights with many fighters and bombers. There were big explosions all around. The amount of communications flying around made it impossible to follow the ebb and flow of the battle. There were many Capital Ships around and I believe that were all Libertonian, but I couldn’t be sure as everything was a blur.

At one stage I was chasing a Gallic Bomber and I obviously became very blinkered to my surroundings *makes mental note to self not to allow this happen again* because when I looked at my scanner all I could see was a sea of red. The crafty Gaul had led me to where they were all amassing. I decided it was time to get out of the frying pan and headed back to the Freeport and hopefully the safety of the Fleet. One of their Pilots seems very tenacious as he stuck to me like excrement on your shoe. His name was Maurice Icecream or something similar. Once I arrived back at the fleet I noticed a Bretonian ship, HMS Matilda, and proceeded to head towards it.

Shortly afterwards the whole of the Gallic Fleet arrived again and it became another hectic mess of shooting and evasion. Not long after this HMS Matilda was destroyed. Yet again I was on the tail of a Gallic Fighter and after a while I found that we were quite away from the main fight. I also noticed that I had a Gallic Gun Boat on my tail. The fighter took me past Mactans Base (I managed to avoid its fire power) and seemed to be heading to the Cortez Jump Hole. Seeing as I wasn’t going to be able to stop the Fighter escaping and I also had a GB on my tail I decided to ‘bug out’ and head back to New London.

I must admit I was surprised I survived this fight as the firepower from the Battleships was as much danger to me as it was to the enemy.

Once I entered in to Manchester I met up with your ship with 2 other BAF ships just sat there talking to a Libertonain Warship and discussing that it should be escorted to the Cortez Jump Gate.

To precise this report – we got our butts well and truly kicked. I survive but from the wrecks I say lots didn’t. My respect goes to HMS Matilda and her crew as this was the only Bretonian Ship I saw until I re-entered Manchester (I hope most if not all survived). I am not assuming that there wasn’t any others engaged in the fights but it was all a big blur and I couldn’t see everything. I am not sure that this is in my job description and maybe I should become a farmer, I believe it is a much safer life style.


Waldorf Salad.