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The Blood League || WIP - Soul Reaper - 03-10-2014

[Image: QpRrEil.png]

The Blood League

The history of the Blood Dragons dates back to the fourth century, to the fall of the Hideyoshi Dynasty. Since then they have carved their path in blood, tirelessly trying to take down whatever the Kusari Government administration might be at the time in order to bring back the old way of the Shogunates. It was not until the fall of the Itagaki Shogunate did the Blood Dragons truly lose their resolve and unity, splintering into multiple Shogunates with their own agendas and desires. The Dragons continued to exist in chaos until some of them realized that in order to reach their objectives, unity was required once again. Thus, Three of the existing Blood Dragon Shoguns gave up their independent rule to create a pact known as the Blood League.

The Shoguns of the Blood League have rechristened the names of their Shogunates to leave their family names behind, they are now the Blood, Judgement and Shadow Shogunates. Each Shogunate having their own methods, disciplines and principles yet united under one banner -the banner of the Blood League- in order to achieve their greatest desire, overthrowing the current Kusarian government and creating a single united Kusari Shogunate.

The Blood Shogunate (血幕府)

Blood, War and Glory. The three principles on which the Shogunate of Blood has been constructed upon, to them, honor is combat. They know not the feeble power of diplomacy, care of useless politics or clandestine time-wasting, the Blood Shogunate warriors are born and bred to wage open war, they kill, destroy and completely annihilate their enemies in the name of their Shogun. They live for battle and rejoice at the clash of laser and shield; just like any Dragon, their sole wish is to die an honorable death in service to their Shogun. The Blood Shogunate was formerly known as the Mimoshidiro Shogunate and is still led by Shogun Hiro Mimoshidiro, infamously known as the Shinigami of Kusari.

Ranks: Minarai, Senshi, Sencho, Masuta

Shogunate History

The Blood Shogunate -or, the Mimoshidiro Shogunate- has a dark and grim past of both external and internal bloodshed. It is one of the most ancient unities of Blood Dragons and has changed name as well as its allegiance many times, it was founded upon martial prowess and discipline, each warrior having the chance to reign supreme as Shogun if they believed their capabilities enough to take on the ruling Shogun’s house in honorable conflict and succeeded in doing so. This internal conflict had subsided with the formation of the high Itagaki Shogunate that had total power over the entirety of the Blood Dragons. With the fall of the Itagaki Shogunate the tradition continued yet with the forming of the Blood League, would be near impossible as both the Judgement and Shadow Shogunates are honor-bound to defend the ruling Blood Shogun just as the Blood Shogunate would in turn defend the other two. The past names of the Blood Shogunates, no matter what they were, have always favored open combat both in space and on ground. Their warriors are indoctrinated from birth to young adulthood to be ruthless, unforgiving and immensely competitive.

They see war and general conflict as a necessity and acknowledge it as the highest of honors. This has led to the Blood Shogunate warriors making decisions and taking actions that would be seen as dishonorable to other Dragons yet as a pursuit of war, would be accepted within the Shogunate’s own ranks. Seemingly contrary to their traditions, throughout the centuries the entirety of the Shogunate has displayed fierce loyalty to their Shoguns since each Shogun is a master of combat both in space and on the ground as well as being known as efficient, dedicated and great commanders. A challenge of the Blood Shogun’s right to rule only happens when a majority of the Blood Warriors think that the Shogun is inefficient and his actions betray the Shogunate’s own honor and glory.

The Shogunate also has a comparatively -to other Shogunates- large amount of capital vessels that have been passed down by the generations, each one is held in high regards as their firepower excels that of any fighter and have all been used in glorious fleet combat.

The Judgement Shogunate (判決幕府)

Judgement, Wisdom and Honor. The Shogunate of Judgement is one of wisdom and clarity, their warriors know what they fight for yet unlike their brothers that yearn for blood, they know when not to draw a sword, they are thoughtful with their strategy to victory. Above all they are righteous and honorable to the core of their beings and will never do anything they see as wrong or dishonorable. The Judgement Shogunate was formerly known as the LASTNAME Shogunate and is led by the Wise Shogun NAME LASTNAME.

Ranks: Forowa, Gakusei, Kyoshi, Sensei

The Shadow Shogunate (影幕府)

Stealth, Secrecy and Vigilance. The Shogunate of Shadows is clouded in a shroud of secrecy, their history is known only to their own members. Just like their brothers in Blood, they are born and bred to kill, yet in a different manner. The Shadow Shogunate prefers the dagger rather than the sword, they are patient, cunning and precise. Shadow Shogunate Ninjas are trained to hunt and kill their prey without being noticed and in this way they are also adept at gathering intelligence for the Shogunate and the League. Their members’ real names are unknown to even other League Dragons and although their means of reaching their objective can be questioned, it is believed that just like their brothers, they strive for a united Kusari. Formerly known as the LASTNAME Shogunate, they are still believed to be led by the only Ninja whose name is public knowledge, Shogun NAME LASTNAME.

Ranks: Ninja


  • Gas Miners Guild
  • Golden Chrysanthemums

  • The Order

  • Everyone Else

  • Corsairs
  • Kishiro Technologies
  • Outcasts

  • Bounty Hunters Guild
  • The Exiles
  • Farmer's Alliance
  • Hogosha
  • Kempeitai
  • Kusari Naval Forces
  • Kusari State Police
  • Samura Industries


Faction Tag: R/ , Ryuu| (The R simply stands for Ryuu, Dragon.)
Faction ID: Blood Dragons
Faction IFF: Blood Dragons

Zone of Influence/Interest: Kusari and systems Bordering Kusari

Used Vessels: Blood Dragon Ships
Used Equipment: Blood Dragon Weaponry, Codename Weaponry, General Sirius Equipment

Feedback, ooRP Stuff

So since activity in Kusari seems to be going up and actually somehow staying up, I've noticed that the entirety of one of the "sides" in kusari has fallen completely on a single GC faction. So, lo-and-behold, my Blood Dragon Faction Idea.

It's obviously a work-in-progress and is mostly an incomplete draft. The history needs to be extended on, the diplomacy will probably need tweaking since I'm not sure I got all of that right (which, is based on previous dragon factions). Of course, any advancement from here on will probably be influenced by any feedback I get here. So yeah, ask your questions and relay your ideas if you will.

Also something that I will need help on, if anyone would kindly oblige, is the Japanese wording, I did some quick translations to find the ranks and such, they probably won't make sense or are just outright wrong translations in the context given. Oh also, if you find any grammar mistakes or typos or anything, let me know.

And yeah, if you're interested in taking an active part in the faction or have anything else to say, find me on skype.

RE: The Blood League || WIP - Redacted.Member1-2 - 03-10-2014

Do note. That the current state of Kusari internal affairs is... quite a bit more complicated then it appears on the surface.

About a half dozen Dragon factions and groups have come and gone since the NovaPG. Most of them were mindless pvp groups. This is sounding more and more like the latter.

I caution you to ensure you can RP as much, and indeed much more, than you can PvP. If so, we will be happy to reciprocate. Make sure to avoid the pitfalls that Kusari factions tend to face: cliqueism and closed-mindedness.

Otherwise, I bid you good luck.

RE: The Blood League || WIP - Euca - 03-10-2014

Ahem, so:

The Blood Dragons are based upon the Kamakura Period, so peraps read up on their way of their life you're gonna do a BD faction.

Secondly, Corsairs should be hostile, Outcasts neutral-unfriendly and you're secretly allied with the GMG.

Finally, RP is a major part of the BD. PvP is good, but they have a tragic and noble backstory. Don't waste that on pews.

EDIT: Kishiro should be shunned in Unfriendly

RE: The Blood League || WIP - Kazinsal - 03-10-2014

So what are you going to do to stick around and make a statement that the other Blood Dragons are not doing?

RE: The Blood League || WIP - Thexare - 03-10-2014

The idea at its core seems sound, particularly the part about trying to unify the Dragons after the (very obvious in and out of RP) divisions. NWO and whoever's behind the Kempeitai account have sound concerns, though.

Kusari is complicated (read: screwy), so it may take some work to get everything straight. I'd suggest contacting someone that's more familiar with the Dragons to work through the details before going too much further with this

It's a niche that needs to be filled, just make sure you do it right.

RE: The Blood League || WIP - Lythrilux - 03-10-2014

Looks good, though I warn you that the road of maintaining blood dragon groups isn't easy, and a lot of them tend to fall. Otherwise, I can simply say good luck. It'd be nice to see more pirates in Kusari alongside JM.
Oh, also, I suggest to maaaaaaybe lay off the katanas for now. People will be a lot of more inclined to play with your group if you're killable.

RE: The Blood League || WIP - 7AlphaOne1 - 03-10-2014

I like the idea. skyped you

RE: The Blood League || WIP - Ryummel - 03-10-2014

Gonna yell rickroll over system chat?

RE: The Blood League || WIP - Soul Reaper - 03-10-2014

(03-10-2014, 05:30 AM)Kempeitai Wrote: Do note. That the current state of Kusari internal affairs is... quite a bit more complicated then it appears on the surface.

About a half dozen Dragon factions and groups have come and gone since the NovaPG. Most of them were mindless pvp groups. This is sounding more and more like the latter.

I caution you to ensure you can RP as much, and indeed much more, than you can PvP. If so, we will be happy to reciprocate. Make sure to avoid the pitfalls that Kusari factions tend to face: cliqueism and closed-mindedness.

Otherwise, I bid you good luck.

(03-10-2014, 05:33 AM)New_World_Order Wrote: Ahem, so:

The Blood Dragons are based upon the Kamakura Period, so peraps read up on their way of their life you're gonna do a BD faction.

Secondly, Corsairs should be hostile, Outcasts neutral-unfriendly and you're secretly allied with the GMG.

Finally, RP is a major part of the BD. PvP is good, but they have a tragic and noble backstory. Don't waste that on pews.

EDIT: Kishiro should be shunned in Unfriendly

Ah, thank you. I wasn't sure exactly where to put Kishiro since I've never actually seen any dragon player ever interact with a kishiro one before. As for the GMG, seems to have been a mistake on my end, pushed up to allied. As for the Corsairs, I've actually seen the previous (non-official) dragon faction show a sort of..neutrality towards corsairs at times, and it is my belief that Vanilla Dragon lore simply puts them hostile with the corsairs because the Dragons were on the Outcast side of the hispanic war. That obviously isn't the case nor has it been for a while, I'd rather reflect that for the League.

I'll also presume that by "PvP and RP" you mean Non-lethal/Conversational RP and combative/PvP-based RP specifically.

Dragons do have a tragic and noble backstory..of blood. Both lore and roleplay dictate that a Blood Dragon's main focus will be near the PvP aspect of RP. Non-PvP would obviously also play a large part, we can't just create resources out of nowhere nor can we simply kill our way to our objective, politics/diplomacy/assassination(something that can't actually be done in a real sense with ingame-pvp)/propaganda/etc will be needed in order to secure and defend a political foothold within the Kusarian government (secretly) and in the minds of the Kusarian citizenry.

(03-10-2014, 05:38 AM)Kazinsal Wrote: So what are you going to do to stick around and make a statement that the other Blood Dragons are not doing?

Do you mean Story or Player-wise?

Player-wise (which I assume would be a faction), what other Blood Dragons? There aren't any.

Story-wise, the Dragons have no real hierarchy at the moment, they're all separated into their own groups, there's not a single one that controls the rest (no official faction or even an indi one). The League is the union of 3 of these Shogunates, they are no different from other Dragons except for the fact that they realize they must unite once more in order to reach their objective. By using that kind of lore (instead of a faction that has a central hierarchy) I leave any indi Dragons to their own devices in a realistic sense.

(For example even though the [LN] or [KNF] might have their Fleet Admirals, indis don't -actually- have to care about their orders rule-wise, though if based on reality, they would be required to. So by using this backstory for the League, we'd have no realism-based control over other non-League dragons)

(03-10-2014, 05:57 AM)Thexare Wrote: The idea at its core seems sound, particularly the part about trying to unify the Dragons after the (very obvious in and out of RP) divisions. NWO and whoever's behind the Kempeitai account have sound concerns, though.

Kusari is complicated (read: screwy), so it may take some work to get everything straight. I'd suggest contacting someone that's more familiar with the Dragons to work through the details before going too much further with this

It's a niche that needs to be filled, just make sure you do it right.

Indeed it is screwy, hence my reasons of never actually playing there (other than very short periods of time for the sake of blue messages) in my entire 6+ years of Discovery. But things -seem- to be changing, might as well take my chances.

And yeah I'll be needing someone (or multiple) with extensive dragon history to help me, I have a few in mind, though I'm not sure if they would actually care enough.

(03-10-2014, 08:47 AM)Lythrilux Wrote: Looks good, though I warn you that the road of maintaining blood dragon groups isn't easy, and a lot of them tend to fall. Otherwise, I can simply say good luck. It'd be nice to see more pirates in Kusari alongside JM.
Oh, also, I suggest to maaaaaaybe lay off the katanas for now. People will be a lot of more inclined to play with your group if you're killable.

Dragons are far from being common pirates, they don't pirate for the sake of becoming rich, they do it -in their perspective- for the greater good. And uhh, I wouldn't say it'd be "nice" for you guys to see us ingame. Since the League will put down any slavers or cardamine smugglers without remorse. But ye, I guess the interactions would be interesting, given the Dragon's current political/diplomatical stance with the factions in the ZoI.

RE: The Blood League || WIP - Soul Reaper - 03-10-2014

(03-10-2014, 12:08 PM)Ryummel Wrote: Gonna yell rickroll over system chat?

He he he. Ruymel shhhh.