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TO: ALL SHIPS IN LIBERTY SPACE, GBS Pilots, CR Pilots - Printable Version

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TO: ALL SHIPS IN LIBERTY SPACE, GBS Pilots, CR Pilots - [GBS]Spades - 03-10-2014

**Source: GBS CC
**Sender: Major D. Montaan
**Recipient(s): GBS ALL, Colonial Republic High Command, Independent traders
**CC: BAF Admiralty (for reference)


In light of recent unchecked acts of piracy within the area and the apparent inability or disinterest of Naval and Police forces to combat this threat, we are reclassifying ALL Liberty Systems as HIGHLY UNSAFE for transit of cargo, recommending vessels consider a longer but safer route for transportation of goods.

Official GBS tradeships are being rerouted to destinations via Tau and Omega systems where pirate activity is significantly lower. We would respectfully recommend that Colonial ships follow suit where required to prevent unnecessary loss/damage, but this is a decision for their High Command.

All other ships are free to do as they wish of course, but we would strongly recommend that Liberty space is avoided to prevent expensive cargo loss and repair payments.

GBS ships may be able to provide addtional escort - up to the class agreed by inter-house laws - for any freighters who have no choice but to do business in Liberty and wish for addtional protection.
Please contact us with your requirements if this is the case.

This situation will be monitored on an ongoing basis. Classification may change again depending on further developments.

Major Davian "Spades" Montaan
3IC Golden Blades Squadron