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New newbie system? - Printable Version

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New newbie system? - Bulldog. - 03-11-2014

So Liberty is really full of players that just start of in Disco with 0 RP and 0 idea of disco it self.So this leads to little RP in most cases with in Liberty...

So what if there was a system made just for new chars.You undock from the station with only 5 one way JH that lead to the home systems of each house.Thus spreading new players out into disco.The system can have basic mining and other basic things so players can learn basic ropes etc

I know some players will refer to /restart commands but most new players does not know of these commands when starting out.The idea is just to help spread new players out into other houses creating activity everywhere.

The idea is just basic and can be improved.This is why is up for discussion.

RE: New newbie system? - sindroms - 03-11-2014

Admins should be online more to deal with said players.

The players without zero sense of RP are those, who haven't bothered to look up any information about the server. I doubt they will follow any of our rules even if we force-feed them with a newbie system.

Those wishing to improve themselves will do it via forum material or PMing people ingame. It happens.

Those who do not, simply do not care. And neither they would care about your attemtps or mine.

RE: New newbie system? - Nightingale - 03-11-2014

Honestly, I find it to be a good, if basic, idea. The problem would be the location of said system. Would it be central? If so, it's essentially Liberty, which means there's no real change. Would it be in the Border Worlds? It'd mean new players would be faced with some of the strongest NPC's straight away, which might serve to drive them off.

Also, Spazzy makes some valid points. The assumption is that the newbies actually want to learn in the first place. Sometimes, player actions make me doubt that they even know what kind of server they connected to.

RE: New newbie system? - sindroms - 03-11-2014

We are currently the largest remaining active freelancer community, which is based on a Multiplayer-focused mod. It just so happens we are also an RP one. RP is a very tiny niche and not everyone is interested in it. Most new players come here for the activity and pew with friends, not the RP. Something we need to respect. At the same time, we just need to ask for them to respect the server rules while they do.

RE: New newbie system? - Bulldog. - 03-11-2014

System Would be on a location like bastille or Conn.

Spazzy has some valid points.But not everyone new to disco is like that...even when reading up rules etc their lvl of RP wont be on same lvl as the senior players of disco(if they do not come from other RPing games).

EDIT:If they wane pew with a friend from disco without RP they can go to conn.

RE: New newbie system? - aakopa - 03-11-2014

Why not just make big announcement of restarts to starting banner.

RE: New newbie system? - Bulldog. - 03-11-2014

(03-11-2014, 02:11 PM)Mr.Trigger Wrote: Why not just make big announcement of restarts to starting banner.

The problem with restarts is that new players does not know what faction is for what.Also some players will ignore it

RE: New newbie system? - Murcielago - 03-11-2014

(03-11-2014, 01:53 PM)|BH|Bulldog Wrote: So Liberty is really full of players that just start of in Disco with 0 RP and 0 idea of disco it self.So this leads to little RP in most cases with in Liberty...

So what if there was a system made just for new chars.You undock from the station with only 5 one way JH that lead to the home systems of each house.Thus spreading new players out into disco.The system can have basic mining and other basic things so players can learn basic ropes etc

I know some players will refer to /restart commands but most new players does not know of these commands when starting out.The idea is just to help spread new players out into other houses creating activity everywhere.

The idea is just basic and can be improved.This is why is up for discussion.

I like your idea, but I would not implement any JH in that system.
Only way out would be by restart command.
I would put there few stations that begginer would be able to buy and sell commoditys, and buy mining ship, small and cheap one of course.
Also one mining field where he could learn to mine,

also new players should read rules ...
just basic ones, like no F1 and that you have to RP.

Perhaps small test of english lenguage would do it too,

IoI I would never be out of thet system ^^

RE: New newbie system? - Bulldog. - 03-11-2014

That would be to much restricted.Plus then all the work they did within that system would be lost.

RE: New newbie system? - Pancakes - 03-11-2014

I like this idea. I know it would've helped me a great deal when I just started to play.