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A few questions about factions - Ponge - 03-11-2014


I am not posting this to Help and Support, because I do not really need help in this question, but I'd like to discuss possibilities, limitations and opportunities with those who are more deep into Disco and could provide me with advice. (And also not flood not get... flooded.)

I recently read a "draft" of an unofficial faction, which tried to horde all kinds of different factions under one tag. I know the rule is one ID allowed for a tag, but can there be an inRP justifiable exception, which does not get sanctioned?
Here is an example:
Indie DSE and Gateway players create a mining and shipping group (respectively) to ship platinum ore from Alberta to New London. The DSE ships mine the ore, Gateway ships haul it (DSE could also haul it, but that would make my example obsolete). They call this group the Alberta Division.
This way, is it possible for them to use the same tag (AD| for example), as their work/goal/purpose is basically the same, despite their ID is different? They have to team up becuase the two tasks cannot be completed by the same ID-d players (Gateway can't mine, and for this example, let's say DSE can't haul).

RE: A few questions about factions - Murcielago - 03-11-2014

Well I would give green light to fraction like AD...DSE should mine others should transport why not.

Heh exactly what I thought when I started this game.
Img or any other miner fraction should be able only to mine ore, and trade companys shoul transport that ore.
Now we have fractions like IMG with all kind off ships from big battle transports to battlecruisers IoI.
And they should be able just to extract ore from rocks..
Soo I would suggest thet mining fraction get some negative multiplier for trading...
They have +multiplier for mining you know.

Miners-mining ships,
traders-transport ships
if they need protection they should ask for escort,
and what do we have now?
IMG can declare war at any House, they have bombers, Gb, BC...cccc
Be realistc please would any House tolerate that small police ship from that house face big GB or BC or bomber from independent company???

Meh, but we all know that trading ore is just fast way to get rich.

RE: A few questions about factions - Highland Laddie - 03-11-2014

The way it's supposed to work, as I see it, is that corporate/labor factions should be overall sticking to their RP roles.
Gateway is a shipping company, therefore, their primary focus is on transporting materials. They also receive no mining bonuses, so mining is a pain for them.

BMM/IMG/Kruger etc. are mining companies. They receive mining bonuses, and produce mining ships. Therefore, it would follow that their primary focus should be on mining.

I think it becomes problematic when these groups try to turn themselves into multi-role entities,.because they then make the less versatile factions obsolete.

IMG is a good example of this. They have mining bonuses, a full shipline, and access to 4k+ transports (maybe even 5k....unless I'm wrong). This also creates a large draw for players....which gives them a larger playerbase, which effectively gives them no incentive to deal with shipping companies whatsoever.

You could say the same exists between BMM, Bowex, and the BAF merchant navy. Same between Kruger/DHC, and Republican and now ALG.

The only real exception to this would be Samura and Kishiro,.as they are purposely integrated companies (they also lack a third-party House rival (unlike companies in the other Houses).

I would love to see this changed so that there are actual, tangible perks to being a shipping company, like special large-cargo vessels, or they should also be opened up to receive mining or price bonuses on different commodities to help make them as attractive as the mining companies.

Edit: Gah! Murci beat me to it. Tongue

Also....thank goodness Zoners can't mine....or nobody would ever play as a corporation.

RE: A few questions about factions - Ponge - 03-11-2014

Yeah, thanks, but the OP was about groups and ID/tag allowances, could you focus on that, please? The purpose of this thread wasn't to create a flame war on the diversity of certain factions.

RE: A few questions about factions - Highland Laddie - 03-11-2014

No one is flaming, I don't think. Your OP is asking about mining privileges for shipping factions. For one, its ONE ID per faction. As official leader of Gateway, I can tell you we doesn't mine, nor do we get any bonuses for doing so.

If you want to make an unofficial faction that has both hauling and mining abilities, make an indie DSE or IMG group. Or just use other mining groups, or indie miners to mine for you. just sounds like you're trying to capitalize off of Gateway's good trading repsheet by giving them a false mining wing using a different ID. That's not only illegal...but shady and reeks of power-trading. as we were both saying before, it's bad enough with factions already trying to be things there not really supposed to be, we certainly don't need more of it

RE: A few questions about factions - Ponge - 03-11-2014

Sorry, then my question was not clear.

The OP question is about this:
Can an unofficial (I know officials surely cannot) group use 2 different IDs under the same tag, if they can provide a proper RP justification for doing so; the aim of this to combine two separate ID allowances (mining + using gunboats/hauling with 5k ships for example). It is not about actual limitations and allowances of IDs, and is not a powertrading attempt. This question is fully theoretical. My example might have been bad and misleading. The factions were only mentioned as an example.
(Just to mention, there is a certain group that uses a wide variety of IDs, and did not get punished so far.)

RE: A few questions about factions - Highland Laddie - 03-11-2014

what groups are doing that ? it doesn't seem like it should be allowed. otherwise you can just combine the best mining ID with the best trading ID then add a military ID and then you have all the best stuff under one roof

RE: A few questions about factions - Ponge - 03-11-2014

I won't put names here to avoid trial-by-forum.
Thank you, I got my answers.