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Gentlemen/Women. - Printable Version

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Gentlemen/Women. - JakeSG - 08-16-2008

Greetings fellow freelancers, I wish you much profit. Unless you're a pirate, and you try to raid my trader. In that case I wish you many cruel and unusual diseases.

Now that the formalities/threats are over, hello from the less formal part of me =)

As a note I have a dislike for backgrounds and introductions, I think I have some kind of OCD which makes me obsess over them making them want to seem perfect.


I live in Australia, I play computer games, I go to school, I eat, I sleep, I don't do much else.

First played Freelancer back when I was something like 10, thought it was a great game, until I got to a mission where they kept destroying me and sinking my cargo. Back then I didn't understand that you didn't have to constantly do the main quest.

Recently obtained another copy after about five years, and am now slowly regaining the basics.

I tend to talk to people with general dislike, and enjoy arguing (although that tends to get me in trouble), with people I don't know. So if I'm getting on your nerves, get to know me or ask me to stop =)

Literacy is an obsession for me. Please, please don't argue with me if you're going to 'tlk lik dis' or I will instinctively want to kick you in the teeth.


Gah, now that that's finally done, I can get back to playing =)

Gentlemen/Women. - n00bl3t - 08-16-2008

\/\/3|(0m3 70 7h3 53rv3r.:)

J01n 4 f4(710n 4nd d0n'7 8uy 4 (4p174| 5h1p.

Y0u w0n'7 f1nd mu(h 13375p34k h3r3, 1n 63n3r4|.

Fur7h3rm0r3, ju57 7ry k1(k1n6 m3 1n 7h3 7337h.


Gentlemen/Women. - stewcool - 08-16-2008

Uhhh welcome to the crew I guess?

Gentlemen/Women. - Leo - 08-17-2008

Ah, good, another grammar/spelling Nazi, looks like Eppy has his work cut out for him trying to correct more posts! Nothing wrong with having good grammar, it's the best way to write, personally it gets on my nerves too, so you're not alone.

Anyway, welcome to the madhouse, make sure you read the rules here.

If you find your account banned, please check here.

If you see someone breaking any rules, report them here.

If you want to see a faction list, please check the post here.

However, maybe you're one of the people that likes to lead instead of follow. If you wish to start a faction please post here. However, don't forget to get the 500 million credit tax first!

Got the Roleplay bug? check the Roleplay Hub located here

And finally, for all announcements for the 24/7 Discovery RPG Server, check here for new posts on new info for the server and mod!

That's all that should help you get started. Enjoy your stay, and watch out for those evil penguins!


Gentlemen/Women. - Boss - 08-17-2008

*kicks n00bl3t in the teeth*


Gentlemen/Women. - Dra1003 - 08-17-2008

' Wrote:\/\/3|(0m3 70 7h3 53rv3r.:)

J01n 4 f4(710n 4nd d0n'7 8uy 4 (4p174| 5h1p.

Y0u w0n'7 f1nd mu(h 13375p34k h3r3, 1n 63n3r4|.

Fur7h3rm0r3, ju57 7ry k1(k1n6 m3 1n 7h3 7337h.


im sorry but lol at this

And welcome! read the rules and blah blah and have a great time

Gentlemen/Women. - Generation - 08-17-2008

Hello....... You'll need this special flame retardant suit, the first one's free.

Gentlemen/Women. - Boss - 08-17-2008

After that it's 2mil or die


Gentlemen/Women. - tootles - 08-17-2008

Good post abaddon, that should get him started.

And Welcome!

Literacy is a gift of...Erm...goodness!

If you need any help in-game, there's quite a few helpful people.

Have fun!

See ya in game.

Gentlemen/Women. - Eppy - 08-17-2008

Welcome to the party, mate. No Grammar Nazi needed here, he can take care of his own editing...