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Sirius wide broadcast - Printable Version

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Sirius wide broadcast - UK1 - 03-16-2014

Attention all vessels whole wish to enter the omicron 74 system.

The air space around the Zoner alliance comm station has be temporarily closed for
the time been.
Its expected to remain closed for the following 7 days due to a private conference which is being head on the station at the moment...

Signed Mow


RE: Sirius wide broadcast - Kazinsal - 03-16-2014

[Image: Lukewarm-Fusion.png]

I'll do as I bloody please, you crazy not-zoner squiddy-boffins! Omicron-74 is free to all!

You can't take the sky from me!

[Image: end-transmission.png]

RE: Sirius wide broadcast - Sabru - 03-16-2014

*Gaunt sips his tea as he ponders the ZA transmission*

Hmm... Good thing Brother Skarsi hasnt seen this yet. I do believe these ignorant and oblivious chaps have put their feet in it.

*Gaunt takes another sip, then nibbles on a scone*

"Bragg, make sure the ship is well stocked with Tea and scone mix, i do believe there will be a party in O-74 soon."

I suppose i should make a formal reply.

*Transmission Incoming*
ID: Ibram Gaunt
Message Begins.......

Jolly good show chaps, the fireworks sure to result from this will make an excellent spectacle.

what color do you want the bullseyes to be? So they show up well on camera.

~ Gaunt

****Transmission Ends****

RE: Sirius wide broadcast - Jason Williams - 03-16-2014

[Image: wtR12v1.png]

» SOURCE: OS&C|Riviera
» COMM-ID: Amelia Lopez, OS&C Captain
» SUBJECT: Neh...

Dear Mr. Mow or... whatever you are,

I'm sorry to disappoint you. I thought that you want to know... we have some tourists aboard our Hawaii luxury liner and it seems that are willing to pay over 3k credits for a trip to Freeport-15. Also, this system is a regular part of my own itinerary so... I'm afraid that I can't avoid the Omnicron-74 system.

Lopez out.

[Image: MLeCbpA.png]

RE: Sirius wide broadcast - Cælumaresh - 03-16-2014

Incoming Transmission

[img float=right][/img]

Sender: John McMillan, The Order Secondary Fleet Agent
Subject: What?
Encryption: None
Priority: None
Unpacking Message: {||||||||||} 100%

Hi laddy,

Remember the last time you tried to shut down 74. Thats all.



John McMillan
Order Secondary Fleet


~ File 1

Transmission Terminated

RE: Sirius wide broadcast - Thexare - 03-16-2014

.:| Message Received
::| Sender: WhiteNoise

Question one: Who the hell are you?

Question two: Why should any of us care?

Question three: Are you aware that by sending this message you've probably provoked people that would've otherwise left you alone?

.:| Message Ends
::| Channel open for response.

RE: Sirius wide broadcast - Aazalot - 03-16-2014

[Image: upiw.png]

For those of you who obviously are still sore of the situation.
He has stated that the airspace around the station is closed. Not the system.
Entry to O 74 is still free and open to all.

However i will give a warning over to those the Zoner alliance who Own the comm station, to not repeat the mistakes of the past.

OSI Own Freeport 15 and as such we will not be happy if access to our station were to become "restricted".

So i suggest, as friendly advice you do 1 of 2 things.
1. You clarify that you just don't want people near your station during this period of time, and that your not "closing" the system that you have no right to do.
2. You move the station further away from the Jump hole.

J Voncloud OSI Head of Security

[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: Sirius wide broadcast - Sath - 03-16-2014

[Image: ofNiH4w.png]

[Image: ldyacQSPjyE.jpg]
Name:Romero Benitez
Location:Myrtos Villa,Planet Crete

I saw that your base is angry towards me.Now,I am not particularly fond of things that irritate me,that too,in my neighbourhood.

Also,I came to know that your base has a "sibling".If your entity,keeps on shooting things that passes neutral space,like it does now,expect something bitter in the near future.History might have to repeat itself,when deemed necessary.

[Image: MRqjvmR.png]

RE: Sirius wide broadcast - UK1 - 03-16-2014

As the OSI guy nicely pointed out we have closed the air space by our station which is now 10k from the omicron theta jump whole and over 20k away from the freeport.
A private conferance is underway and all that is being discuised is top secret.
So I say again please keep your distance from the zoner alliance comm station for the next 7 days.
All other traffic in and out of the system is free and not affected...

Signed mow

RE: Sirius wide broadcast - RedEclipse - 03-16-2014

[Image: 0rrSn.png]
Have good time with sealing yourself. You couldn't block the system with your fancy modular bases anymore, so I quite unsure why you have redirected the transmission to whole Sirius - nobody dock on your installation anyway.

[Image: Jh16c.png]