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Another small statement - Printable Version

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Another small statement - Apollon - 03-22-2014

Hey, So...Due to some personal/security/political/school issues I'm going to leave for time, gods knows how long, maybe a month, or two, maybe a year, i don't know, So Just wanted to say Good bye, have fun, And Thanks for the fun i had....

P.S: No I'm not giving my ships away if you're wondering (sun)

Wish me luck...

RE: Another small statement - Venture - 03-22-2014

Oh...goodbye Adam, you'll be missed Sad

RE: Another small statement - Sath - 03-22-2014

Good bye Adam. Take care bud and dont let RL tensions take over your normal way of lifestyle.

RE: Another small statement - Lythrilux - 03-22-2014

Cya Ghost. Remember to stay safe, I expect hugs when you return.

RE: Another small statement - dirmaster0 - 03-22-2014

We'll miss you Ghost! You're welcome back in IC| if you ever return! Smile

RE: Another small statement - Jack_Henderson - 03-22-2014

Stay safe and come back when things are better. We'll still be here, I guess. Smile
Good luck in Reallife.

RE: Another small statement - STILENS - 03-22-2014

Sad to see old Guardian leaving ...
Wish you G'Luck with your RL .
Always remember not to give up ...
Just calm down and carry on !

RE: Another small statement - Luke. - 03-22-2014

Hope life treats you well bud.

RE: Another small statement - Savas - 03-22-2014

Stay safe my brother.

When the war is over and the takfiri have pissed off things will be better, Inshallah.

RE: Another small statement - Tyler - 03-22-2014

Who are you again?

But, nothing but <3's. Take care and slay that dragon for me.