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Rant to microsoft! - Printable Version

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Rant to microsoft! - stewcool - 08-18-2008

Well ladies and gents as some or most of you know I tried to get the source code from's what they replied back to me with....


Thank you for contacting Microsoft Customer Service with your request for the source code of Microsoft Freelancer.

For Microsoft to deliver the highest quality support possible, it is necessary to expire support for discontinued products and apply those resources to support the latest developments and technologies from Microsoft. Assisted support is no longer available for Microsoft Freelancer.

However, Microsoft offers no-charge self-help support options through Knowledge Base articles, FAQs, and Newsgroups for Microsoft Freelancer. You can locate these resources at the following page:

If you would like more information about the retirement of warranty support for Microsoft Freelancer, please visit our Product Support Lifecycle list located at the following web site:

For additional information, you may refer the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles:

Page Title: Articles About Freelancer

Also, if you are interested in current product information or pricing, please visit the following page:

If you have further questions, please write back to us.

Thank you,

Microsoft Customer Service Representative

If you have any feedback about your Customer Service experience, please send it to my manager, Anand Ravi, at Please do not forget to indicate the name of my manager in the subject field.


Rant to microsoft! - Linkus - 08-18-2008

What's the email address of that representative? Perhaps if we mass emailed him it might annoy them enough to get off their asses...

Rant to microsoft! - chovynz - 08-18-2008

I would advise against that action.
I seriously doubt he can do anything
A 5 minute search on Freelancer will get the same page.

I have a more cunning plan.
We find the Products and Software people and ask them.
Then we follow that trail.

Rant to microsoft! - Dopamino - 08-18-2008

Or we find the people who worked on Freelancer at DA. Some of them are mentioned in the the Freelancer fan pack.

Rant to microsoft! - Amon.Cire - 08-18-2008

keep up the good work! the squeaky weal gets the grease, or in the cast, the source code!

I like Hyung Soong's idea, we should try to follow that up.

Rant to microsoft! - chovynz - 08-18-2008

I have an idea to try the new CEO as well. He might not care about Freelancer and just say yes!:)

Rant to microsoft! - stewcool - 08-18-2008

Oh im still trying!

Rant to microsoft! - weylin - 08-18-2008

so when will someone just reverse engineer it themselves?

Rant to microsoft! - Lucend - 08-18-2008

' Wrote:so when will someone just reverse engineer it themselves?

That's illegal + really really hard.

Source FTW.

Rant to microsoft! - weylin - 08-18-2008

but still, someone should

I doubt MS is going to give it out