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"Wasp" Wilde Fighter - Printable Version

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"Wasp" Wilde Fighter - Tenacity - 08-18-2008

Now, it's still a work in progress - I'm not at all happy with the cockpit design, especially since these things (the scorpion gunboats, at least) are supposed to be 'remotely controlled'. The engine doesnt please me too much either... then again, I did this from scratch and didnt have pictures of a scorpion gunboat to go off of.

Anyways, what I've got so far:

[Image: 286wo5t.jpg]
[Image: 2nvfh95.jpg]
[Image: 2gsmstx.jpg]
[Image: n71l5v.jpg]
[Image: 11uxb2d.jpg]
[Image: 21entzn.jpg]

"Wasp" Wilde Fighter - Qunitinius~Verginix - 08-18-2008

Hmmmm to me it looks more like a pylon or beacon or something. It does look like it was nomad designed however. I think it needs some more touch-ups.


"Wasp" Wilde Fighter - Robert.Fitzgerald - 08-18-2008

It looks okay, the centre glow and surrounding tentacle-things remind me of the Scorpian. However, the wings and the cockpit don't really match, but it's just a work-in-progress.

Eppy has said this already, get Hardpoint CMP and get some good pics of the Scorpian for reference.

"Wasp" Wilde Fighter - VincentFerrex - 08-18-2008

Looka pretty interesting. Though, the cockpit is rather cone-ish. Though, looks like a nice model to build up on.

Keep it up.