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Barrel rolling in Freelancer? - Printable Version

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Barrel rolling in Freelancer? - danskmacabre - 08-18-2008

I have noticed occasionally when flying about in freelancer, my ship barrel rolls (spins about on it's axis).
But I never been able to intentionally do this.

Is there some button combination or trick to initiate a barrel roll?

Barrel rolling in Freelancer? - AdamantineFist - 08-18-2008

Unfortunately, no. It may be implemented in some later version of the mod, but there is no easy way to do a barrel roll.

Barrel rolling in Freelancer? - danskmacabre - 08-18-2008

That's a shame, it would be so cool to be able to do that in combat, would make combat more fun IMO.

Ah well, *Crosses fingers for that to be added iin a mod*

Barrel rolling in Freelancer? - Boss - 08-18-2008

It's been added to other mods, currently the only way to do one is flip over and press spacebar.

Barrel rolling in Freelancer? - danskmacabre - 08-18-2008

' Wrote:It's been added to other mods, currently the only way to do one is flip over and press spacebar.

Oh right, well that's cool...will try that later :)

Barrel rolling in Freelancer? - bluntpencil2001 - 08-18-2008

Ah, I can see this being a source of much hilarity if introduced...

"Do a barrel roll!"

Barrel rolling in Freelancer? - Walker - 08-18-2008

Technically you can't really DO a barrel roll...

On freeworlds though we have ship-rotation which will rotate your ship around clockwise or counter...

Barrel rolling in Freelancer? - Dopamino - 08-18-2008



Barrel rolling in Freelancer? - Spacewolf - 08-19-2008

you mean rolling like all the Ai's do right?

Barrel rolling in Freelancer? - bearlee89 - 08-19-2008

Like they said, it's semi-possible to do it intentionally.

Mainly just a matter of looping around and around until you get all discombobulated and stuffs, and have your little pointer thinger pointed at a stationary/targetable object in the system, hit spacebar, wait like...2 seconds, and hit it again...It messes with your head though...haha.