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Wideband transmission to the citizens of Liberty - Printable Version

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Wideband transmission to the citizens of Liberty - Astraea - 03-31-2014

*Incoming transmission*
Source: Texa....New Yor....Penns.... ERROR! Source unknown

a man appears on the screen, wearing the uniform of a Liberty Navy Captain.

"Hello, citizens of Liberty. I am Garrett Micheals, former captain of the liberty navy."Micheals visibly stiffens and glances off camera."I am making this transmission to denounce the corruption that is over-running both the liberty forces and their paid lackeys in the liberty government."

He takes a breath."The regime in place within the liberty navy has, on the order of successive admirals, conducted secret campaigns of terror and violence upon those who would seek to bring the truth to the honest citizens of liberty. The dictators who call themselves "servants of the people" have ruthlessly crushed any attempt to blow the whistle on their corruption."

He is becoming quite agitated."I am making this statement because i have had to flee to safety after the LSF, the secret police of the corrupt regime, made an attempt on my life for submitting a report detailing another ship captain taking bribes from the liberty rogues."

He looks square at the camera, and takes a calming breath."It is clear that the "vaunted" liberty rogues are nothing more than paid lapdogs to the regime. I assume that it is the same with the Lane Hackers. It is clear the rampant crime in liberty has been manufactured by the regime for the sole purpose of keeping their power."

"I make this statement of my own free will, as a warning to the good citizens of liberty."He stands back and salutes, before the video fades to dark.

RE: Wideband transmission to the citizens of Liberty - sindroms - 03-31-2014

[Image: HbpeNbC.gif]


You know what sucks a lot? Listening to the usual stories about corruption, while making sure Outcast battleships and Rheinland Turtles don't sit in Manhattan orbit.

What, let me guess. Did you parents die to the Corsairs as well?

You want to do something about corruption? Try to offices on Manhattan. Stop pestering soldiers trying to make sure the civilians don't get rolled by Rogue destroyers.

We have a nice little saying back in the academy. Stop being an emo little effget, whining about the system and go do something about it instead. Most of the recruits I remember joined up with the navy just for that reason.

Most of them are also dead by now, killed in action by self-righteous retards like yourself, who think that just because they think that they got the system figured out are now above the law and trying to ''liberate'' the minds of others.

Most of the civilians you are currently addressing are busy doing their job, something your unemployed fugitive ass is not helping one bit.

~Grigoriy Petrov
~Liberty Security Force Secondary Fleet

RE: Wideband transmission to the citizens of Liberty - Doria - 03-31-2014

--- Incoming Transmission ---
[Image: e54oZUV.png]
Sender ID: Crazy Lou
Ship ID: LR-Crazy.Lou
Location: #ERROR
Subject: RE: Wideband transmission to the citizens of Liberty

--- Message Starts ---

[Image: FtcIx6Z.png]

Wait, wait, wai-wa-wa-wa... You what?!?

Oh... I see! Poor boy, you dreamed about being a starship captain since you were just a lil' brat, ahn? Just like daddy, I bet... And now after a few patrols out in the cold of space, you found out that the navy is corrupt? Oh, how sad... Boohoo...

Get real! Don't you watch the news? Crime, war, corruption... and this is politics I am talking about.

The LSF you say? Pfff... nothing more than pirates and assassins. The only thing they want is to get their hands in nomad technology, so they can make money and have more power.

The LPI is a joke, a private company as police?! Only on a nation called Liberty! Ah, freedom. The freedom to be put to jail because some lazy donut eater is behind on his quota! Nothing that a few credits dont fix, of course.

But, kiddo... The Navy... the Navy is the worst of all... Because they are the base for all of this. All the corruption begins with the navy. After that hot soccer mom Jacobi disapeared, all we have seen as president are puppets of the Liberty Navy. But to the public opinion they are the good guys, fighting the pirates, the nomads even... While at the same time they put Liberty into war after war, just so they can push foward the Navy budget and the weapons manufacturing corporations could make billions of credits. They don't care about their people. Or their captains... You are just cannon fodder...

But when you say that the Rogues are 'paid lapdogs' of the navy, then you offend me, boy. If that's true, someone is getting my share then...

[Image: 5ypJMLA.png]
* Lou takes a spliff out of his pocket, and lights it up *

Sssssssss... Pffffffff... Ahh... *cough-cough* Man! This shizz is strong... Anyway, I recommend you get a ride in some freelancer transport and get your rear end down to Alcatraz base... Just ask around, most pilots know where it is... Go to the bar at Alca and meet some real rogues... If you survive, you will see that we are not that bad, we just have nothing to loose...

Unless you are going to have a nervous breakdown and run off with your tail between you legs, like those girls from vespucci...

Lou out.

[Image: Jz8I3L1.png]

--- Message Ends ---
--- Transmission Terminated ---

RE: Wideband transmission to the citizens of Liberty - Username removed - 03-31-2014

...Uploading text message...
...ID: Kodey Jaice a.k.a Lane Parasite...
...Display message? Y/N...

Let me guess...
Your girlfriend, or wife or whatever that skag is you carry around that happened to be in the LSF got humped by a Liberty Rogue for credits and that made you sad and now you say everybody is corrupt.

You should take your side arm if you still have it, point it at your head and pull the trigger.

In the disappointing event that you do not have a sidearm anymore, grab a knife, lock yourself in some room and stab your neck.

With few regards,

Kodey Jaice.

RE: Wideband transmission to the citizens of Liberty - Reid - 03-31-2014

COMM ID: Captain Kohaku Ueda
TARGET ID: This guy
ENCRYPTION: Why bother with encryption?
PRIORITY: Not that important

That's nice, dear


RE: Wideband transmission to the citizens of Liberty - Thexare - 03-31-2014

Message received...
Sender: Blackmoon
Location: Planet Mojave ERROR

She starts singing.

I think I've played this song before. The melody is different, but I hear the drums of war.

She stops.

Now, if I remember how it goes, you're about to run off and join the Legion.

If the song hasn't been rewritten, you will then quickly grow disgusted by their inability to hold to their claims about precision strikes and not harming civilians.

What happens then?

I've played this song before, but it changes with every performance. Out with it, then; the chorus has ended, let's hear the second verse.

Message ends.