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Joe Raison - Printable Version

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Joe Raison - Dimon - 03-31-2014

Joe Raison – this name should be known in the Legion, as he was one of Fleet Commanders. But one day he has gone, and some automated message transmitted to the Legion’s HQ, that Raison is dead. But machines can mistake, Raison himself few month was on Barrier Gate station in Coronado. There he was a slaver. One dirty Hacker, named Tony saved Raison in Magellan, and enslaved him.

Raison didn’t want to stay there for long he made plan how to escape. He has one old friend in the Legion, Salia Wei. Raison contacted her, and asked her to bring Raison’s Prosecutor to the Barrier. One week later, Salia arrived to the Barrier on Raison’s prosecutor. She parked prosecutor in Hangar 4. Raison was already awaiting her on the deck.

Salia: "Ehey, boss!"
Joe: "Major Wei, pleased to see you here"
Salia: "So, here is your ship, I made some innovations. But you will like it."
Joe: "Sure. Alright, we’ve to move quickly"
Salia: "Wait, I wanted to say you something…"
Joe: "Later maybe…?"
Salia: "Vespucci, when I was leaving it… There was some strange station right at Ravager, station showed green for me but Primary Fleet tried to shoot it down"
Joe: "And…?"
Salia: "I left, I don’t know anything else"
Joe: "Good. I’ve to do something, wait here for me. I’ll back in 20 minutes"

Joe quickly ran for his artifact, which he stole from Tony’s room. But guardians noticed Joe and tried to intercept him, he had to drop artifact and run away. When he arrived to the deck, Salia was already dead. Someone shot her. "Tony… He killed her while I was trying to get this Artifact, it's my fault. Tony might be searching for me at the moment" – thought Raison and quickly jumped into Prosecutor, and ran from Barrier.
[Image: J4pKoht.png]
When Raison arrived to the Vespucci, he saw Primary Fleet shooting some station. There at Ravager he met Avril. Their dialog wasn’t long, because Raison had to repair his Prosecutor’s engine. And as always he wanted some relaxation after slaving.

RE: Joe Raison - Dimon - 04-01-2014

After two bottles of whiskey, Raison decided to make small trip to the Magellan system, but as soon as he launched to the space he met Avril Parker. Joe was really interested what Avril was doing in Vespucci, their chat looked weird, as Joe badly understands Technology and Hacks and he didn’t thought that meeting with Avril might end really bad for him.

...Log: #074
...Date: 02-30-821...

Quote:System: Vespucci
Joe.Raison:: Hm... The base gone
Joe.Raison:: Oh!
Joe.Raison:: Avril
Avril.Parker:: Huh?
Avril.Parker:: Who where what?
Joe.Raison:: Ah. Its Joe
Avril.Parker:: Oh. You. Puh! Already thought they will kick me out now.
Joe.Raison:: Wha'?
Joe.Raison:: Who?
Avril.Parker:: The Legion of course.
Avril.Parker:: Forgot? Traitor and all that crap.
Joe.Raison:: Which one... Primary?
Avril.Parker:: Hey, excuse me for a second. Have to finish something here.
Avril.Parker:: Aha... ya, the Primary.
Joe.Raison:: Wha' are you doin' with this Satellite?
Avril.Parker:: Nothing, nothing.
Joe.Raison:: Com'on, I'm not from Primary Fleet, yet... You can tell me
Avril.Parker:: Did you knew they have not updated their security tracers?
Joe.Raison:: No. I didn't
Avril.Parker:: It is ridicilous easy to check the channels.
Joe.Raison:: Damn
Avril.Parker:: Oh dear, their new guys doing all the security deals are really some amateurs.
Joe.Raison:: Huh, so... There is a traitor inside the Legion?
Avril.Parker:: And yap, seems that station is gone. As quick as it came up.
Avril.Parker:: Obviously there is. You know, me.
Avril.Parker:: Ahoy.
Joe.Raison:: Ehey
Avril.Parker:: 'Merica station now, there was some Fleet at the Ravager.
Joe.Raison:: Right.
Joe.Raison:: How did you...? Contactd' me?
Avril.Parker:: Heh?
Joe.Raison:: So?
Avril.Parker:: Hoh!
Avril.Parker:: So what you have been doing these days?
Joe.Raison:: How did you contacted' my Prosecutor?
Avril.Parker:: You really ask me that? I mean... me?
Avril.Parker:: Like, really?
Joe.Raison:: I didn't gave you codes
Joe.Raison:: Or...?
Avril.Parker:: Nope.
Joe.Raison:: I dun' remember
Avril.Parker:: Oh come on, Joe. You talk about me.
Joe.Raison:: When?
Avril.Parker:: I managed to send Illaria a message right on her console.
Joe.Raison:: Oh.
Joe.Raison:: And?
Avril.Parker:: You think getting into your Prosecutors enclosed frequencies would be any difficult?
Avril.Parker:: Gee.
Joe.Raison:: You asked what have I doing the last few days?
Avril.Parker:: Yup.
Joe.Raison:: Well...
Joe.Raison:: I tried to remake my rank
Avril.Parker:: So?
Avril.Parker:: Back to the Legion, hm?
Joe.Raison:: From Ex-Fleet Commander into Fleet Commander of Legion.
Joe.Raison:: Yea
Joe.Raison:: No-one answered
Avril.Parker:: Yea... leave me all alone out there then again.
Avril.Parker:: Not that I am not used to people doing that.
Joe.Raison:: I felt myself like... I spoke to myself
Avril.Parker:: They are busy. Might answer in time I think. It is you after all.
Avril.Parker:: I shot them a message too, some days ago. Wanted to know how things are going.
Avril.Parker:: You at least can expect an answer.
Avril.Parker:: Somewhen.
Joe.Raison:: I really... Don' know what to do.
Avril.Parker:: Buy me something!
Joe.Raison:: *Giggels*
Joe.Raison:: And wha' do you want?
Joe.Raison:: I... don't remember what I was doing yesterday.
Avril.Parker:: I would to have one of the Vtech Storage Devices they got on Leniex.
Joe.Raison:: Whi...skey *he whispered*
Avril.Parker:: No. Not whiskey.
Avril.Parker:: Whiskey is not a storage device.
Joe.Raison:: Oh? I actually told to myself
Avril.Parker:: Oh, Hokay.
Avril.Parker:: Hey, give me one more moment here, would you.
Joe.Raison:: I drunk some whiskey yesterday, and don't remember what was after...
Avril.Parker:: Tada.
Avril.Parker:: Hehehe.
Joe.Raison:: Wha'?
Avril.Parker:: Oh... hokay look.
Avril.Parker:: I uploaded on that satellite a program that will reroute itself to the satellite at that other planet...
Avril.Parker:: Not Guadalajara. That other one.
Avril.Parker:: Indi-something.
Joe.Raison:: Which one...?
Avril.Parker:: The satellite there really is protected good. Could not get past the firewall.
Avril.Parker:: Looks like something the former Legion-AI did.
Avril.Parker:: Tough stuff.
Avril.Parker:: Anyways... from this satellite I can route me into the other satellite, heh. Backdoor-tracking.
Joe.Raison:: Ouh. Interesting.
Joe.Raison:: Now what?
Avril.Parker:: And get me some of the cool informations I want to have of that Indi-something planet.
Avril.Parker:: Told you, the security system they got these days is a freaking joke.
Joe.Raison:: I...
Avril.Parker:: You...?
Joe.Raison:: I... Don' know how to...
Joe.Raison:: Say that, but...
Avril.Parker:: Aha?
Joe.Raison:: Arh. Nevermind
Avril.Parker:: Okay.
Joe.Raison:: So. Can you tell me, what Serbanu plannin'?
Avril.Parker:: No. I would love to find that out.
Avril.Parker:: But those files are damn well protected.
Joe.Raison:: What if... We'd destroy the Satellite?
Avril.Parker:: Hey Joe, say... they will take you in again, I have no doubt in that.
Avril.Parker:: Hey! Do not destroy my satellites. I need them.
Avril.Parker:: Why you would want to do that?
Joe.Raison:: They... Won't get me in
Avril.Parker:: Huh?
Joe.Raison:: Indeed.
Avril.Parker:: Oh come on. Of course they will let you in again.
Avril.Parker:: Why should they not?
Joe.Raison:: Nah. They won't
Joe.Raison:: I really, don't know why
Joe.Raison:: Sandera used to be... Good one as leader
Avril.Parker:: Oh. Michaela is leading?
Joe.Raison:: Didn't know that?
Avril.Parker:: Nobody tells me anything.
Joe.Raison:: I was impressed too
Avril.Parker:: And cannot find out everything over the more illegal ways.
Avril.Parker:: Hey last time I saw her, she was a recruit.
Avril.Parker:: YES! I am in.
Joe.Raison:: Yeah. Last time I saw her she was... Major I guess
Avril.Parker:: Goddess I am the best.
Avril.Parker:: So, excuse me a moment. Have to set the download list.
Avril.Parker:: Ohoh...
Avril.Parker:: Ouch!
Joe.Raison:: What?
Avril.Parker:: Ehm... Sarah? Could you please, like? Yes?
Avril.Parker:: [Looks like a feedback]
Joe.Raison:: Am.
Joe.Raison:: Avril
Joe.Raison:: Satellite...
Joe.Raison:: Its... Looking broken
Joe.Raison:: Really, what did you do?
Avril.Parker:: [[We] take Avril has to take a break for the moment]
Avril.Parker:: [A feedback from the software stored within the second satellite gone through to her neural-uplink]
Joe.Raison:: Sure. Sarah? Check the Satellite.
Avril.Parker:: [Heh. Lucky girl she is. A second later and she would look just like that.]
Avril.Parker:: [Yes. The feedback must've itched the firewall to overload the internal systems on that one]
Avril.Parker:: [Such things happen]
Avril.Parker:: Uh...
Avril.Parker:: [Everything fine, babe?]
Avril.Parker:: I guess... my head. Ouchy.
Joe.Raison:: Ah. All systems normall again I guess...
Avril.Parker:: Eww... AH! Frakk, that burns.... HOLY! *clips out the memory-card off her neck*
Avril.Parker:: Christs sake.
Joe.Raison:: What?
Joe.Raison:: What was that?
Avril.Parker:: Look at this! *shows the card on the comm-screen*
Avril.Parker:: Totally wasted! Burnt out. Ruined.
Joe.Raison:: What 'le hell is that? Looking like some Card, it is...?
Avril.Parker:: Frakk. You know how expensive those are?
Avril.Parker:: And hell I know when the last backup was. Lets hope I still got the access to the satellite network clouded.
Avril.Parker:: Oh, that? That is, hm... that was my memory-card.
Joe.Raison:: A... Its... I don't have it
Joe.Raison:: Maybe It's Sarah's thing? Or...?
Joe.Raison:: Hold on.
Joe.Raison:: I want to try something....

[Legion Satellite Exploded]

Joe.Raison:: Ups... I did something wrong?
Joe.Raison:: Don't tell me... That was... Explode...
Joe.Raison:: Damn
Joe.Raison:: *He looked worry*
Avril.Parker:: Huh?
Joe.Raison:: Avril. Lets... Better
Joe.Raison:: Run
Avril.Parker:: Hey... was there not a satellite supposed to be?
Avril.Parker:: Uhm.
Avril.Parker:: Yea. Lets go.
Avril.Parker:: I like that idea.
Joe.Raison:: Where to..?
Avril.Parker:: Just away.
Avril.Parker:: Before they realize what happened.
Avril.Parker:: I will just say it already was like that.

[Jumping system-activated]

System: Magellan

Avril.Parker:: Barrier Gate.
Joe.Raison:: Uh.
Avril.Parker:: The only safe place I know.
Avril.Parker:: Or you have a better idea?
Joe.Raison:: There is one barman. I know him, don' tell anybody that I used to be Legionnaire
Joe.Raison:: At last I worked there.
Avril.Parker:: They know I used to be a Legionnaire too.
Joe.Raison:: A. Well, lets just get away
Avril.Parker:: But since I knifed that one guy for trying to get at me, the people there stay away from my stuff.

[Jumping system-activated]

System: Cortez

Avril.Parker:: And yes, you eventually will not have such a memory-card, that is right.
Avril.Parker:: But tell you, it is a nice thing to have.
Avril.Parker:: Records all your movement, and tracks your net-activity, scans the environment and stores all information.
Joe.Raison:: And. There is record how I broke satellite?
Avril.Parker:: Oh, you broke that thing? I thought this was a reaction to the feedback before.
Joe.Raison:: Actually... I tried one thing
Avril.Parker:: And no, doubt there is a record of that. My card melted away before this happened.
Joe.Raison:: It was too close to the America base.
Avril.Parker:: Hm, What you tried?
Avril.Parker:: I am the technician here. So I wonder what you did, heh.
Joe.Raison:: To connect... To the Leniex, like Lane Hackers did
Joe.Raison:: But...
Avril.Parker:: Bad idea.
Joe.Raison:: They was doing it on Lanes... And I tried the satellite
Avril.Parker:: I do not think this has anything to do with where you tried it from.

[Jumping system-activated]

System: Coronado

Joe.Raison:: Avril?
Avril.Parker:: Aye?
Joe.Raison:: Now what?
Avril.Parker:: Not sure. Well, at least I am not sure what you are going to do now.
Avril.Parker:: I guess I will keep on with what I did before. Surviving, sort of.
Joe.Raison:: I know...
Joe.Raison:: First.
Joe.Raison:: I wanted to say...
Joe.Raison:: I like you
Joe.Raison:: Not just as... Mhm... Well, I guess you understood?
Joe.Raison:: And... I'll drink some whiskey
Joe.Raison:: Will talk to my old friends here
Avril.Parker:: What?
Joe.Raison:: Eh...?
Avril.Parker:: Heh? Understand what? Yap, like you too. Though, I also liked Illaria once, that witch.
Joe.Raison:: I meant...
Joe.Raison:: I love you...
Avril.Parker:: E-- ... uh...
Joe.Raison:: Well...
Avril.Parker:: You okay?
Joe.Raison:: Maybe not
Joe.Raison:: I really don't know what happend today.
Joe.Raison:: Know that Legion will hunt my ass
Avril.Parker:: No why should they?
Joe.Raison:: I broke the satellite
Avril.Parker:: Just say I broke that satellite. They will believe it.
Joe.Raison:: No.
Joe.Raison:: I enter my codes
Avril.Parker:: It is much more convenient that I broke it.
Avril.Parker:: Oh come on. Getting your codes is the least difficult thing to do.
Joe.Raison:: Avril. Don't make the Legion hunt you.
Joe.Raison:: Since Sandera leads Legion, they won't hunt you anyway.
Avril.Parker:: So what?
Avril.Parker:: They failed before under Illaria. And they failed before Illaria already to do so.
Avril.Parker:: Look. I know how to survive. At least... somehow.
Avril.Parker:: [Somehow being the keyword here]
Avril.Parker:: Shut up Sarah.
Joe.Raison:: You told something about...

[Raison’s transponder stopped working]

Avril.Parker:: Hey what you did?
Joe.Raison:: Mh?
Avril.Parker:: Your transponder seems broken. Let me fix that.
Avril.Parker:: Hey... what is that.
Joe.Raison:: Erm?
Avril.Parker:: Hey you do not read as Legion at all anymore.
Joe.Raison:: Don't make me more scary
Avril.Parker:: The hell you just did? JOE!
Avril.Parker:: Are you freaking insane?
Joe.Raison:: I? Nothing!
Avril.Parker:: That way you will provoke them expelling you. And then what?
Joe.Raison:: Again. Transponder broken why?
Joe.Raison:: How can I fix it?
Avril.Parker:: You show not as one of my colour anymore. And I know I still show as Legion. Yep, I am that good I could keep that flag up.
Avril.Parker:: And your... your ships tracer-signals do not read your Legion-codes anymore.
Joe.Raison:: How? How can it be possible?
Avril.Parker:: The hell I know what you did.
Joe.Raison:: Damn! I did nothing!
Avril.Parker:: Well, they cannot have done it.
Avril.Parker:: To change your tracer-signals you have to replace the idend-card on your ships console.
Joe.Raison:: A... What? I don't know where this card on my ship
Joe.Raison:: The hell?
Joe.Raison:: My weapon does not working
Avril.Parker:: Uh... right infront of you. Next to the navigation console, right under the engine-monitoring.
Joe.Raison:: I guess I found it.
Avril.Parker:: On the underside of that.
Joe.Raison:: This thing is flasing
Joe.Raison:: Red color
Avril.Parker:: There is a card-slot. Ayup, flashing is good. Red is not.
Avril.Parker:: Should be blue.
Joe.Raison:: There is... Two cards
Avril.Parker:: Impossible.
Joe.Raison:: A... How to explain...
Avril.Parker:: This just works with one. Two is definitely not correct.
Joe.Raison:: Like one card is in other one...
Joe.Raison:: It flasing white
Joe.Raison:: I don't know but... Hold on.
Avril.Parker:: Eh,... not good.
Joe.Raison:: It started as only we arrived to Barrier
Avril.Parker:: Still means there must have been someone changing it on your ship.
Avril.Parker:: This is actual hardware. This needs to be done manually.
Joe.Raison:: After my Cutlass burned up. One trader captured my pod, and dropped me on Barrier.
Joe.Raison:: I had to get my Porsecutor somehow
Joe.Raison:: I told you I had some Inform'ers
Joe.Raison:: He is my agent inside Legion, Primary one
Avril.Parker:: Christs sake. Alright, we will fix that at some later point. Nothing I cannot bybass.
Avril.Parker:: Even if I have to override your current logfile, not a problem. It is not that I have not done it with mine too.
Joe.Raison:: Wait.
Avril.Parker:: Not going anywhere.
Joe.Raison:: The hardware started flasing green
Avril.Parker:: Still cannot see a change on your transponder, for a start.
Joe.Raison:: and the Ident-card stopped flasing
Avril.Parker:: Ey, just pull that card out finally.
Avril.Parker:: I think it is rewriting your tracer-signals, and the more it does that, the longer it will take me to fix it.
Joe.Raison:: Lemme try to do it.
Avril.Parker:: Just rip it off. With violence if you need.
Joe.Raison:: *Raison pulling the Ident-card*
Avril.Parker:: Ehm...
Joe.Raison:: Damn
Joe.Raison:: I can't
Avril.Parker:: Ouch.
Joe.Raison:: It's like, stuck'd
Avril.Parker:: I said pull the card off, not hit the mine deploy key.
Avril.Parker:: Christ, I will do it. On Barrier. Later.
Joe.Raison:: Ups.
Avril.Parker:: I will go like... over here for a moment, aye.
Joe.Raison:: Maybe I should try to pull off the Hardware, dunno how
Joe.Raison:: *Joe takes gun*

[Raison’s Prosecutor exploded]

Joe.Raison:: Hell
Joe.Raison:: Dammit
Joe.Raison:: What was that?
Joe.Raison:: Oh god
Joe.Raison:: My ship
Joe.Raison:: Damn, Avril. Are you hear me?
Joe.Raison:: Capture my pod.
Joe.Raison:: Ahoy...? Dammit *He looked around*
Avril.Parker:: Knock knock.
Avril.Parker:: Everything alright with you?
Joe.Raison:: Yeah.
Avril.Parker:: I will drop you off at Barrier.
Joe.Raison:: Hurrah.
Avril.Parker:: And then you tell me what the hell you just did there.
Joe.Raison:: I tried to shoot the card
Avril.Parker:: Really now?
Joe.Raison:: And what after?
Joe.Raison:: Explode.
Avril.Parker:: I mean... seriously? Joe... excuse but.
Avril.Parker:: Ahem.
Joe.Raison:: But... Erm
Avril.Parker:: *hust* Sorry.
Joe.Raison:: Well. I'm alive?
Joe.Raison:: Means all good.
Joe.Raison:: Yes dammit
Joe.Raison:: Sorry
Joe.Raison:: It's... Sorry... Damned whiskey
Joe.Raison:: I... Just drunk one bottle of whiskey before launch
Avril.Parker:: All good. All good he says. Tsk. After you have been accounted as dead, I saw you now exploding again.
Joe.Raison:: But! I'm alive!
Avril.Parker:: What do you think I feel whilst that? Man. I need a break. Really.
Avril.Parker:: I will be somewhere around the station. I am sure I am not hard to find. Once you stopped trying to kill yourself.
Avril.Parker:: And stop drinking. I swear.
Joe.Raison:: Well. I just need to stop it... To stop drinkin'
Joe.Raison:: Sorry, just... When all thinks you are dead.
Joe.Raison:: And when you are working just a... Barman
Avril.Parker:: That is no excuse.
Avril.Parker:: No.
Avril.Parker:: At least do not fly after you have drunk.
Avril.Parker:: Shooting your gun inside your cockpit.
Joe.Raison:: Huh. I lost my rank? I lost all of my ships.
Avril.Parker:: Quiet now. You will get all that back anyways.
Avril.Parker:: Stop being so negative.
Avril.Parker:: Imagine where I would be now if I would have been that negative.
Avril.Parker:: [You don't think at all about future, babe]
Joe.Raison:: I at last got 100 SC. Whiskey costs 200...
Avril.Parker:: Good start.
Joe.Raison:: Okay... Okay...
Joe.Raison:: I know... I know...
Avril.Parker:: Hokay. I will try now to somehow distract me from all this mess.
Joe.Raison:: I can... I'can controll... Myself
Avril.Parker:: Which means, I will be logging off the comms for a while. I need to think.
Avril.Parker:: Okay? Okay. Do not do anything stupid in the meantime. Please.
Joe.Raison:: Beer costs... 50 SC *He whisperred*
Avril.Parker:: *takes a deep breath* Got to go. Cheerio!

...Log: Saved…

“Bad day” thought Joe after he broke one of the Legion Satellites and after his Prosecutor. On the Barrier Gate in the bar he bought two bottles of beer and set in the most quiet and lonely place.
“I… Should stop it.” – Joe said to himself, and made one sip. He tried to understand what was going on with him hour ago. Why his transponder stopped working and why the Tony’s hacks didn’t work on Legion Satellite.

RE: Joe Raison - Dimon - 04-03-2014

Joe was stuck in his room which he hired for a mere 100 credits. He got up and took a look through the small window on the other side of the room as a pirate train was slowly being moored to the station. A few minutes later somebody was knocking on his door, as he stood up to answer them.

Tony: "Well, well..."
As soon as Joe heard Tony's voice he rushed to close the door to his room, but Tony was stronger and was able to get through - knocking Joe to the ground. Among Tony's notable features were his small grey beard and muscular figure. Joe scrambled to reach for his gun but by the time he reached it Tony had already held him at gunpoint.
[Image: aX5KMUH.png]
Tony: "Hold it! Try anything and you're dead!"
Joe: "The hell do you want from me 'Ton?"
Tony: "My money, you owe me a lot"
Joe: "I already did what you wanted, what else could you want?!" - Joe yelled
Tony: "Better change your tone."
Joe stood up from the floor and turned to tony.
Tony: "Good. Now listen up, you're going to work for me"
Joe: "I won't" Joe interrupted
Joe: "Kill me if you want, I've got nothing, no ship, no money"
Tony: "You have Avril" he smiled
Joe's face showed signs of worry as he sighed
Joe: "Don't touch 'er, please!."
Tony: "I won't if you work for me"
Tony: "Right, that's the other thing"
Tony holstered his gun and took Joe to his own bar on Barrier Gate.
Tony: "Alright, listen"
Joe: "First, tell me something, did you kill my friend? The one who arrived in my Prosecutor few days ago?"
Tony: "Shut up and listen, I need artifacts, not the one's from Crete. A special one. You ever hear about the Aoi Iseijin?"
Joe: "What? I don't speak Kusarian?"
Tony: "Maybe you know the Das Wilde, then?"
Joe: "I'm from Liberty, you know. But I have heard about it, it's like a Rheinland special forces group or something?"
Tony: "Don't act stupid, I know you were Force Recon in Hellfire, you know about the infested guys from the Nomad War"
Joe: "O'right, what I've to do?"
Tony: "This infested boys should carry some artifact, it calls ‘Nomad Power Call’…"
Joe: "How can I bring you it? I even don't have a ship!"
Tony: "Joe… You know… I won’t just leave my ‘best friend’ with nothing. I prepared one ship for ya'."
Joe: "Great! Another one broken shuttle?"
Tony: "Nah… It’s in Hangar number 6… Enjoy, it's my… Gift"
Joe: "Okay, but… Where from I can start searching?"
Tony: "Here. In Coronado… There is some Legend… Well, I’ll drop coordinates on your new ship."
Joe: "Right…"
Joe left Tony’s bar and went to Hangar 6, when he arrived he saw ship which looked like arrow, made by Hackers. Joe liked the design, but he wasn’t pleased that he have some deals with Lane Hackers.
[Image: wqql2nA.png]

RE: Joe Raison - Dimon - 04-08-2014

Before launch to the space, Joe sent transmission to Avril and then followed coordinates. On the way to Point 7B, someone from darkness stopped his engines. It was Gallic ‘Cougar’ bomber, with broken transponder, but with really valuable artifact, Nomad Power Call. Joe tried to get it without firework, he knew that his ship is too bad to fight.
[Image: B1qCCvZ.png]
...Log: #075
...Date: 03-09-821...

Quote:La’Row: Bonjour
Joe.Raison: Oh.
Joe.Raison: Gaul
La’Row: Oui, surprised?
Joe.Raison: But, with broken transponder *He giggles*
La’Row: Oui? Tell me more
Joe.Raison: So much. What are you doing here? And why did you... Stopped me?
Joe.Raison: Tell more...? About?
La’Row: Well...
La’Row: About m transponder
Joe.Raison: Mhm, It's just broken?
Joe.Raison: But wait a...
Joe.Raison: Mhm, you got artifact.
Joe.Raison: Strange one.
La’Row: I'm here because I want to be here
La’Row: Really? Have I?
Joe.Raison: Wait!
Joe.Raison: You are? De... Deserter?
Joe.Raison: If you says that you 'want' be here. All soldiers should follow their orders
La’Row: Maybe I'm just normal Freelancer, flying around
La’Row: Maybe I'm more...
Joe.Raison: O'ya. With... Navy ship.
La’Row: And? Never
Joe.Raison: About your... Artifact.
La’Row: Which artifact?
Joe.Raison: You think I'm so fool?
Joe.Raison: And I don't have scanner?
Joe.Raison: No, I do.
La’Row: I've got 11 artifacts, idiot
Joe.Raison: Oh.Oh. You know... You know which one is special.
La’Row: They are same...
Joe.Raison: No. 10 of them from Crete.
La’Row: Old and useless
Joe.Raison: One of them...
La’Row: But for a high price...
Joe.Raison: Mhm, 'Freelancer'... Can you... Sell me all of your artifacts?
La’Row: Maybe... Maybe not
Joe.Raison: Oh. Damn, wait. I don't have money.
La’Row: Money... Useless thing no? *she winks*
Joe.Raison: Anyway tell me... Where from did you get this 'Special' one arficats?
Joe.Raison: Oh. Artifact, there is just one.
La’Row: Little boy wants to know?
Joe.Raison: Yea. I need one of them
La’Row: So you need... How nice
La’Row: Purpose?
Joe.Raison: What if... I don't want to tell you. Since I don't know who exactly you are.
La’Row: What if I don't want to sell you. Since I don't know who exactly you are.
Joe.Raison: Alright. What if you'll tell me who you're, and I'll tell you who I am. Deal?
La’Row: I'm Lauren La’Row... Is that enough?
Joe.Raison: Not really. I'm Joe Raison.
La’Row: Not enough too...
Joe.Raison: And I am... Ex-Fleet Commander of the Hellfire Legion. Your turn?
La’Row: Legionnaire? I love them so much *she smiles* Well... I'm Ex-Specia Agent
Joe.Raison: of...? Gallic Royal Navy
Joe.Raison: ...I guess
La’Row: Look at my ship, dear... And Guess
Joe.Raison: Well, you are running from Gallic Navy?
La’Row: Naaaah... Why should I?
Joe.Raison: Because you are deserter?
La’Row: I'm not deserter
Joe.Raison: You said you are... Ex-Agent?
Joe.Raison: Of Gallic Royal Navy
La’Row: That doesn't meant I'm deserter
Joe.Raison: Oh... Want to tell me you just 'left' Gallic Fleet?
La’Row: But maybe small change of my life would be fine no?
Joe.Raison: Ah, well. Maybe
Joe.Raison: Wait a... Second
Joe.Raison: Let me check some coordinates.
Joe.Raison: Mhm... Unknown object?
La’Row: Where

Joe Raison noticed something on his radar, and wanted to look through, he with miss La’Row, moved closer to Unknown Object, it was looking like a Gate, an Alien Gate.
[Image: xZ5yQRp.png]

Quote:Joe.Raison: Oh. God...
Joe.Raison: Coordinates was right. I guess I know where you found 'special' one artifact
La’Row: What is that?
Joe.Raison: Tell me... Ma'am... You was here?
La’Row: I don't know what is this
Joe.Raison: It's... Looking like a... Gate
La’Row: It seems it's active gate
Joe.Raison: Some... e'nergy inside the gate
La’Row: And wreck
Joe.Raison: Indeed.
Joe.Raison: Noticed it.
Joe.Raison: You didn't answered me... Where from you get this 'Special' one artifact?
La’Row: It's secret
Joe.Raison: How can I get the same one?
La’Row: Be a good Freelancer and search for some wrecks?
Joe.Raison: Tony was talking about... Joi 'thaijin.
Joe.Raison: Or same, I don't speak Kusarian
La’Row: About what?
Joe.Raison: Some group of people...
Joe.Raison: Maybe.
Joe.Raison: You are not looking like Kusarian.
La’Row: Joi Thaijin... Never heard
Joe.Raison: He also told me about other group. 'Das Wilde'
La’Row: Rheinland infected no?
Joe.Raison: Right!
La’Row: Never met one...
Joe.Raison: I don't... Believe you
La’Row: Why not?
La’Row: Et Bonjour
Joe.Raison: Because there is one of their Afrifact in your hold
La’Row: So you think I'm one of them?!
Joe.Raison: No.
Joe.Raison: You aren't Rheinlander.
Joe.Raison: And you aren't Kusarian.
Joe.Raison: But you... Should kill one of them, and get this artifact
La’Row: I killed one guy... He tried to kill me
La’Row: And I found it in his wreck
Joe.Raison: His ship was... Kusarian?
La’Row: Bretonian
Joe.Raison: Ah.
Joe.Raison: Impossible, I guess Only if... Bretonian killed one of infested guy.
Joe.Raison: But... Anyway.
Joe.Raison: Ma'am.
Joe.Raison: I need this artifact
La’Row: Listen.. Killing Bretonians is my job
La’Row: And Why I should give it to you?
Joe.Raison: Mhm. Just call your price, kill someone? I'll do it
La’Row: So everything?
Joe.Raison: Mhm, except myself *Laughs*
La’Row: What about one wonderful night?
Joe.Raison: Sorry?
La’Row: Hmmm
Joe.Raison: You want to buy my body? For one night?
La’Row: Maybe?
Joe.Raison: Unfortunatelly, it's grow not for you
La’Row: So it seems artifact isn't important
Joe.Raison: No, wait!
Joe.Raison: O'kay...
Joe.Raison: You really want it?
La’Row: Hmmm
La’Row: Let me think about it
Joe.Raison: I really need the artifact.
La’Row: Why?
Joe.Raison: Can't... Can't tell you.
La’Row: Of course you can
Joe.Raison: O'right... One Hacker wants it
Joe.Raison: And, I've to bring up one for him or...
La’Row: So Hacker...
Joe.Raison: Almost Hacker
La’Row: Almost?
La’Row: Well... It's not important maybe
Joe.Raison: For you... But not for me.
Joe.Raison: This Hacker have lots of ears all around Sirius.
La’Row: So you have to bring him one or...?
Joe.Raison: Or he'll kill all of my family
La’Row: I don't trust you...
Joe.Raison: Why?
La’Row: Ex-Legionnaires haven't got family
La’Row: People join Legion because they can't lose anything
Joe.Raison: Dammit. You know to much about Legion
La’Row: I told you I love them
Joe.Raison: Let say, I hasn't anything to lose but...
La’Row: I'm not fool...
La’Row: Who is he or she?
Joe.Raison: Avril... Avril Parker, Ex-Legionnaire
La’Row: I think I heard that name...
La’Row: Is she Outcast now?
Joe.Raison: Erm, nope. But she got some relationship with 'casts
La’Row: Tell me more about relations
Joe.Raison: But wait... How did you? Where from you know her?
La’Row: Let's say as Ex-Agent I've got my informators
La’Row: Ears and Eyes everywhere
Joe.Raison: Everywhere?...
La’Row: Oui
Joe.Raison: Well miss. I'm losing my time, I need the Artifact. If you won't give me it, I'll get it by myself.
Joe.Raison: Gates...
La’Row: Still there's price...
Joe.Raison: Mhm? And which one?
La’Row: Depends on what can you offer and if I'll be happy
Joe.Raison: Just tell me what to do. Kill someone? Or something else?
La’Row: Killing someone...
Joe.Raison: Right. Whom?
La’Row: I think if yes or no...
La’Row: Maybe you can try and give him similar artifact?
Joe.Raison: Mhm, he's not so fool.
La’Row: And be like that Joi ,... Gave you one?
La’Row: Listen there's one system
La’Row: Called Omega... Number Fifty-eight
Joe.Raison: I guess I know where the gates to this system
Joe.Raison: Or not...
Joe.Raison: Omega Fifty-eight.
La’Row: And there are wrecks...
La’Row: Maybe there's one artifact
Joe.Raison: Maybe?
Joe.Raison: Just... Maybe?
La’Row: Try it and you will see
Joe.Raison: What if...
Joe.Raison: I didn't want it but.
Joe.Raison: Drop it, or...
La’Row: Or?
Joe.Raison: I...
La’Row: You?
Joe.Raison: Eh... I'll kill you
Joe.Raison: I've to get this artifact.
La’Row: You really want?
Joe.Raison: I do.
Joe.Raison: I need one.
La’Row: Your love would be proud of you no?
Joe.Raison: At last she won't die
La’Row: So you want to kill ...
Joe.Raison: Time to die... Sorry but I have too...
Joe.Raison: it.
[Target: La’Row – contact lost.]

Joe.Raison: What the hell?!
La’Row: I warned you, dear
Joe.Raison: O'right. I at last have other one way
La’Row: Right choice...
La’Row: If you will fail... Call me... How nice I am
Joe.Raison: Well. If I'll die... Tony won't touch Avril.

...Log: Saved…

[Image: dJprdh2.png]
On the other side of the Gate, Joe was under fire by lots of Platforms. He knew, that there is no chance to steal artifact and get out alive so he decided to run back. Before he jumped back to the Coronado, he noticed other one Gates somewhere in center of the system.
In Coronado, he returned to Barrier Gate, and went to bar. He knew that the end won’t be great, but after he understood that he won’t get this artifact so easy he wanted just to drink something real hot.

RE: Joe Raison - Dimon - 04-09-2014

Joe was seating in the bar already two hours after he returned from Unknown system. With glass of beer, he was replying to himself: “How?... How?... How will I get to Omegas?...”. Joe was tried to find out who was this Lauren La’Row. He made one sip: “She is… not deserted…” – thought Joe and made other one sip. “She was really looking like some of Infected people, but Gallic ship… Not ‘saijin and not Der Wilde.”
Tony entered to the bar. He looked around and slowly was moving to Joe. When he was at Joe’s table he took glass of beer and threw it into Joe’s face, then knocked his down on the floor.
Tony: “Hello!... How’s beer? But I’d ask you, where is my artifact?”
Joe: “I…”
Tony: “You Joey, you! Where is my artifact!?” – Tony has hit Joe
Joe: “I know where is it - Omega Fifty eight. There might be one.”
Tony: “Oh. Then I’d ask you, why you still here!? Get your ass to the Omega Fifty eight or… I’ll bring you Avril’s head.”
Joe: “Omegas. It’s too far, I can’t get there without good vessel. Also, I met one Ex-Agent of Gallic Royal Navy. She had same artifact you need.”
Tony: “Oh… And? Where is the Artifact?”
Joe: "She… Gone."
Tony: "Excuse me?!"
Joe: "When I tried to get it by my hands, she just disappeared"
Tony: "Very similar to Aoi Isaijin. She was one of ‘The Wilds’. And you, idiot, let her run away."
Joe: "But… I know her name"
Tony: "I don’t care, bring me artifact till tomorrow, or I’ll bring you Avril’s head."
Tony left the bar and Joe was thinking: "If I want to get this damned artifact, I’ve to contact La’Row, somehow but… I have to."