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APM-Aries and LWB - Printable Version

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APM-Aries and LWB - ProwlerPC - 08-18-2008

RM; No worries, I understand that no bounty hunting can be done in Rheinland with S/D. I was just talking in char. who is a Salty Old Dog that just got pirated. No bounty will be posted and LWB will be left to the Rheinland Authorities capable hands. ;)

APM-Aries and LWB - tfmachad - 08-18-2008

Wait, wait...

Who told you Bounty Hunters are barred from Rheinland space? Neither Bounty Hunters, Mercenaries or Freelancers are barred from operating in Rheinland space. Whoever told you that was unfortunately mistaken.

What the RM restricts is the ship classes that circulate in Rheinland space. Battleships not affiliated to the RM aren't allowed in Rheinland territory as they pose too great a threat to national security. Anything bigger than a gunboat and smaller than a battleship is carefully observed and may be required to leave the territory at the ranking officer's discretion (specially if those ships are found engaged in suspicious activities or "loitering"). All police/military ships from other nations are outright forbidden in Rheinland territory unless given authorization by the local forces.

Bounty Hunters, Mercenaries and Freelancers flying fighter class ships (from LF to bomber) or gunboat class ships (gunship/gunboat) are free to move and operate within Rheinland space given they respect the local regulations.

APM-Aries and LWB - ProwlerPC - 08-18-2008

No-No I'm talking about S/D has it restricted for it's members. But sorry I should be thinking of others who would take that opportunity.
I am just leaving for a shift but I'll add it to the list when I get back.

APM-Aries and LWB - BaconSoda - 08-19-2008

Comms ID: Johann Steinlaufer
Origin: Ostnebel

If this is regarding the incident in New Berlin today, I will tell you this bluntly. Nothing will get in the way of the LWB of taking back what is rightfully ours. The fact that the RM have continued to treat us as criminals in the face of insurmountable facts that Synth Foods abusing not only the land but the people themselves in Stuttgart and the fact that they have even stepped up their operations to stop us have told us only one thing: We are closer to achieving our goals than we have ever been before, and we will not cease until every Synth Foods employee and plant is off the Planet that is rightfully ours. Nothing will stand in our way anymore, not even you auslanders that have come to hunt us, or our brethren who have sold us to the highest bidder.

If you must place a bounty upon us for an encounter you had with me, then so be it. It will only show that you do not have the honor to stand in a fight with the man who wronged you. We might be Rheinlanders, but we still do hold that concept sacred, unlike those who turned a blind eye to the plights of their brothers.

~Johann Steinlaufer

//Really, though, a bounty on me sounds fun! :D

Good to see someone appreciates my pirating. :rolleyes:

No hard feelings, right? It is just a game, afterall. But, what is the point of this thread? I don't understand your complaint....

APM-Aries and LWB - ProwlerPC - 08-19-2008

No complaint it was well done.
I have no hard feelings about it.
I wasn't going to put the bounty because S/D as of yet doesn't do contracts in Rheinland unless approved by it's Director. APM-Aries doesn't know all the specific details so was calling out for a bounty.
The OOC post was to assure RM that S/D isn't meddling in their law. In hindsight I realized I forgot that there are plenty of independant Bounty Hunter's who would enjoy their inclusion so I'll be giving them some incentive.
Just want to keep the "flow" moving around Sirius.