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To my Angel, From Jonathan - Printable Version

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To my Angel, From Jonathan - APDAF - 04-02-2014

Opening transmission.....Open

Sender ID: Jonathan. W. Hodgkinson
Location: Freeport 11
Priority: Very High
Encryption: Medium

H... hey Angel how are you?
I my family have moved to Freeport 11 which... is in the middle of the Omicrons so... I don't know if you can get here... though... I might be able to meet you at Planet Kurile if you want...

I... I have to go... see you later...

P.s. I love you...

Transmission ending....................................Ended
Connection lost......

RE: To my Angel, From Jonathan - Shizune - 04-02-2014

Comm's ID: Angel Antioch
Location: Planet New London, New London System

"Hia John..I've been great..I miss you so much...I really do...I checked in and ya...your going to be a father.." She smiles a bit "I'll be glad to meet you at Planet Kurile..." There's a call for her name in another room "Got to go...maybe...see you soon..."

RE: To my Angel, From Jonathan - APDAF - 04-02-2014

Opening transmission.....Open

Sender ID: Jonathan. W. Hodgkinson
Location: Freeport 11
Priority: Very High
Encryption: Medium

S... So... you... are expecting...? that's great... Look... I will make it up to you when I can return... but alas that will be a long time...

I... love you.... and I look forward to meeting you on Kurile...

Transmission ending....................................Ended
Connection lost......