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Breaking News brought to you by the RNN || Broadcast across Rheinland - Rheinland News Network - 04-02-2014

Rheinland News Network

"People of Rheinland, Fellow Citizens of the Federal Republic,

Today, I step before you with an announcement that will change things in our Republic. News has reached us today that the great Kanzler Rheinhardt, is retiring from his position at the head of our Nation. Since Rheinhardt took the Reigns of the Republic, our nation has went through ups and down, the war and an economic downturn, but Rheinhardt had always continued to work, day and night, for the well-being of you, the Citizens. Due to health-concerns as voiced by both Kanzler Rheinhardt's physician and from information gathered from his Cabinet the popular Kanzler of Rheinland is stepping down from office on advice from his Doctor and retiring to ensure his continued health.
The Kanzler will be moving to a safe location for his retirement, where he will be cared for by the Republics best medical staff.

This, of-course, brings us to whom will take over the position now left by Rheinhardt. As soon as news reached the Bundestag on his condition and his resignation, a request was put forth to find a new candidate worthy of the Kanzlery of our Federal Republic. The Cabinet found a fitting substitution quickly, and a vote was held to institute the Candidate into Kanzlership, which passed with a 5/6th majority.

As such, News reach us tonight, that the former Kanzler Rheinhardt, and the new Electee, Maximilian Schulte of the Nationalist Party, met together at New Berlin Airbase for the Official passing ceremony. This Ceremony, which was put together in the shortest of times, and over one-hundred guests and officials were invited to this ceremony, which was held at dusk, in the light of Flame and floodlight.

[Image: xyvmYZE.png]

Accompanied by the sound of the Musical Corps, and the Wachbattallion of New Berlin, the passing Ceremony was held and went on for about 3 hours until, in the light of the flames, Alt-Kanzler Rheinhardt, and the new Kanzler Schulte left the scene together, to go their ways at the Spaceport.

[Image: ZckXKTk.png]

Tomorrow, Kanzler Schulte will be inducted in the Bundestag, and will hold his opening speech, which is highly anticipated in the high circles of Rheinland Politics, especially with the Imperial Party of Rheinland and the Nationalist Party, which Schulte belongs to.

We here at the RNN wish Kanzler Schulte the best for his future work, and are sure he will lead us with precision and dedication.

This is Tobias Mahler, signing off."

RE: Breaking News brought to you by the RNN || Broadcast across Rheinland - Rheinland News Network - 04-08-2014

Rheinland News Network

This is Tobias Mahler, Live from the Bundestag where Kanzler Schulte has just been inducted by the Bundestag, and we will now go right to the Kanzler, who will now give his induction speech

*The camera pans toward the building, and then the screen switches to the camera in the grand hall of the Bundestag. Schulte, taking slow and steady steps, walks up to the podium in the middle of the Bundestag, taking his prepared speech out of his jackets inner pocket, and spreading it infront of him. He would pour himself a glass of water and clear his throat before he began to speak*

Abgeordnete, Honored Guests, Fellow Rheinlanders.

Today marks the end of an Era in Rheinland, and the beginning of a new strech of time for the Republic. Rheinhardts reign was long, and had it's ups and downs, as we all know. Alot can be said about the past years, but we've all heard it over and over again. I do not need to repeat the grim reality of the Republic, as we are all living it day by day.

First and foremost, I would like to extend my warmest thanks to the Bundestag for entrusting me with leading this Nation, in these trying times, change can be a warmly welcomed wind that will carry Rheinland on it's wings to new heights. This is not the first, nor will it be the last economic downturn we have faced, but Rheinland has always prevailed, and it's strength always returned to unrivaled might.

The next months will be crucial to setting the course for my plans with this great Nation. Our Allies in Kusari will play a role in my plans, as will our great coorporations, and their members, as well as the Federal Polizei, the Military and the Nachrichtendienst. Every man and woman serving Rheinland, every worker on a dock, every farmer and shop keeper will do their part for the Republic.

*Schulte would pause shortly, taking a longer drink from the glass he'd prepared and looking around the room some.*

Ladies. Gentlemen. Today marks the beginning of a new Wind of change for Rheinland. Today marks the beginning of a project of unmatched size and dedication by its bearers. Like a Phoenix from the Ashes, Rheinland will rise again, rise to new strengths, rise to an economic powerhouse, rise to its most glorious hours. With the dedication and loyalty of every man and woman in Rheinland, and the support of this Bundestag, we will accomplish things that have never been accomplished before. Our Economy will flourish, lifestyles improve in all classes, even those who think themselves on the bottom of the abyss will find new strength in this new economic world.

*Schulte would pause again from his speech, he took off his jacket and loosened his tie some, yes one could say he was a temperamental speechgiver, and his heart pumped Rheinland blood through each of his veins*

Not only will our economy be boosted, No. This new Era will affect everyone within Rheinlands Borders. Kruger, ALG, Daumann, Republican. Only to name the strongest within our lands, they will all be affected by our Economic efforts, and they will also play major roles for this Administration. With this newfound economic strength, we will then move onto the next big piece needed to complement our strength. The Expansion of the Military, the new funding of projects and hardware to give our fighting men and women the tools they need to take the war across our borders and to our enemies. Too long have we been in the corner and holding up the shield, too long have they tried to oppress us, too long have they threatened our civilians and our children. Enough is enough. I say this ends right here and right now.

*His voice had raised throughout his speech, making clear he was heart and soul for this new course for the nation*

This Bundestag can sign the mandate to put the wheels into motion, to bring the needed powers to the right people to let Rheinland rise anew atop the ashes of a past era, to allow this Republic of Rheinland to become the most feared Military force, the most sought after economic partner, and the driving force of Sirius!

*As Schulte then emptied the glass of water, the people in the room began to clap, a standing ovation to the Kanzlers speech, he let the clapping die down slowly, as the people retook their seats.*

You, Damen und Herren put your trust into me to lead this nation and now I put my trust into you, to stand by my side on this new course of action.

Dankeschön, und Gute Nacht.
*Another wave of applause as Kanzler Schulte put his jacket back on, grabbed his papers and left the Bundestag*

You've heard it here live, Ladies and Gentlemen, Kanzler Schulte has announced a new wind for the Republic, a wind that now needs to be signed off by the Bundestag. The coming month will be either Schulte's greatest triumph, or his crashing downfall. We all here at RNN hope for the best for Rheinland.
This is Tobias Mahler, signing off.

RE: Breaking News brought to you by the RNN || Broadcast across Rheinland - Tabris - 11-25-2014

Rheinland News Network

Hello and welcome to the Rheinland News Network, I am Ludwig Xavier.

As Winter sets in on New Berlin surprising developments within the Rheinland Bundestag has taken place, the Rheinland Nationalist Party led by current Kanlzer Maxmillian Schulte and the Imperialist Party of Rheinland's Joachim Friedmann, a descendant of the last Kaiser of Rheinland, have announced that they have reached an agreement to form a Union Government, forming a majority of seats within the Bundestag.

When we called the IPR Offices Friedmann gave a short statement explaining the reasoning for this deal with the Nationalists.

Details of the Union Deal are sketchy but from what RNN sources cite the deal may have been sparked by a recent surge of Pro-Socialist support from independent seats within the Bundestag. Support for both parties is high and such a union would prove quite difficult to defeat in the next election, Nationalist and Imperialist supporters across Rheinland have been celebrating the occasion while the RFP remains vigilant for Hessian or Bundschuh terrorists who would seek to disrupt the festivities to further their agenda of overthrowing the Government and instituting a Socialist Dicatorship.

We will have further details on the Union Government as they come in, until than this is RNN, News for the Rheinlandic People across Sirius.