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Don Varraco De la Vega - obnoxious1 - 08-18-2008

Chapter I
The Beginning

Varraco De la Vega was born the eldest son of Don Jesus Carlos De la Vega & his wife Condesa Zandriana De la Vega, Owners of one of the longest standing family owned Cardamine plantation on the southern hemisphere of Malta. Dating back to exodus from the Hispania, and the original colonization of Malta itself.
Being born into the Nobility of Malta, Varraco was the typical spoiled child. Shown favoritism over his younger sibling, a sister, Condesa Elisia Rosetta De la Vega & acting as a spoiled tyrant though out his childhood, most feared the day he would succeed his father in taking over the family business. He was cruel, heartless & merciless, even in his very young years.
He once ordered a house slave tortured and killed for serving his favorite meal to him cold. Yet deep down he was a his mothers boy. A vibrant caring woman, never really agreeing to slavery to upkeep the fields & their lavish lifestyle. Also a devout believer in education & history, always instilling into her children their heritage & past but also pointing them towards the future & advancements made in benefit of Malta.

Varraco was terrified of his father, Jesus was a stern yet honorable man & would stop at nothing to up hold his family's holdings. He was strict, to the point of being tyrannical. Ruthless & unforgiving, criticizing every mistake
Varraco would make & punishing him cruelly for them. He respected his father, even loved him deep down, he just feared him over all.

When Varraco was of age, his father, against his mothers wishes, sent him to the Maltese Military Academy.
Hoping his son would learn future skills that may be needed to defend the family business and instill some responsibilities, respect, and values into him. He struggled at the beginning, being one that grew up giving demands and orders, doing as he wished, when & how he wished it. Several demerits, misconduct, & low ratings filled his personal information folder the first couple years of his academy days.
After having his spirit "altered" by his instructors, his last 3 years in the academy he excelled. Becoming first in his class and graduating with honors to return home a more patient & wiser young man.

Chapter II
Quest for knowledge

Varraco returned home to find nothing had changed much. The plantation still ran, growing, harvesting & refining Cardamine to export to various regions of Sirius. His sister Elisia had already left to attend finishing school, His mother seemingly was more interested in her socialite group of high society condesa's goals of creating some preposterous plan to create a form of basic rights for the plantation slaves. His father, as always, immersed in the family business, Taking little time to even acknowledge his sons return home.
Varraco feeling dispelled from his lack of a homecoming & wanting the respect of his father, decides to attend more schooling, preferably off Malta. In all his years, he has yet to ever leave his home. No longer afraid of the unknown & the stories he would hear of epic fights the Outcast nation has fought, he yearned to
learn and see more. New cultures, new idea's, all these called to him like a voice in his head that would not be silenced. He had to get out, see the Sirius System with his own eyes, learn all he could from it & hopefully acquire enough knowledge to someday return home & finally get the attention from his father he so desperately wanted.
After only a mere two weeks at home, he announced his decision at a formal dinner planned by his mother.
" I have decided to continue my education, I will be leaving Malta tomorrow to explore Sirius & gain knowledge in Politics and Science. " he announced.
His mother just wept. She knew she couldn't say anything that would stop him.
His father didn't say a word, no sign of any emotion or expression. He barely lifted his head to acknowledge his son had even spoken.
The next morning before his parents awoke, Varraco had left, purchasing passage on a transport bound for the nearest allied system. From there he would begin his his quest for knowledge. Traveling through out Sirius, exploring new worlds, new cultures, understanding how their economy's worked, what technologies they had he could use later in his life. Seeking teachers, strategists, scholars , warriors, & even smugglers, pirates & thieves. All in hopes to learn all he could about each, using the skills & information to further his goals.
In all, Varraco spent 25 years away from home, learning anything he could any place he could find knowledge.

Chapter III
Fall of the House of De la Vega

A lot had changed on Malta since Varraco departed on his quest for knowledge.
Several wars fought, new enemies, new allies, and now a new rise of a cartel aimed at taking control of all the Cardamine trade & production. The Blue Lotus Society had moved in while he was gone. Taking over failing plantations & forcing some of the larger plantations out & making others bow to their control.
The De la Vega plantation was sizable enough to warrant the BLS intrusion into their Cardamine operations.
At first, offering them a place in the Society under their control. But after the steadfast refusal to submit by Jesus, the De la Vega's were destined to run into a tragic accident, as many Don's & Houses that have not bowed to the will of the BLS.
It was several months after the incident when Varraco received a transmission from his sister Elisia, Detailing how his fathers private transport had hit a random floating sunslayer that just happened to be armed and adrift in the path of his ship. The escape pod was never found & the remains of his ship were hauled off to a scrap heap in an unknown location. She explained how the BLS had forced his mother to sign over the plantation & all it's holdings to them. Barely escaping her own "accident" and is now in hiding. & Elisia is also in hiding in fear of her own life.
Rapid thought filled his mind as he re-read the dated transmission, random memory's race through his mind, Tears fill his eyes, but only for a moment.
For the rage had started to take over. A rage he had not felt since his childhood, buried deep within him now starting to slowly climb up his stomach and boil through out his blood. Rage that begins to evolve into hatred,
hatred that he wasn't there when he was needed, hatred that he will now never be able to please his father, hatred that the remains of his family must hide like common criminals, hatred that is now becoming revenge.
" I need the fastest transport heading to Malta" he tells the dock master at the station he is on. " I am going home"

// still a work in progress...

Don Varraco De la Vega - obnoxious1 - 08-19-2008

Chapter IV
The Return of Varraco De la Vega

There was no funeral for Jesus Carlos De la Vega, his escape pod was never found. No sane person would have attended the event anyway, risking exposure to the Society's spy's and informants.
Only a brief mention of Jesus "accident" and the failure to locate his escape pod made the Sirius & Maltese news networks. A transmission Varraco saved.
After a few months on a smuggling transport, Varraco finally reaches the Alpha system. Peering out a window on the ship he looks across the system, taking in the beauty of it, The pale green star, wreckage of the Hispania
of which his mother told him endless stories of, and finally Malta. How nice it would be to breath in fresh air with out that damn mask he has had to wear all these years. From orbit, it looks the same as when he left it. But below on the surface he knows it is not the same Malta he had left 25 years ago, many things have changed, many more will. But for now, just to breath the air of his native land was all he could think of. The rest will come soon enough.

The doors open on the transport & Varraco steps out, removing his cardi mask, tossing it in a trash can & takes a long, deep breath. Fresh air, home at last.
His first mission is to retrieve the information he knows would be hidden in a secret family hiding spot. Passed down to each son from every previous Don in his family. It was an off the plantation spot where if something should occur, the successor would find cash, deeds, & contact information of friends, family & alliances. He knew this spot, & knew he must start there. Varraco finds transportation to a remote little villa on the far outskirts of his families plantation. He walks up to the villa, nothing has changed in the years since his father had brought him here as a child and explained to him it's importance. He steps inside, walk to the fire place & removes the mantle stone over the hearth. Sure enough, the lock box is there. He punches in the boxes code & opens it. Inside he finds what he already knew was there, The deeds to all the properties, hidden bank accounts, various documents, the family bloodline transcripts, some cash & ... a letter addressed to him. This was not expected at all, it is addressed to him, but looking at it he knows it is his fathers hand writing.
Varraco stares at the envelope, curious to whats in side, but afraid in someway to open it. Curiosity gets the best of him & he breaks the seal, pulls out a fine looking parchment & unfolds it. Taking a deep breath he begins to read.
Varraco my son,

If your reading this, I am probably no longer with you & reside with the keepers. I want you to know my son I have always been proud of you. I never could show it to you, but I loved you more than life it self. I know this may come as a shock to you, but I had to be hard & stern, the Cardamine business is a rutheless endeavor filled with shady deals, cut throats, corruption & greed. Life means nothing to these people it is all about the credits. It takes a person who can hide his emotions & be heartless when it is needed. Hopefully you understand this now & can use the knowledge you have learned to keep our family legacy alive.

In the past few years you have been away, a new Cartel of sorts has been buying up the small plantations, forcing out those who would not sell & progressively moving up to the larger fields and houses. A greedy lot they are, no honor in these thugs. They care only for the credits, no respect for the land, it's people or our history. They call themselves The Blue Lotus Syndicate, no one is sure what Don runs them, but they will stop at nothing to take over all the Cardamine control. They have already made offers to buy us out, but I would never give in to such vermin & betray our family name. I am going to seek more allies, A few other Don's are willing to assist us if we assist them. I also have been in contact with a militia group that despises the BLS & their operation. I will also seek out their assistance. If I am not heard from, I have failed in my mission my son, You must carry it out & protect the families holdings at all costs. Enclosed you will find a key
& directions to my Sabre. she is fueled up & ready to slay any foe in your path. Take her & avenge me. Reclaim our name & return it to the honor it has always stood for.
May you live long & carry on our traditions, Great spirits willing, I will be watching over you.

With love,
Your Father

Tears streamed down Varraco's face as he found the key & the directions to his fathers Sabre.
He could hardly believe what he had read, "He was proud of me..." he thought out loud.
Following the directions that were enclosed in his fathers last words, he located his fathers ship.
A newer Series "Z" Sabre VHF, decked out in the newest weapons & armor upgrades. Very similar to the ones he had flown before in his academy days. Clean as a whistle it was, not a scratch or blemish on her.
And then he seen it, Painted on the nose of the mighty fighter, his family crest. Pride filled Varraco's heart as he gazed over this thing of Maltese engineering beauty. He climbed into the cockpit, looking at the readouts & the upgraded scanners & weapons displays. He turned on all the systems & began pre-launch sequences,
The roar of the modified & upgraded thrusters burst to life. As the mighty fighter began to lift off it's mooring fixtures, he could feel the power of the vessel building up like a star ready to go supernova. He locked in a course in the ships navigational system, taking him to the first stop on his quest of revenge, the Outcast militia his father was going to seek out. As the ship began to accelerate towards the heavens, he again thought out loud... " they will pay"

// still working on it...

Don Varraco De la Vega - obnoxious1 - 08-19-2008

Chapter V
Calm before the storm

The series Z Sabre breaks Malta's orbit gaining speed as the planets gravity looses pull upon the ship.
It's pilot confirms the coordinates he had previously locked in and engages the cruise engines. A powerful rumble comes from the thrusters as the initial boost throws Varraco back into the pilots seat with a jolt. 'Holy hell' he thinks to himself, " this thing has more power than any ship we had at the academy.. what have they done to this thing?!"
Heading for the Siniestre Clouds, he is hoping to find this militia rebellion group his father spoke of in his letter.
Hopefully they will aid in his cause of revenge, or at least point him to some of the other Don's resisting the BLS.
He was told they hide in the clouds, striking against Alpha systems enemies from the shadows, & disrupting the BLS traders taking Cardamine to make their profits. Varraco just flies around aimlessly in the clouds, hoping to find a blip on his scanner, He knows they will not answer a long range communication, it would give their location away. "There!" he exclaims as 1 blip shows up on the screen, then another & a few more, until it looks like a small attack force in front of him. " State your business near our ships" a stern voice barks out over the comm device, "Power down your guns or you will be destroyed!" Varraco powers the weapons off line. & reaches for the comm panel. " I am Varraco De la Vega, of the plantation house De la Vega, I wish to speak with your commander" "hold here" is the reply he gets. Seconds seem to last for hours as he waits, 'Will he see me?' 'will they blast me out of the sky?' ' can they help?' are the thoughts going through his mind. Then the silence breaks "Sabre pilot, you are to dock on the Battle Ship 12 k in front of you" come across his comms again with the stern voice " If we so much as see a mili spike in your weapons array, you will be destroyed, maintain comm silence until docked"
Varraco fires the engines back up & proceeds to the ship he was directed to. It continues to grow the closer he gets. "Damn that thing is huge!!" he says out loud. Nothing like the Maltese Battleships he remembers from his early days. Seems the homeland has had some advances since he was gone. As he approaches the monster of a ship, he finds the landing deck & set's his controls to land. He hits the mooring fixture he is directed to with a large thud, powers down & opens the cockpit window. "Damn you daft idiot!" he hears someone yelling at him as they run towards his ship. " It will take me hors to fix that, damn rookies!"
On the battleship of a hopeful ally no more than a moment & he has already pissed off the ships flight deck master. " Damn, hope it gets better from here" he half whispers. "Sorry sir, been a few years since I have flown one of these" he tells the angry man as he climbs out of the ship & jumps on to the deck. "the damn ship has an auto pilot you damn rookie, thats what it is for" he mumbles as he surveys the damage to the fixture. Varraco looks around & notices, there are no guards to meet him. Everyone is busy doing their tasks & don't even look towards him in acknowledgment of his arrival. Then he gazes upon a tall bulky man, maybe 30 years his senior, walking out of the shadow of a corridor towards him. "How may be of service to ye" says the man. The closer he gets to Varraco, he can notice the man has obviously seen many conflicts in his days, scars adorn his face & his eyes glow with an empty black stare, as if looking through him.
"I am Varraco De la Vega of the House of De la Vega, Son & successor of my missing father Jesus Carlos De la Vega" he announces, "I wish to speak to the person in charge" the older man looks Varraco over, nods & puts his hand out. " I know who ye are boy, & I know why ye is 'ere" he responds. " I am Colonel Picaroon Diablo, & I knew ye father well, Follow me lad, we have been expecting ye, I have some friends ye may want to meet.
Varraco shakes the mans hand & falls in step behind him as they walk towards the corridor from which the man had come from. "Expecting me? how did you know I was even here let alone coming?" Varraco asks.
"They told us lad, they know all, they can see into you mind, read it's thoughts & foresee your reactions"
The colonel replies. "They ? who are they?" , " ye shall see soon enough boy" is the answer as the step into a grand room on the great ship.
The room is full of people, all sitting at a grand large oval Maltese Oak table, the men and women at this table are dressed in the finest garb found on Malta, it is obvious they are Don's & Maltese nobility. Upon the table is a grand feast of the finest Maltese dishes & drink. He had almost began to drool at the sight, it has been so long since he has had such fine foods. Varraco's stomach begins to rumble, it has been awhile since he had ate. The rage & anger has fueled him this entire time & his body was finally crying out for nourishment. "Ha" his escort the colonel exclaims, " Sit boy, ye must be starved, we can talk business during our meal" The colonel claps his hands & a well kept & well groomed servant girl escorts him to the table.
As he reaches his seat, he notices the De la Vega family crest carved artfully into a fine Maltese Oak chair. Plush fabric adorns it & he seems to sink into it like a soft pillow as he sits. Just as he gets comfortable, A large, very heavy set man stands & raises his wine glass. " Welcome son of Jesus, you honor us with your presence in your father place" he toasts as glasses are raised. " I am honored to be here " Varraco responds, nervous as to what to say & who these people are. "Eat up boy" We have much to discuss & plans to be making" "ye have much to do if ye wish to replace your fathers seat at this table" said the colonel.
" Lets get this meeting started & get down to the business at hand gentlemen"

// still in progress