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To: Dave Cyprus - Printable Version

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To: Dave Cyprus - aerelm - 04-06-2014

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Well, mister Cyprus, course of events have led me to a point at which I find myself to be once more in need of your time and your expertise. Knowing from past experience, you would not say no to an offer long as you find it worth your while, and rest assured, this offer just like the previous ones most definitely is.

I'm certain the task I'll be offering you on its own would be of no challenge to an individual such as yourself, however, it's worth noting that there are certain time constraints in place and once an agreement is made, I expect the task to be as soon as possible. There will also be a bonus involved if you manage to impress me with how fast you can get this job done, because as you very well know already, I'm not the type who'd like hanging around and watching good time go to waste.

Let me know if you're interested and we'll discuss the details.

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RE: To: Dave Cyprus - sindroms - 04-06-2014

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RE: To: Dave Cyprus - aerelm - 04-06-2014

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The assignment on it's own is quite simple and straight-forward. The conditions which it comes with are fortunately not. "Fortunately", because stricter conditions have always meant a bigger paycheck for you at the end of our every deal, has it not? Technically speaking, you'll be doing this service for an associate of mine, however, the deal itself is strictly between the two of us, so as always I suggest we proceed on a "No questions asked" basis.

You'll be forwarded a considerable payment if you successfully deliver a hundred (100) Liberty Navy pilots to Allentown Base in Pennsylvania by the end of this week. As for the conditions that come with it, the requested merchandise should be tightly wrapped and in as good a shape as possible, that means physically and morally unharmed and sedated so their moaning and begging doesn't go on my nerves when I have them picked up.

Based on our previous agreements, I believe 2 millions per head would be a fair price for your effort. Let me know if you're up for the job and we'll arrange a freight container on Allentown for you to stash the goods gradually until the stock hits the agreed upon quantity.

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RE: To: Dave Cyprus - sindroms - 04-07-2014

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RE: To: Dave Cyprus - aerelm - 04-07-2014

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Worry not. Lovely folks of Allentown are known for their hospitality and oh-so-selfless willingness to take care of lost strangers in cuffs and chains long as there's the right amount of pay involved, and needless to say, with me on one end of the deal the right amount of pay always is. I'll arrange for a contact on Allentown to oversee the deliveries and make sure you don't go through a hard time dropping them off.

Just tell the dock master you're a friend of mine and you've brought me some souvenirs.

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RE: To: Dave Cyprus - sindroms - 04-09-2014

[Image: bFMqi3W.png]
It looks like things are not going as smoothly as planned.
The ion storms are wrecking havoc on patrols, so the security
has been tightened as well as the mission operation guys are
paying much more attention where their men are heading, both
recruits and aces alike. Not as easy as I first had thought, but
it makes it all the more interesting.

I might need another week, if this keeps up. If that is not
possible, I can implement the backup plan, but the outcome
of that one might not be within my current interests.

Keep me updated on whether on not you have more time
to spare for your shipment, I will need the answer before
I decide how to act about it.


RE: To: Dave Cyprus - aerelm - 04-10-2014

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I'm sure this can wait for until after ion storms clear out. The agreed upon payment stays intact despite the delay, since ion storms are in neither of ours control.

Take your time, but not too long.

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