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Reinstating the .85-.86 Orca model as a Bounty Hunters Guild Transport - Printable Version

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Reinstating the .85-.86 Orca model as a Bounty Hunters Guild Transport - t0l - 04-08-2014

[Image: 20131115175350%21Orca.png]

Perhaps the old Orca, dubbed the "Orca Mark 2" could see action again as a BHG Light Transport, boasting a cargo hold similar to the Percheron, perhaps more.

Maybe even turn into a Civilian Light Transport.

The BHG wouldn't have a load of Orcas just suddenly morph into fat Mantas now, so the influx of replacement Orcas would leave a bunch of old obsolete Orcas behind. The old ones would be repurposed to become transports.

I'm sure many others are like me and enjoyed the old model and would like to see it back.

EDIT: Fixed name in accordance with model history.

RE: Reinstating the original Orca model as a Bounty Hunters Guild Transport - Lythrilux - 04-08-2014

This is actually a good idea. As someone in BHG HC, I approve (y).

RE: Reinstating the original Orca model as a Bounty Hunters Guild Transport - Scumbag - 04-08-2014

And make that forward gun into a gunboat turret. I wholeheartedly agree with this.

RE: Reinstating the original Orca model as a Bounty Hunters Guild Transport - Astraea - 04-10-2014

turning the old orca model into a small trans?

i like that idea

RE: Reinstating the original Orca model as a Bounty Hunters Guild Transport - Thexare - 04-11-2014

Nitpicking, but that's not the first Orca model. The first one had a split hull like a catamaran.

I like the idea though.

RE: Reinstating the original Orca model as a Bounty Hunters Guild Transport - Jayce - 04-11-2014

That's not the original Orca model. This is.

[Image: vW97xFl.png]

RE: Reinstating the original Orca model as a Bounty Hunters Guild Transport - Scumbag - 04-11-2014

I like this one better, why was it replaced?

RE: Reinstating the original Orca model as a Bounty Hunters Guild Transport - Thexare - 04-11-2014

I want to say something about hitbox problems, but I can't be certain.

RE: Reinstating the original Orca model as a Bounty Hunters Guild Transport - Zayne Carrick - 04-11-2014

(04-11-2014, 05:11 AM)Scumbag Wrote: I like this one better, why was it replaced?

I second this. More BHG-ish than .86 boat

RE: Reinstating the original Orca model as a Bounty Hunters Guild Transport - Jayce - 04-11-2014

it was replaced because

"muh model quality"

well look at the pile we've got now