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Freelancer CTDs after the splash screen on startup. - Printable Version

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Freelancer CTDs after the splash screen on startup. - Lythrilux - 04-18-2014

Since I can't play multilayer games right now, I'm going to finally finish the Freelancer campaign.
However, to my dismay, once I brush past the Microsoft and digital anvil animations and the beginning and get through the intro cutscene, my Freelancer crashes to the desktop.
I've reinstalled, but I still have the problem.
Can anyone help me?

RE: Freelancer CTDs after the splash screen on startup. - Mephistoles - 04-18-2014

Save games. Backup if you want them and then remove.

Unless you mean crash after the FP7 cutscene, then sounds like a clean install is needed.

RE: Freelancer CTDs after the splash screen on startup. - Lythrilux - 04-18-2014

I fixed it, I just had to delete my Accts folder.
Thus can be locked.

RE: Freelancer CTDs after the splash screen on startup. - Gunbladelad - 06-13-2014

This actually happens if you've got a single-player save file from Discovery in your single-player accounts folder.

When Discovery still used FLMM to install, it would bypass this problem as FLMM normally moves all save data to a new folder (you can do this manually if needed).

However, Discovery 4.86 and 4.87 install to a different folder from normal Freelancer, yet still use the same save directory. What's actually happening is Freelancer is booting up and - while on the splash screen - checks the save files present match the game data. If something's not right, it'll exit to the desktop without explanation. In this case, it's probably found a Discovery save file and thought "I don't know what the heck this stuff is, time to quit before something goes badly wrong"