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Additional storyline - Lonely_Ghost - 04-26-2014

Storyline is one of the key element of mod's development. With current storylien, many of factions seems to be forgotten, and fall under fait of unpopularity, just because noone interested and nothing happens around. Houses are processing themselves, omicrons are dead, like Kusari.

Im offering to adjust general storyline for Kusari, Liberty, Rheinland, Omegas and Omicron regions. Im not going to cut off all the progress we have with Gallia here, like defeat of Kusari fleet, capture of Leeds, and assault on Liberty, nope.

New storyline would focuse on houses development, combined with strugle, competition and actions.

Kusari, is less popular house and it requer some changes. Here, how I see those change in storyline:

Kusari see the main degradation of it's own republic, which is supported, by her freind Gallia. Lot's of resources deposits are depleted, and Gallia, forcing to Kusari, to become agreecultural house, with nearly no inustrial power and technological addiction to herself.

Kusari secretly starting deep recon inside Tohoku system, hoping, to gain new alien technologies. In same time, Samura, seeking nearby systems for new resources deposits. Old ties with Corsairs, helping Samura, to get upperhand in exploring danger Tohoku systems and nearby omicrons.

Kishiro, has oposite goals, and here we starting real corporate wars. Kishiro are buddy with Blood Dragons. Blood Dragons understands, that they will have no chances, against Kusari with new toys, so they become buddy with The Order, and trying to protect Nomad's and Wilde's treasure, from Kusari's hands.

Samura and Corsairs, with secret support of Kusari forces keep seeking new goodies in Tohoku, and nearby systems. Kishiro and her (or his?) buddy don't want it. Noamds and Kusari wilde want everyone GTFO from their home.

To stimulate player to take part in this (NOTE: Stimulate, not to force!!!!), several geographic changes could be done.

1) Add KNF BS base in Tohoku. With missions against Wilde, Nomads, BD, Order.
Made same for the Order, with missions against Wilde, Nomads, and Kusari Naval forces. Same mission asset to BD base in Tohoku and Chugoku systems.

2) Add one or two rich mineable zones, in Tohoku, with bonuses for everyone (Samura and Kishiro).

3) (If its possible) Moving one nearly empty system, and putting it between New Tokyo and Tohoku. Also, put additional JH from Chugocu into that system.

4) Add one or two Samura bases into that system, put small Sair depot there. (ofcrs, missions against Nomies, Wildes, BD and Order)

5) Remove Jh from Hokaido and Nagano to Tohoku

6) If 3rd point impossible to do, skip to this. - Add few trade routes for Kishiro to BD and may be even Order base. Same for Samura, but to her buddy's bases ofcrs.

7) Anything else I forgot to mention....

So, in fact, something same could be done for rest houses. Liberty pushing from Alaska, together with Core, Rheinland, on it's own moving into Omegas, where we have Das Wilde.

In fact, focusing on those factions, could make them more tied with each other, and this can creat more acitivity.

P.S. I can try to write this main storyline, if it's going to be needed.

P.S.S. Free to discuss guys.

RE: Additional storyline - Pancakes - 04-26-2014

A) This storyline has lots of holes in it, with lacks of a lot of Kusari RP in them, and general Sirius RP
B) Most of the changes already are out there - KNF has a BS in Tohoku, the only change you really propose is addition of Corsair depot, which makes no sense. Corsairs can't stretch far enough to build a base there. Too remote, too much of a hostile zone.
C) Its, not his or her. I saw that you made a query about that up there.

RE: Additional storyline - Lonely_Ghost - 04-26-2014

(04-26-2014, 07:16 PM)Pancakes Wrote: A) This storyline has lots of holes in it, with lacks of a lot of Kusari RP in them, and general Sirius RP

Sure, current Kusari RP is much more fun and intertaining.

(04-26-2014, 07:16 PM)Pancakes Wrote: B) Most of the changes already are out there - KNF has a BS in Tohoku, the only change you really propose is addition of Corsair depot, which makes no sense. Corsairs can't stretch far enough to build a base there. Too remote, too much of a hostile zone.

It's not the main point to add bases. Main point, to add something, that would attract players attention. Many players, especialy with capital ships, making missions. More players located in one area, more higher chances for interaction.
Trade routes could also create some activity. Republican Shipping already a good example, because, Rheinland unlawfull factions staring some activity to hunt us.
But there should be something, worth, making turn into that system, and not continue simple ore runs and things like that.

So, my idea, is to tide faction even clouser by houses expansion into edge worlds.
Rheinland could push deeper into Omegas, where we have Hessians, Corsairs and Wilde. Liberty and Core into Minor, and Delta. There was something like that in 85, and it was fun.

RE: Additional storyline - Omicron - 04-27-2014

1. Shows how little research you have done beforehand. Kusari BS is already there.
2. Mining? Why?
3. Buffer systems... how about no.
4. If anything, it is doubtful that Kishiro (!) backed government will permit it.
5. No.
6. From what I have "noted" The Order and Blood Dragons have no business with Kishiro who just turned out into Samura mk2

2/10 at least you tried.

RE: Additional storyline - WesternPeregrine - 04-27-2014

It's good to see there are people concerned and interested in Kusari and it's state of affairs. I wished that I could provide more ideas and effort to boost activity, but seems I was affected by real life issues, as it is common with many people in Disco.

It's true that Kusari seems stale in activity, but I disagree it's caused by a lack of storyline. The plotlines that guide activity in the Houses come from many sources. From the previous lore (Kusari defeat against Gallia), faction long term goals (Kusari Exiles objectives, Samura and Kishiro developments into the neighboring systems), and the current groups actions inside the house (liberty smugglers forced the Kusari Navy to focus on Shikoku for some time).

Such plotlines provide context for the actions of the players, and in return draw strength from those actions to maintain their novelty and appeal. There are many good projects that don't progress because there aren't enough actors to enact them, and there aren't many people interested in playing in Kusari because of those stories being stalled by inactivity.

From what I've seen, and sometimes heard, is that the "entry level" for Kusari rp is very high. Not that it makes for a better rp ambient, but it definitely makes it more closed in itself. Most of the factions have a sort of locked "guidelines" regarding Ksuari internal affairs, and almost no guidelines about relations with the outside, creating a bubble which shields Kusari from external influence (and people will say that this is proper, because xenophobes).

While I won't suggest breaking the mold of Kusari rp as a house, I would suggest easing the modus operandi of most of the Kusari factions, and rethink the place of many of them in a Sirius scope, not just Kusari.


Having finished that rant, I now turn to Lonely_Ghost suggestions:

(04-26-2014, 06:33 PM)Lonely_Ghost Wrote: Kusari see the main degradation of it's own republic, which is supported, by her freind Gallia. Lot's of resources deposits are depleted, and Gallia, forcing to Kusari, to become agreecultural house, with nearly no inustrial power and technological addiction to herself.

Kusari secretly starting deep recon inside Tohoku system, hoping, to gain new alien technologies. In same time, Samura, seeking nearby systems for new resources deposits. Old ties with Corsairs, helping Samura, to get upperhand in exploring danger Tohoku systems and nearby omicrons.

This is a hit and miss. The republic as of now should be under threat of the Kusari emperor remnant forces ( the Exiles), as well under pressure from the Blood Dragons (who still hate the Government, even if it's not Samura backed one).

Kusari lack mineral resources inside it's territory, and most of the fields under exploration by Ksuari corps are in the contested Taus, recently discovered systems to the north (Nagano), and to the east (under GMG territory).

Kusari is known for maintaining a strong agricultural sector, and specialized hight tech industries owned by the keirestu.

You also have the Tottori system in development by Samura, which promises to increase Kusari agricultural capabilities even further.

There has been some progress regarding Tohoku, but the presence of the Kusari Wilde (Aoi Iseijin) has prevented the Naval Forces from establishing a stronger foothold on the hidden systems.
The Iseijin presence also makes the Goverment and military seal the system to civilian presence, to prevent losses and nomad infections.

(04-26-2014, 06:33 PM)Lonely_Ghost Wrote: Kishiro, has oposite goals, and here we starting real corporate wars. Kishiro are buddy with Blood Dragons. Blood Dragons understands, that they will have no chances, against Kusari with new toys, so they become buddy with The Order, and trying to protect Nomad's and Wilde's treasure, from Kusari's hands.

Samura and Corsairs, with secret support of Kusari forces keep seeking new goodies in Tohoku, and nearby systems. Kishiro and her (or his?) buddy don't want it. Noamds and Kusari wilde want everyone GTFO from their home.

As it currently stands, the Blood dragons (which have been underrepresented in almost half a year atleast) are more closely aligned with GMG now, and Kishiro relation with GMG is one of productive business partners at most.
The Blood Dragons are already partners of the Order in nomad related affairs, but again lack players to use that relation and develop it further.

Corsair (another faction suffering from low player count) can only reach the sigmas currently, and it's nigh impossible for them currently have a strong presence in eastern Kusari, much less having any presence in the northern edge.
Don't know what deals the Corsairs had struck with the Hogosha and Samura to make them withdraw from Honshu, but perhaps they could make a comeback.

(04-26-2014, 06:33 PM)Lonely_Ghost Wrote: 1) Add KNF BS base in Tohoku. With missions against Wilde, Nomads, BD, Order.
Made same for the Order, with missions against Wilde, Nomads, and Kusari Naval forces. Same mission asset to BD base in Tohoku and Chugoku systems.

2) Add one or two rich mineable zones, in Tohoku, with bonuses for everyone (Samura and Kishiro).

3) (If its possible) Moving one nearly empty system, and putting it between New Tokyo and Tohoku. Also, put additional JH from Chugocu into that system.

4) Add one or two Samura bases into that system, put small Sair depot there. (ofcrs, missions against Nomies, Wildes, BD and Order)

5) Remove Jh from Hokaido and Nagano to Tohoku

6) If 3rd point impossible to do, skip to this. - Add few trade routes for Kishiro to BD and may be even Order base. Same for Samura, but to her buddy's bases ofcrs.

1) You have Battleship Sado in the system at the moment. The system is already a sort of Battlefield between 3 forces (someone said that already?).

2) A problem that I see in the Kusari economy is that trade originating from sources inside the territory lacks profitability. Kishiro and Samura currently focuses on the ores they can extract (which are all on Kusari borders, which makes the core systems irrelevant), and trade from Munich or Frankfurt to the Taus and vice versa beats almost all Honshu/Kyushu/New Tokyo -> other houses trading routes possible. Kusari is a transit system.

3/4/5) I would advise against making any map changes in Kusari atm. The distances right now are "reasonable" for any sort of action possible.
Perhaps an improved npc experience in some systems could be a good counter to a lack of players.

You have some implied "warzones" pvp systems, some obvious mining systems, and with the exception of the capitals, all other systems are limited to a sellpoint or transit role. Perhaps a system in each house could become a pve focused system. Maybe Tohoku as you suggested, something out of the major arteries of the house transit system.

That is all for now. Might put some more input later on.

RE: Additional storyline - Lonely_Ghost - 04-27-2014

Alright, I see, that I indeed made kinda to small research into problem, but, I still think, that something should be done, to attract players and keep them inside.
Current changes, did not made any effect, Kusari is still dead as Gallia, with only ocasionaly traders passing by.

I dunno, how to explain, more preciser... To have a big fish in pound, you need to have a smaller fishes there, to have smaller fishes in pound, you need to get some stuff and enviroment for them.

Same goes here. It could not be like: Okay- there is your new base, go and play here, same, you can't just take an airplane, and say: ok, fly!
There should be something, what could attract indie players, then small groupes and offical faction. In resoult, we shall have another interaction point and spot.

Just same example, I had on this week, when I was trading with my RSS together with RS| guys. And... yesterday I got contacted by Unioner, saing, that they are back to. Activity creates more activity.

Yes, my first attempt was failure, due to my own fault. However, I think, I just pointed right things in wrong way. There should be something, what stimulates players fly there, stay there, and not log off, after 10 mins, because they just get bored. Missions against capital ships will attract indie players, who are willing to buy Kusari ships. If there is something to pew, there will be those, who would like to do it. Alpha-Gamma-LNS-RNC examples. There are indie caps, there are bombers, who like to pew them.

I think, there should be something else, what could be added or fixed to improve situation.

RE: Additional storyline - Ryummel - 04-27-2014

Yet another thread suggesting what to do with Kusari.

RE: Additional storyline - Lonely_Ghost - 04-27-2014

(04-27-2014, 10:13 AM)Ryummel Wrote: Yet another thread suggesting what to do with Kusari.

And still, nothing much happens. Players logging, satisfy their need of blues and loging off. Pretty like at Hamburg.... Nope?

RE: Additional storyline - Vicho Deivis - 04-29-2014

I guest that the devs can always jump ten years in the future and write the story of the forgotten faction as they see better.

RE: Additional storyline - Singularity - 04-29-2014

Kudos for trying to write something for Kusari. Its quite empty. And probably it needs more than a gentle push in storyline, making the house a bit important in eyes of the players around.