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A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Printable Version

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A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 04-27-2014

Doc arrived at the abandoned Foster base in Cassini aboard his transport. With him was a smaller X-Shuttle with an engineering team and equipment needed to build up the old base. It was functional but the power was inadequate for Doc's needs. On station, Doc spoke with his chief engineer in the bar area.

"Mr. Sloan, I brought you from Med Force because I know how good you are and you are trustworthy," he explained. "I'm going to have a meeting here with people who, for all intensive purposes, are criminals."
"Rogues," interrupted Mr. Sloan.
"Yes, Rogues," replied Doc. He then turned to his engineer, "we have a chance to bridge some gaps with a group long expelled from Freeport 2. While I don't support their solutions, I do understand their motives."
Doc then turned and the two men walked side by side, "besides, with the loss of my estate, my research lab there and Med Force One too public, this may be a nice place to hide."
"I won't question you, Sir," replied Sloan, "your ends are results of efforts to help everyone. I know it as do the men whom I'm working with. Once done with the power and life support, I'll get to work on the medical facilities."
Doc turned to him with a smile, "Mr. Sloan, you know what needs doing. Keep me posted but please keep out of this area until my meeting is finished."
With that, Sloan retreated to the lower decks and began work, the X-shuttle eventually leaving the system empty.

Doc found himself alone on the promenade where an empty bar was set. He opened a box brought from his ship that contained many choices of beverages and glasses. It wasn't much for now but it was a start. Corsair rum, Bretonian Scotch, Liberty Ale, Saki, Gallic Wine and some other goods were put out. He had a few more crates on his ship but it was limited as he had brought arms of all types as a gift.

He found a table by the window that looked out into Cassini, the debris field right outside the window. He set a few places around it and prepared for his meeting.
He had some time to think, to reflect, about all he had lost, what he wanted to regain and what might be next. Midori hadn't committed to returning to him so he felt.....single....for now. A part of him felt that such sacrifices were needed to help achieve a final goal of success while some of him felt it was a heavy price to pay.

For now, he poured a drink, placed his pistols in plain sight on the table and awaited for his company.

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 04-27-2014

Thing approached Fosters cautiously. She was on her own and was struggling to decide if that was because they wanted her dead, or thought she was able to complete the task at hand without any problems. She smirked and shook her head slightly, there was no way they expected a single girl to take on this number of men if it turned bad. Thing takes a deep breath to try and calm her nerves shaking her head when she realized that didn't help. As she set her ship to dock she silently cursed herself. The slight tremor in her hands would blow her 'tough guy' act.

As she powered her greyhound down she decided she really didn't care what happened to her. It would mean she wouldn't have to deal with Buster - or more importantly, not deal with him. He was missing in action again and she was struggling with it. Thing shook off the thought and stepped off her ship, looking around unsure who she was meant to be meeting. One of the men noticed her and walked over, looking cheerful. This confused her, he was working, why was he so happy? "You must be Miss. Thing, correct?" She nods moving her hand over her sidearm. "Follow me then." She relaxed slightly and followed him out of the hanger bays.

After passing through a few rooms, they entered the bar. Thing was in awe, even in ruins this base was nicer then most other places she had set foot on. Seeing a man sitting at one of the tables in what seemed to be the bar she smiled. "Doctor Holliday?" Even she was surprised at how confident she sounded. She walked over to him and held out her hand for a handshake. "I'm Thing."

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 04-28-2014

Doc accepted her hand and smiled as he did, "I'm honored you could make it out here." He then turned to the man who escorted her in, "I'll be fine. Please, leave us and transfer the black market munitions to her hold and then continue with your work."

He then motioned around the area they now stood, "As I am a man of my word, I brought some goods I know your people could use. Also, I have an engineering team re-working the power of the station to make it more useable which is why I wished to speak with your people as this IS Rogue space."

He escorted her to the table where he had set to chat. His pistols set in the middle, a showing of good intent.
"I must apologize for the cuisine or lack thereof. I only had some rations to serve until I get some real food on station and the replicators working."
He then put a glass on the table, "A drink, Miss?"

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 04-28-2014

Thing smiles and seemed to completely relax once the other man had left the room. "Munitions are always appreciated, we have had quite some problems trying to get some to our bases. Thank you."

She walks with him and takes a seat before looking around. "I can imagine you will have this place running before too long." She looks down and nods seeing his pistols on the table. She unclips her sidearm from the holster on her hip and does the same. Her gun looking worn compared to his. "We do appreciate that you are taking the time to talk to us before just moving in. As this is our home, we don't take to kindly to strangers.... But I'm sure you will find yourself welcome here."

She hesitates for a moment after he offers her a drink before nodding "Please. That would be nice.... Oh, and please, call me Thing. I don't really do this 'Miss' stuff."

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 04-28-2014

He nodded with a smile, "OK then...Thing it shall be." He nodded and tipped his hat before continuing.

He put his hands behind his back as he spoke, "It's not my way just to move in. We had problems back in Baffin and to an extent, we still do, with people coming in and just building without permission. The only reason I brought a few engineers was because of the meeting we had outside before.....that and I feel both our peoples will benefit from some life in this base. Overall, I call it respect, something we wouldn't have if I had just moved in."

Releasing his hands from behind, he took a glass. He touched each bottle until she nodded her approval for what she wanted. He then poured the glass full and handed it to her.
"This bar will be full service in a short time," hie said smiling, "between the researchers I plan to have here, the Rogues that will no doubt make their presence and I dare say even some Junkers, it would be wise to have that and some decent food."

"That brings me to my next point, my clientele. It would be researchers, some engineers, techs and a light on-station security detail. With the loss of my assets back on Gran Canaria, I'm rebuilding a few things and I'm not that well funded right now. I'm certain the PLR will want at least a liaison here if not more."

Doc sighed, obviously bothered by some deeper thoughts, especially as he mentioned losses back home. He tried to hide it but a woman's intuition would clue into it no matter what. Between this attractive young lady next to him and the fact that he knew some of his work would be viewed as unethical, he wrestled with his feelings a bit. He held his drink in his hands before him and maintained a more serious tone.

"Even the Rogues will question some of my work," he explained. "For too long I've honored my own vow to help people and not hurt but...." He paused a moment before continuing, "......some of what I will be doing will be unethical and may, if some were to learn of it, could result in certain peoples ordering my execution. Now I can't make anyone help me nor will I but if the Rogues wish to send a scientific mind or two to work here or know of anyone who might, that is their choice. I will also be asking the Rogues to provide certain goods that I cannot get readily."

At this point, Doc realized he was again getting long winded, asking much and giving little. "I have little to offer at this point. I can get a few things the Rogues may need but for now, it's all I have to offer. I can't guarantee that my work will provide a positive benefit for you all."

He then turned to her with a light smile, " that a name of your choosing? You seem much prettier than that. Give me some time and I'll find out your real name." He then winked and took a drink from his glass.

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 04-28-2014

Thing nods, listening to what he has to say, smiling when he mentioned the bar being up and running, refraining from making a comment about how she would likely be visiting often. She knew she would be the liaison, Moka was not interested in small business. Especially something as trivial as this. For a moment she contemplates how she would fit this new responsibility into her already busy schedule. She frowns as she notices something was bothering him, after he finishes speaking, she nods slowly trying to think of what to say to give him some reassurance.

"The Rogues will be happy with the use of the bar. We always appreciate somewhere new to socialize, As long as we have access here, that will keep most of our lot happy.... As for the execution order.... What happens here, stays here. As long as you call this home and do not cause us any problems, you will be under our protection. We are the Cassini guard. It is our duty. While you are here, you'll be considered family, and we stand by our own.... Despite what everyone thinks of us. You will be safe."

She hesitates when he mentions there would be little benefit to the Rogues, normally this would be a reason to turn the offer down and send the men out of the system, preferably in body bags. Thing sighs slightly and takes a sip of her drink, she had chosen the wine and was surprised at how nice it tasted. "Little benefit....." She looks up at him, visibly torn between doing what she knew she had to do and what she wanted. Eventually she decided she couldn't bring herself to send this man away. "I should tell you to leave now, but I will make this work for you. If I tell the Warlord you will be of use, he will allow you to be here.... I am sure I will think of something....."

She looks away blushing as he calls her pretty, she tried to hide this by taking another sip of her drink. He had caught her off guard and she had to take a moment to compose herself. "It's not necessarily my choosing... And good luck.... there is a reason no one, alive anyway, knows who I am..." She falls silent before looking back at him remembering how he had appeared bothered before, she wanted to know what was upsetting him and it was the perfect excuse to take the conversation away from herself.

"What are you running from, Doctor Holiday?"

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 04-28-2014

He only sighed at her question, "What are you running from, Doctor Holiday?"
He paused to top off his glass, thinking of a good way to answer that question.
"I think the better question would be what is it that I'm wrestling with?" he responded. He then shrugged, "I never run nor have I ran from anything. What I HAVE," motioning towards her with his glass as he said have,..."been doing is questioning myself and wrestling with my own feelings these days. I consider myself a man of power not because of wealth or an ability to fight. No. Anyone can obtain wealth or fight like a crazed dog but few can save a life. That said, a lot of those I bandage up I see over and over due to endless fighting. I often wonder if what I do is worth it."
He took a couple of steps and turned back to her, "Just a few short weeks ago, a spent almost a month living on a remote area of Crete, wanting to help the Corsairs become more self sufficient for food. I sent out several transmissions to them and not one answered. After I ran out of supplies, I figured they just didn't care for what I was doing and left."

He was getting a bit upset as he took a drink from his glass, "In my quest to help others, to make a difference, to save lives and try for peaceful solutions, I lost my home, my wife, my kids, my laboratory, the clinic I built on Gran Canaria and I've all but abandoned the people of TAZ and I'm here in Cassini wanting to try again, appealing to those whom society had considered a scourge even if I don't see them as that."

He pounded the rest of his drink and as he went to slam the empty glass on the table, he stopped, taking a breath and gently putting it back down and then turning to Thing, "I'm sorry for my conduct but I figured you deserved a straight answer. As I said, for the short term, I have little to offer. In time, I figure that will change."

He turned back to the bar, opening a bottle of Coalition Vodka, offering Thing some as well.

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 04-28-2014

Thing watched him, contemplating whether putting her sidearm on the table was a smart idea after all. "The most dangerous are those with nothing more to loose...." she mumbled, just loud enough for him to catch what she said. She finishes her wine and stands, walking cautiously over to where he was opening the bottle of vodka at the bar. She nods as he offers her another drink.

"I... Do forgive me, but I simply don't understand. Why are you have risked everything to help people like us... Most would be happy if we all just ceased to exist. The Corsairs are seen as no better then us, and we are nothing more then a group of thieves...." she sighed and put the glass up on the bar before running her fingers across a pattern chiseled roughly into the counter top. All she wanted to do was to give this man a hug. She knew what it was like, loosing family and a home.

After he poured them another drink, she nods a thanks. "You've already lost so much... Just by trying to help. Can't you go back to your wife and kids?" She stops, the look of concern she had was replaced with what could have been fear for a second. She shakes her head and quickly turns her back to him, walking toward the table again. "I'm sorry, it's not my place to say anything."

She cursed at herself under her breath, this was not the time to get involved with anyone's personal life. As much as she felt for this man, she had been ordered to keep this visit strictly business. Thing had a drink of the vodka, her back still turned to him, as she reminded herself of the consequences of disobeying, and hoping he wouldn't react badly to that comment.

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 04-28-2014

"No," he answered sharply as he turned to her, "I divulged my personal life so if you're inquisitive then...." He sighed, "...then I brought it upon myself."

"I stumbled upon this station, seeking a different route around Liberty space and when I found it abandoned and then met some of your people, I didn't see a group of thieves. If they had wanted to, they could have left me floating dead in space. They COULD have taken my hold of bio-neural processors....but they didn't. I saw potential here as a place to work out of the public eye. If you and your people weren't interested, we wouldn't be talking."

He again took another sip of his drink, "As to my family, it's not up to me. I made my effort. I'm not waiting on people anymore and I'm not giving up my work. Maybe someone or something new is what this country doctor needs. You yourself said that the Rogues would see me as family. How can I judge people a thief for that? I know the history of the Rogues."
He chuckled, "When I started trading, I started in scrap metal in Texas. I saw Rogues, Hackers, Outcasts and Xenos in the prison system. I don't know about you but I think it's pretty convenient to blame all of a government's problems on everyone but themselves."
He then took a few steps towards her and stopped, "If the Rogues didn't need to steal to survive, if the Corsairs didn't have to take food for their populace, they wouldn't."

He turned to the window and put his arms out, "Perhaps in time we could build a biodome here. Food and medicines can be raised in it. If you want an example, look to Freeport 2 in Bering. I think we can offer much to each other if we work at it."

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 04-29-2014

Thing glances at the guns and shakes her head. "I was there when you came through Cassini initially.... And despite what everyone thinks we aren't heartless killers. We do have a conscience, we know right from wrong. You weren't there to harm us." She walks over to him, and looks out the window. She couldn't help but to smile at his comment about the government.

"We aren't wealthy and rely on taking from the rich to survive. For most, they were born into this, for others.... Well, we had no where else to turn. Once you are a Rogue, you are always a Rogue. There is no escape.... And you need to understand that if anyone realizes you are working here, you will only be able to lie and say we don't know you are here, or you will be classed as one of us. You would be better off lying about it, and showing them the system.... That will keep you safe. And we understand that. It will be my doing, so I will take the blame...." She paused for a moment, if this turned bad it would be her blood the Rogues would be after, followed closely by his. "They should be able to continue defending this place regardless of what happens."

She tries to imagine what he was talking about with the bio-dome. Food and medicine would mean they wouldn't have as much of a fight to stay alive. "This biodome.... You said you had little to offer us, but even just that thought is worth more then money or goods." She couldn't understand why he was willing to help, She decided not to think too much into it. Thing eventually sighs and looks down at her glass, "I'm sorry to hear about you're family... Your wife and kids..... For what it's worth, I do kind of understand what it feels like to have that happen."