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Daily furballs in the omicrons-Event handlers wanted - Printable Version

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Daily furballs in the omicrons-Event handlers wanted - 7AlphaOne1 - 05-05-2014

Hello again, people.

after all the suggestions I have received, I am planning to start the event tomorrow. unfortunately, I have no access to PC's (even th8ugh I got all my accounts in my flash drive) and am currently at my Grandma's house in Delhi.

so, I am looking for someone to manage the events. I want Mods, Admins, Angels, any of that sort, to watch over the event. maybe a Battlestar or Venator may do.
Even a group of caps is welcome.

the following parties my join in. I need any other parties to sign up so that I can update the list quick. Indies are also welcome, but need to sign up.

Factions welcome:
The Order , and indies(Factions such as Cerberus and O'Rhu are not considered indies, hence can join without signing up.

K'Hara, Wilde, Isejin, Aoi, and indy noms(no known unofficial groups, so sign up please, if you dont belong to any of the above mentioned groups)

BHG , BHG Core , Indies welcome(sign up for them too please)

Zoners, Zoner Indies[(\^/), TAZ, SolarR ,OSI, ZA need not sign up, can participate right through]

AI[Consesus, Sentinels and indies, can participate, but indies must post here]

Corsairs- Benitez, TBH , CsF can participate, others sign up

In case you couldnt sign up, or missed this part, you can turn up at the event, but will have to inform an official ship(if there is one) of the side you are representing(in case of unofficial factions, the highest ranked guy around). Remember, there is no penalty for not signing up, but it is better to do so, for records' sake.

List of indies signed up:

please sign up using this formatSadthis is a sample, and DONT use that ship name, thats my ship)

Char name:OCV-Ramses
Forum name: seven-alpha-one-one
Side: The Order
Char name:
Forum name:

first location, The Kiribati field, Delta

play nice, play fair.

event handlers please inform me.

thank you.

RE: [Idea] recurring daily battles in omicrons[require input from faction leaders] - Lythrilux - 05-05-2014

This has been tried before in the past, with not really any results.
I won't rain on the parade though, good luck.

RE: [Idea] recurring daily battles in omicrons[require input from faction leaders] - Connor - 05-05-2014

Make it weekly as well as it gives everyone to prepare. Otherwise people won't turn up and it'll get boring fast.

RE: [Idea] recurring daily battles in omicrons[require input from faction leaders] - Sath - 05-05-2014

It should occur naturally, can't find a better word to put it. But something like this can be a initiative for such things to occur instantaneouly without the stimulus of an event or pre planning. Like the surprise raids. If you can manage to find people who are interested on this, then fine, I am sure that this will be fun and might happen on a regular basis from some time.

Also, make the events weekly in the beginning to avoid an disappointment. When people will get to know about it, the population will increase to some extent. That is implying that this event is a success and is worth to spend time on. After a few weeks gradually increase the number of such mini events. Make the theme a different one every week. Add some RP background to it if possible. One week it can be a cao pew and anothr week it can be only snubs or sometimes random combinations.

One thing. Be the change that you want to be. Organising the events is a tough job and be aware that its your responsibility to make sure things proceed smoothly and then is fun for all the parties involved. I suggest that you seek the advice of admins and the coloured names along with a few known vets around here.

Edit: typing from phone. Forgive the typos.

RE: [Idea] recurring daily battles in omicrons[require input from faction leaders] - SnakeLancerHaven - 05-05-2014

We already had this Idea with the Consensus Tongue about a weekly event but couldn't start yet, I find it good and support this to 100%

RE: [Idea] recurring daily battles in omicrons[require input from faction leaders] - Jack_Henderson - 05-05-2014

Label is "[Place] Madness", and invite everybody.

Numbers do not matter.
Outcome does not matter.

Be prepared for stupid teams and silly combinations, etc. That -will- happen.
But you will get activity that way and organising troubles are almost non-existent.

For pure pvp action that has no real roleplay significance, this format has worked rather well in the Taus.

RE: [Idea] recurring daily battles in omicrons[require input from faction leaders] - 7AlphaOne1 - 05-05-2014

(05-05-2014, 12:40 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: This has been tried before in the past, with not really any results.
I won't rain on the parade though, good luck.
well, I am posting it as an idea, so that we can achieve maximum output

(05-05-2014, 01:13 PM)Snoopyman Wrote: Make it weekly as well as it gives everyone to prepare. Otherwise people won't turn up and it'll get boring fast.

ofc Connor, it will be weekly

(05-05-2014, 01:44 PM)Moriarty. Wrote: It should occur naturally, can't find a better word to put it. But something like this can be a initiative for such things to occur instantaneouly without the stimulus of an event or pre planning. Like the surprise raids. If you can manage to find people who are interested on this, then fine, I am sure that this will be fun and might happen on a regular basis from some time.

Also, make the events weekly in the beginning to avoid an disappointment. When people will get to know about it, the population will increase to some extent. That is implying that this event is a success and is worth to spend time on. After a few weeks gradually increase the number of such mini events. Make the theme a different one every week. Add some RP background to it if possible. One week it can be a cao pew and anothr week it can be only snubs or sometimes random combinations.

One thing. Be the change that you want to be. Organising the events is a tough job and be aware that its your responsibility to make sure things proceed smoothly and then is fun for all the parties involved. I suggest that you seek the advice of admins and the coloured names along with a few known vets around here.

Edit: typing from phone. Forgive the typos.

np about the typos . about the colours, I want to see how many in the community like this, then I will ask for venators to help

(05-05-2014, 02:02 PM)Snake Wrote: We already had this Idea with the Consensus Tongue about a weekly event but couldn't start yet, I find it good and support this to 100%

Thanks for the support, Snake. if you have any suggestions, you know where to hit me up

(05-05-2014, 03:23 PM)Jack_Henderson Wrote: Label is "[Place] Madness", and invite everybody.

Numbers do not matter.
Outcome does not matter.

Be prepared for stupid teams and silly combinations, etc. That -will- happen.
But you will get activity that way and organising troubles are almost non-existent.

For pure pvp action that has no real roleplay significance, this format has worked rather well in the Taus.

well, it is a bit similar, but it will have inRP diplomacy hits. also, Jack, I would love to have tips from you on the Events topic.

keep the feedback coming, peeps

RE: [Idea] recurring daily battles in omicrons[require input from faction leaders] - Jack_Henderson - 05-05-2014

Do a forum search for "Tau Madness". I have run these event series quite a few times. It should give you the information. However, mind my warnings. Not all of these events were good and when you are looking for fair, good fights, choose another format and balance things, restrict numbers, etc.

RE: [Idea] recurring daily battles in omicrons[require input from faction leaders] - Vicho Deivis - 05-05-2014

If there is not a better idea: Why not?

You said that will not work? Fine. But what we gonna lose?

RE: [Idea] recurring daily battles in omicrons[require input from faction leaders] - HassLHoFF™ - 05-05-2014

Yes, we have already discussed this thing internal. The final conclusion is it won't take the effect to get a natural feeling either for the RP and/or story development. We currently suggest standard raiding is the best option.
Furthermore its such more thrilling to call for help trying to gather time till someone have time and finally be able or not be able to have capacity for combat. My suggestion it doesn't must be balanced always.
Pointing my finger on our good Tel_Aviv who always claims skype-brotherhood is bad...but my suggestion with skype callings. With this we have the best way for dynamic combat interaction, every player is able to be a member of both sides of the coin and can decide spontaneously which side he helps.