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To: All Liberty Law Enforcement, All Bounty Hunters in Liberty - Printable Version

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To: All Liberty Law Enforcement, All Bounty Hunters in Liberty - Junker Marauders - 05-11-2014

[Image: ZwMKn1a.png]

Greetings. I reach out to you all as we are both frustrated with the large amount of pirate ships planning raids off Rochester base.

Therefore, I am looking at expelling those who abuse the neutrality of our station. We cannot do this alone however.

I would be grateful if you can provide evidence of any kind of pirate ships running from law enforcement and docking on Rochester. I may throw in a few credits for your time (though you should be doing this as it is your duty).

This channel will be open for you to dump guncams and the like into so that we can punish those who abuse the station.

That is all.

The Junker Marauders

Rochester - Savannah - 05-15-2014



[Image: elaine1_1.png]

Greetings *Elaine smiles and slightly nods*. My name is Elaine Raine and I am a Captain of the Liberty Secondary Fleet. As you have probably already guessed, I am contacting you regarding the situation formed around Rochester. I'll be frank with you *she looks straight into the holocamera*. I consider Junkers evil. But *Elaine allows a smile to play on her lips* it's a necessary evil. And a part of this necessity lies in your ability to manage and control things which happen at your Freepo *she corrects herself quickly* stations. Although, it seems this control is now lost. Or *she winks with her left eye* you have your interest in the currect state of affairs. You know, a friend of a son of my cousin's friend's father tells stories about Marauders conducting their own ... ahem ... profitable business in the outer reaches. But this is totally not a matter of my concern. What happens in New York, howewer, certainly is.

As you are presumably well aware, New York is currently plagued by increased pirate attacks and raids. What is more important to the subject of this transmission is that *Elaine looks sternly into the cam* this motley collection of pirates finds it convinient to escape in the direction of Rochester every time their vessels take serious damage during their operations, and after what seems to be quick repairs and restockings, return back. The location of Rochester within direct reach of Manhatten and Manhatten-Fort Bush tradelane poses a serious threat to security of New York system. Needless to say, Liberty lawful forces suffer certain personnel and resource losses, in significant part due to all sorts of disreputable folk abusing your hospitality at Rochester. But it *she smiles again with a smirk and continues with a stress on the next word* wasn't your fault.

Naturally, I decided to investigate what was going on in the Rochester area. Finding in its vicinity all sorts of criminals, some of them well known, wasn't unexpected, however their treatment of the area as if belonging to them was surprising. They admitted they docked at Rochester, as well as their ambushes and destruction of Naval ships pursuing them to that area. Doubtless, they assaulted my vessel and due to their numbers managed to inflict damage serious enough for extensive maintenance on Norfolk Shipyard.

I am attaching collected surveillance and monitoring data, *she flashes a smile* I hope it will help you in bringing the situation regarding Rochester under control.


*1 *2 *3 *4 *5 *6 *7 *8 *9 *10


RE: To: All Liberty Law Enforcement, All Bounty Hunters in Liberty - Fluffyball - 11-08-2014

..............Jinpachi Saika......................
-----Neural Net Private Channel-----
........New York comm-link........
[Image: Magoichi_Saika_SW2_png_preview.png]


There have been increase in the attacks staged from the Jersey Debris Field indeed. Despite I do not possess much firepower alone, I would like to present some interesting shots in the future. As a private person, despite being Kusari (and Bounty Hunter now), I always had good relations with Junkers through the Tinkers and Transport in the past.

Expect possible evidence against all of those who violate Junker hospitality.

Jinpachi Saika
the Bounty Hunter

....private channel: CLOSED..........

RE: To: All Liberty Law Enforcement, All Bounty Hunters in Liberty - Eva Adenauer - 11-09-2014

Eugh. Ich am growing tired of you all failing to police your station. Ze Security Force will be pursuing justice for these criminals that use your stations, as well as those who would willingly harbor them. I would not be surprised if members of your group (as well as others) ended up on the Most Wanted List and Bounty Board. You understand what I mean, ja?


Eva Adenauer, Director of Internal Affairs.

RE: To: All Liberty Law Enforcement, All Bounty Hunters in Liberty - Zettsu - 11-16-2014


Source:______Planet Manhattan, New York
Recipient:___JM-| Junker Marauders

Signal strength:__________



Some pirate thought using your base is a good idea. Please convince me it wasn't.

Pirate Waran
Scan -- Dock



RE: To: All Liberty Law Enforcement, All Bounty Hunters in Liberty - Flash™ - 11-29-2014

[...Incoming Transmission..

[Image: 7WmKPcb.png]
Sender: Tyrone Carter

Evening Marauders,

Recently went on a patrol, and caught one of these using Rochester as a hideout?

[-=Scan - ID=-]

Tyrone Carter

...Transmission Terminated...]

RE: To: All Liberty Law Enforcement, All Bounty Hunters in Liberty - Zettsu - 12-07-2014

[Image: bnpv8G7.png]

I saw a Rogue Scylla docking to your base the other day. I hope you can straighten that out.


[Image: 063DdrM.png]

RE: To: All Liberty Law Enforcement, All Bounty Hunters in Liberty - Seraph - 12-07-2014


Source:______Planet Manhattan, New York
Sender:______Blaze)- Seraph
Recipient:___JM-|____Junker Marauders

Signal strength:__________

Subject:____Pirates docking on Rochester.


We chased a pirate from under Manhattan yesterday into Jersey Debris Field and to our astonishment we found out that he was given docking permissions on Rochester. We'd like these permissions revoked.

Pirate Sutinga
Scan -- Dock

Yours faithfully,


RE: To: All Liberty Law Enforcement, All Bounty Hunters in Liberty - Blue Blaze - 12-24-2014


Source:______Planet Manhattan, New York
Sender:______Blaze)- Kade Lane
Recipient:___JM|- Junker Marauders

Signal strength:__________

Subject:____Damn Rogues

Ey, Junkies,

Don't make me hate you even more than I already do. You smuggle orange to Liberty and do all sorts of nasty things, and you also house stinking Rogues on your stinking stations. Don't do that or we gon' be shootin' each other, eh?



RE: To: All Liberty Law Enforcement, All Bounty Hunters in Liberty - Lythrilux - 12-28-2014

[Image: jchlOA2.png]

Hunters, Freelancers and other individuals,

Don't worry, your pleas have been heard and we'll process them soon. However, better tone would be more appreciated. It makes processing the reports easier.

The Junker Marauders

[Image: qff6ZIp.png]