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Achtung: Rheinland Military - Printable Version

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Achtung: Rheinland Military - Tenacity - 08-23-2008

Today I encountered two figures which, quite apparently, 'stole' rheinland military technology and were flying their ships under false authorization.

The first was designated Mammadov, and was piloting a Rheinland Cruiser. Oddly, his IFF showed up as Interspace:
[Image: 2u47ihd.jpg]
[Image: 2yocwop.jpg]

The second was designated Einheit_436, and was piloting a Rheinland Gunboat under a police IFF:
[Image: hskuna.jpg]

Now, other than the usual warning to maintain safe distance from bornholme depot unless docking was needed, I presented no threat whatsoever to these vessels, other than to acquire visual evidence of their vessels for the reasons of compiling this report.

However, after a short spiel from Mammadov, who apparently has some kind of speech disorder - I was warned to keep "10k distance" from his vessel. I had my crew back off, but only seconds after my response he opened fire on my ship, forcing me to vacate the area due to inferior weaponry:
[Image: 14bud02.jpg]

As you likely already know, the Junker's Union is a lawful corporation. We abide by all regulations set forth by the Rheinland Military and Rheinland Federal police and give our full cooperation in order to form a business relationship with other companies and lawful forces within Rheinland territory. We do not commit piracy, and we do not smuggle contraband - we are simple salvagers and treasure hunters not unlike ALG, though we do our work for 'free'.

Such acts of violence against our organization by 'rogue' pilots and captains flying assumed stolen warships does not reflect well on our relations with the true Rheinland Military and Police. We would much prefer to keep an agreement between our organizations that benefits both of our groups.

I would appreciate it if these individuals were 'taken care of', in whatever way the RM sees fit.

Thorn out.

//Apologies for the blurry images, 1024x768 take forever to upload to tinypic so I dropped them down to 800x600

Achtung: Rheinland Military - Tenacity - 08-28-2008

An addition to report-

Today I encountered a Rogue Rheinland Military Battleship going by the designation: Schtic - while it was not hostile towards us, I deemed the threat of the ship's existence without control by higher military forces worthy enough to report.