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End of the line...ciao - Printable Version

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End of the line...ciao - Sath - 05-19-2014

Well, it is time I sort out my priorities straight. Not fun to play anymore. Some recent in game and forum stuff has been rather frustrating as well as irritating. And not to point out that many people have left in the recent weeks. Not worth the sleepless nights anymore, as it used to be quite a few months ago. And the very fact that I am putting in a lot of time in a game whose quality has been on the steady decline ever since I joined is something that I had to care for. The server is filled with many who just don't interact whatsoever. And with people who cheat and get away with that as well. If you do look at my forum time, I will always be posting in general help threads, disco saver threads and whatnot. Nothing paid off and the game I knew is long gone. You may argue that the server population has been ona steady increase of late, but its not always quantity that matters. There should be a bit of qulaity as well, or else its just another instance of single player most of the time. I do know that I am complaining a lot for a 6 month old newb. But such is the magnitude of decline in standard of Disco over the past few months. Had lots of fun during my first five months here. Sleeples nights, participating in various raids and organised piracy. Lots of forum RP since it is one of my biggest passions, fantasising and writing fictional stuff and other various amounts of fun. So, naturally it feels boring to log in now after I set myself a standard for disco which today, its nowhere near. Not in terms of gameplay changes and new stuff, but player interaction, which is the very essence of this game.

A big kudos to all, who made my short stay here, a very lively and interesting one. I removed myself from all the factions except IC and Benitez. Ronnie, dir...plis do nt kick me from your chats. You guys are more than just a bunch of internet gamers for me. Rather like very close friends and families <3

Good luck with JM Lyth and kudos for the officialdom. You deserved it more than some other factions. Sad that I can't be a part of it anymore. Keep the rogue junker spirit alive and dont turn into the normal scrap minibg ones Tongue

Good luck Bogus with LH. One of the coolest RP factions around. My bad, I couldnt climb up the rank ladder and add to your statistics.

Individual acknowledgements .


Why did you perma ban Legendary without giving him a proper choice? He has done more good to the newcomers than me or in that case anyone can ever do. Why him when there are people out there who cheat for their own self ruining others fun ( yeah, consider that as one other reason for my ragequit). You know who they are and still, decide to let them do what they do best. Cheat and not only that, ruin others fun. This be my butthurt post. Coz I am tired of cheaters ruining my day. Its not fun after sometime, seriously.

Also do one last help....Perma me so that I wont be addicted like a thoughtless moron to come back again to this forum after this thread is history.

RE: End of the line...ciao - t0l - 05-19-2014

RE: End of the line...ciao - Backo - 05-19-2014

Bye, don't forget to write!

RE: End of the line...ciao - Jack_Henderson - 05-19-2014

Good luck in your RL! Sad to see people go, but that's the way it is.

RE: End of the line...ciao - Sath - 05-19-2014

(11-01-2013, 02:05 AM)Wizard. Wrote: It has nothing to do with that.
Whoever is running this server forget most important thing of all:
this is an online game server-it's about people,not game stats.
Who cares what ship-wep-armour-CD-speed,hit box,turn rate and the rest of the crap there is?Constantly changing,from update to update basic stats of the game is extremely stupid but it's secondary thing.
It's about people.And admins and devs lost it.
All the good people has left.
Most of them at least.
And they won't come back.
When i log in this days-30 players in midnight.
4 times more systems then players online.
Who is responsible?
Whoever is running the server.
Masters of this server did everything possible to destroy every single indi group who was contributing to server activity.
For years now it was more important QQ-ing few selected "vip's"then 10-15 people in groups playing every day-night.
For my time here i seen 4-5 unofficial groups unfairly "incouraged" to stop playing evan though they we're bringing activity wherever they played.
Should i name names?
Apocalipse wing of BHG.
Omicrons we're alive cause of them.And what happened?Cause they didn't wan't to do whatever admin-BHG leader told em to do they we're provoked by vip's(Dab namely)until Joker killed him in his trans,falowed by Bastille and ultimatum of taking tag off or erasing the ships.They chose the latter,of course.
So 10+ cau8 caps and all Omicron activity we're gone.In 4.85 cau8 cap was a big deal.
Joker's thugs...pretty much the same thing,only that time Joker wanted to make event-Sirius pirates against lowfuls-admins waited till day of the evant and forbid whole thing 30 min before start.50+ people felt stupid,Joker rage-quited and Thug's we're gone.After many month of fun for everyone.
Remember CCCR guys? Only time Gallia was alive is when they played.
Yes,they did really stupid thing with they "alliance" with Saires,but Bastilled them and ignore them for 3 month?
Instead teaching them what to do and how to do it...Gallia is dead now as it was before they played.
Rorry's renagades?Omegas we're never more alive when they we're there.
Admins refuse to grant them official pretty much anybody can get official but it's to late.
I don't evan want to speak about Indians...
15 indians online every night,9 of them in TBH,4 of them in [LN],4 in Order|,3 in Samura,5 in OC,4 in RM and so on...bastilled after psycho QQ'ed .One crucial line of explanation:
"We don't like you we we don't like what you do."
Oh,yes,another one-"this is just a warning"
24hours later our ships we're released.
Thanks but-no thanks.
I probably forget many others and i apologize for that.
I'm not evan gonna mention devs buffing faction stats to suit they designated factions.
Most of the old admins are gone.
Most of the old players are gone.
This is still my favored game and pretty much only game i really play.
Unfortunately i think this store will close soon enough.
I'll be here to see it happened.
And i'll still play freelancer after that.

Been meaning to quote this atleast once in my time here. Not anymore chance left.

May seem harsh, but could be related as a bitter truth

RE: End of the line...ciao - Lythrilux - 05-20-2014

Good luck in your ventures Sath. JM will miss you but will always have open arms if you choose to come back.

RE: End of the line...ciao - Praetor - 05-20-2014

Close the thread he will come back,he better...

RE: End of the line...ciao - Freeroamer - 05-20-2014

Bye! See you later mate

RE: End of the line...ciao - Jose Benitez - 05-20-2014

Good luck in the big world that exists outside of Disco.

You won't get kicked from the Benitez chat since it is about more than FL nowadays and you are free to join in any of the other stuff we are involved in.

If you are ever in any of our respective parts of the world feel free to look any of the local Benitez players up - we are all a nice friendly bunch and I'm sure someone can be persuaded to buy you a beer.


RE: End of the line...ciao - Flox Corp - 05-20-2014

You'll be back...
Look at all the goodbyw we have had. Now look again and guess what? they are back.
Everyone is different so maybe you will leave forever.
Yeah the Devs and Admins dont always do whats right and we all know some of them do what they can to favor there fav faction.
But guess what?
That frustration and anger kinda keeps us here and we grow to love it. Yeah we will leave a couple times maybe couple days, weeks, months, or years but we always have that curiousity.
How disco? Are my old buddies still there? Whats New? Maybe ill create a char just to check. Or maybe Ill just login and check the forums.
But most of us come back.

Yeah i hate this place alot. I hate Lolberty alot as well but i love em too.
We love what we hate and you know its true and if you dont well one day you will.

Guess what im saying is, see ya in a couple days, maybe weeks, maybe months, or even maybe in a couple years.

Something tells me Diso will still be here for a couple more years and in those years you will come back.
You may not even tell us but you will comeback to check. Everyone Does.
Anyways good luck out there in RL.
