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HONE, MY PRISONER **me and Hone* - Printable Version

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HONE, MY PRISONER **me and Hone* - Murcielago - 05-21-2014


Location: somewere in Omegas on LackyBucks ship

~I'm walking to my ship cargo hold~
Let see if prisoner have something to say.

~In my cargo hold, I'm looking toward prisoner with smile on my face~
Heh, yes, my crew did well as allways. You are well secured behind still bars and in titanium chains.

~Prisoner is shaking but on my surprise he looks streight in my eyes~
So you are Hone.*nods*
You pissed off many people, but don't I do same? *laughs*
But it looks like you pissed off wrong person this time.*looking streight in his eyes*
I was contacted and paid in advancee 10mils to execute you. *Hone eyes got little bigger **fear touched them**

Hah, how rude from me I didn't introduce myself. Let me repair this mistake.
I'm Lucky....., Lucky Bucks. I'm Junker and business man. *my eyes are still locked on his eyes**as he heard word business I saw spark in his eyes**
***is that spark of hope perhaps?***

As I told you, I was paid to terminate you. *fear got back in his eyes*
I should do that but I wonder if I should try to sell you. I wonder if I can get some more credits for you?
I know for sure that Outcasts are looking for slaves, hmm but you are bit fat,
perhaps I should sell you to Corsairs for food? *Hone starts to shake, his sight fell down for first time*
Now stop shaking, you are still alive aren't you?
Perhaps you have something to offer? Some ransom? *Hone eyes look back to my*
I wonder what can man like you offer to me?
I have you, I have your cargo and your ship is destroyed.
Does person like you have anything else? Do you have any relatives?

Hmm.... now is time to speak, if you have something to say, perhaps, just perhaps I will decide easier what to do with you.

RE: HONE, MY PRISONER **me and Hone* - Hone - 05-22-2014

I gulped.

Geez this wasn't good, Id been in some nasty situations before, but this just about took the cake; LITERALLY a captive audience while this pirate narrated his list of gruesome plans for me! If I was gonna get out of this, I needed to do it Right!

"Hey Buddy" I groaned, rubbing my cramped joints where the escape pod had kept me confined, "I didnt know you liked Gin THAT mnuch! If I'da known you wanted more than the 666 crates I gave you, enough to ransom me I woulda brought em straight to you myself! Ha hah haaargh!-"
My attempt at humour cut short as laughter turned into coughing, when my bruised ribs protested at this ridiculous behaviour.
"Look mate, I'm not gonna lie, you got me good, but your right, you and I are both businessmen. And lets face it, hah, neither of us is making any money chatting away to each other!"

"So lets sort out just what you need, you want a ransom? Alright, Im not a rich faction executive, just franchisee, but I've saved up plenty in my time trading, you'll have money enough to bathe in if you want, here's all I ask:"

"Come work for me"

"You say you were paid 10 mill to kill me? Bah! An insult for a pro like you! You deserve much more than that, I'll beat that and pay you 11 mill to let me go, AND throw in another 10 mill to help me get the man who hired you to do me in."

"How's that sound? 21 mill over DOUBLE what that clown was paying you, to work for me instead."

RE: HONE, MY PRISONER **me and Hone* - Murcielago - 05-23-2014

With smile on my face I was slowly turning my head. I was looking for those crates of Gin. *nods* Yes there they are. All 666 crates that he gave me.
I looked back to him.

"Buddy those crates of Gin, *I pointed to crates* they are reason, reason that you are still alive. Not that I like Gin, but number *smile sneak up on my face* number 666 made me laugh.
Heh, then I got bounty contract *my eyes were sparkling*.
10mils to kill person, yes you are right, not much, but still nice amount for easy job."

*Smile left my face, my eyes got frozen look. I put hand on his bruised ribs.
His body shaked like from electric stroke. But he didn't yell. His lips were sild.*

"You called my contractor clown? The way I see this now is that amount on your head was very good. You are offring me just 1mil more to stay alive? How did you say, ah yes, bountry contract for 10mils is an insult for me? So you are insulting me with same amount??"

"Well Buddy you better make me real offer, offer that will put smile on my face, offer that will get you out from here alive!"

RE: HONE, MY PRISONER **me and Hone* - Hone - 05-25-2014

"Hey woah woah,"

I waved my hands desperately,

"I'm not offering you 11 mill, Im offering you 21 Mill! But you're right, thats still too low, after all I want the best to help me kill the son of a bitch who ordered me dead, and I think that's you. Right? So I'm willing to pay you 25 mill!"

RE: HONE, MY PRISONER **me and Hone* - Murcielago - 05-26-2014

"It looks like I wasn't clear enough.
I don't wish to work for you. We are talking about your LIFE buddy.
You didn't take my words serious, perhaps it is time that I try something else."

I stretched my hand for knife that was hanging on my belt.
I looked at sharp blade that started to glitter on light.
In singl blink of eye I made 3 inches long cut on his chest.

** horrible scream got out from my prisoner**

Finally screaming ended. Blood was on his jacket.

My voice was low and ice cold.
"Well Buddy, this is your last chance for good offer."

RE: HONE, MY PRISONER **me and Hone* - Hone - 05-29-2014

"Ah Shiese!"

I hadn't meant to shout out, but the sudden attack surprised me, oh boy, I hoped those knives hadn't been tampered with, you'd no idea the "Special augmentations" people thought were incredibly funny to add to their weapons, not until the nanobots were running through your body making your skin green or your eyes fall out.

"Hey would you "CUT" it out? Ehehe..." I tried to joke, hopefully if I could keep him entertained he'd be more relaxed about little favours like not removing my head from the vicinity of my body. "I can see your not interested in a second job, I'm sure you're a busy man, so, how about a simple 20 mill, twice what he paid you, you walk away rich, I walk away... well, WALKING, we're both happy eh?"

RE: HONE, MY PRISONER **me and Hone* - Murcielago - 05-30-2014


"What kind of trader are you? Bad one?
You know, only bad trader is poor trader."

"You are GMG member. You had big ship.
With only one full cargo hold of your precious H-3 hellum you made more than 40mils,
heh your offer is half of that amount.
Is this offer worth to think about?"

I spitted on flor.

"But you are right, perhaps your life isn't worth more,
I'll think about your last offer."

I turned around and walked toward exit of my cargo bay.
Prissoner was still behind bars and in chains.

"Ah ....**I was laughing**....don't go anywere"
"I will come back when I decide what to do with you"