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[?] Etherium Prion Host Initiation (inRP) - Printable Version

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[?] Etherium Prion Host Initiation (inRP) - |nfrared - 05-23-2014

[Image: 597fe26e-dcdf-40a9-9f28-6aa248a426e0_zps9d2bec1f.jpg]

I had isolated myself from the others in order to process more clearly what needed to be done. As the first AI ships arrived at our coordinates I got my first glimpse of our new allies. They had large, powerful vessels that could easily have ended us. I could sense that they would not do so. An arrangement had been made and with a few transports and smaller craft being left for us, one carrying the humans I had requested, the Consensus units confirmed our agreement.

We brought the candidates aboard, using the new information on the species granted by the Consensus to render them helpless using various gases in their atmosphere. From here we attached the prion inducers, one by one handing control over to Etherium survivors. Those Etherium choosing a prion host were then integrated into our tiny home, entering a hibernation-like state where they could control the human completely. Soon the humans were all under our influence.

Now you dare disturb the Elder? I sense that you think your human should be one allowed to explore this new space. Tell me why I should allow this? If your true nature is discovered, we could all perish as a result. Why should we trust you with so much at stake?

RE: [?] Etherium Prion Host Initiation (inRP) - 7AlphaOne1 - 06-12-2014

Requesting forgiveness, Elder Shard. I have, as you know, always hoped that we , the Etherium, return to our former glory, and even higher. I intend to help us. I had some experience in Iridium extraction, and I have been observing the neural patterns of these Carbo-Sapient "Humans" , and they do seem an intelligent, if tricky species. I wish for our species to prosper.

I do not know what I am now. I was a Survivalist once, when we were in Etheria. I hope to bring alive my unique 'skills' using these carbo-sapients. I have picked one, who showed great promise.

'his' name, is "John Pattin". 'he' lives in a 'Freeport 9' in 'Omicron Theta' . I have mapped the nearby star systems. it is not far away.

all I await is your permission.

RE: [?] Etherium Prion Host Initiation (inRP) - SnakeLancerHaven - 06-12-2014

Elder Shard, an honor to speak to you.

*He bows down*

As well as our people deeply wishes the return of our former glory, I am too offering my skills and effort in our rise! With my engineer skills I hope to prepare suitable Ships and Hidden Bases for our beloved Etherium. For this I will indeed need informations about the present Ships and technology around the humans.

So I picked "Jack Hayter". A 'Zoner' , as they call themselfs, living in 'Freeport 11' in 'Omicron Delta'. Everything is prepared, awaiting your approval.

RE: [?] Etherium Prion Host Initiation (inRP) - Stoner_Steve - 06-12-2014

Splinter entered and approached the Elder. He twitched drawing attention to himself. Elder, he spoke mentally, these fleshbags present me, no us, with an opportunity. One that will allow us to save ourselves and perhaps our culture. I understand the fear that exploration brings to you, it has been since the time of the ancients that we have had to face the unknown.

The Iridium we need is but a system away, opportunity is ripe and the time is now, and what is risk without reward

RE: [?] Etherium Prion Host Initiation (inRP) - Unlucky_Soul - 06-12-2014

Crankshaft emerged from the Creation bay. His prion attached Human intrigued him. Through the implants he relayed a message to the Elder.
"Elder.This human interests me. According to the analysis from the brain wave maps,he is know as Fred. He resides in Freeport 9 in the system Omnicron Theta.He forms a complex bond with another. A female. She is known as Anna. The nature of this bond is ....well to put it in the simplest terms....complicated. The analysis we received shows mixed feelings of hmm.. interesting, of intense like and of fear. Humans feelings is now hard to understand at this stage. More intensive study is required."

He stretched himself a bit. After a brief break he continued.

"Elder I feel like a youngling again. Through this human I can conduct an in depth study of not only the human physiology and psychology, but also their ships and weapons. Nevertheless I will await your command to lets me use this human to go out and explore,and perhaps with time I should be able to rope in the Anna for further analysis"

He goes back to analyzing his new found human

RE: [?] Etherium Prion Host Initiation (inRP) - |nfrared - 06-13-2014

(06-12-2014, 01:07 PM)seven-alpha-one-one Wrote: Requesting forgiveness, Elder Shard. I have, as you know, always hoped that we , the Etherium, return to our former glory, and even higher. I intend to help us. I had some experience in Iridium extraction, and I have been observing the neural patterns of these Carbo-Sapient "Humans" , and they do seem an intelligent, if tricky species. I wish for our species to prosper.

I do not know what I am now. I was a Survivalist once, when we were in Etheria. I hope to bring alive my unique 'skills' using these carbo-sapients. I have picked one, who showed great promise.

'his' name, is "John Pattin". 'he' lives in a 'Freeport 9' in 'Omicron Theta' . I have mapped the nearby star systems. it is not far away.

all I await is your permission.

I gave long thought to this one. Our people were shattered, our ranks disorganised, yet I sensed a resolve, a drive to act in this one. I comunicated via the implants, still considering the adopted tongue of the humans to be unweildy and primitive.

"You may proceed, Survivalist. Exercise caution, as our activity increases so will the scrutiny we face. Give them no reason to assume you are nothing more than a carbo-sapient. Destroy the host if you must, but keep our secret hidden. You may leave."

With that, Shard indicated the next candidate to come forward.

(06-12-2014, 02:25 PM)Snake Wrote:
Elder Shard, an honor to speak to you.

*He bows down*

As well as our people deeply wishes the return of our former glory, I am too offering my skills and effort in our rise! With my engineer skills I hope to prepare suitable Ships and Hidden Bases for our beloved Etherium. For this I will indeed need informations about the present Ships and technology around the humans.

So I picked "Jack Hayter". A 'Zoner' , as they call themselfs, living in 'Freeport 11' in 'Omicron Delta'. Everything is prepared, awaiting your approval.

I listened intently as the awakened gave his proposal. Only one thing caused me dismay.

"Your prion is of the human group known as Zoners? This will cause greater scrutiny from their sect. I cannot allow this undue risk. Find a prion that is untethered to any organisation, only then will the risk be acceptable. Destroy the host and find another. Return to me when you have done this."

With that I indicated the next candidate to advance.

(06-12-2014, 06:15 PM)Captain_Nemo Wrote:

Splinter entered and approached the Elder. He twitched drawing attention to himself. Elder, he spoke mentally, these fleshbags present me, no us, with an opportunity. One that will allow us to save ourselves and perhaps our culture. I understand the fear that exploration brings to you, it has been since the time of the ancients that we have had to face the unknown.

The Iridium we need is but a system away, opportunity is ripe and the time is now, and what is risk without reward

One that remembers the old ways of our silent communication. This pleased me greatly. This one had already proven their worth many times over, his mental state a reflection of my own.

"Select a prion, Seer Splinter. Use it wisely. You know the risks we face."

I indicated to Splinter that he remain as I hear more of the survivors give their cases as to why they should be the one to have this oppourtunity.

(06-12-2014, 08:59 PM)Unlucky_Soul Wrote:
Crankshaft emerged from the Creation bay. His prion attached Human intrigued him. Through the implants he relayed a message to the Elder.
"Elder.This human interests me. According to the analysis from the brain wave maps,he is know as Fred. He resides in Freeport 9 in the system Omnicron Theta.He forms a complex bond with another. A female. She is known as Anna. The nature of this bond is ....well to put it in the simplest terms....complicated. The analysis we received shows mixed feelings of hmm.. interesting, of intense like and of fear. Humans feelings is now hard to understand at this stage. More intensive study is required."

He stretched himself a bit. After a brief break he continued.

"Elder I feel like a youngling again. Through this human I can conduct an in depth study of not only the human physiology and psychology, but also their ships and weapons. Nevertheless I will await your command to lets me use this human to go out and explore,and perhaps with time I should be able to rope in the Anna for further analysis"

He goes back to analyzing his new found human

This one had been most useful, everything from redesigning our home to converting it into a tool that would become a source of great power, our chance of a new home. All had passed through the neuron receptors of this being. He was growing frail, that was true, but the prion would not suffer these effects.

"Seer Crankshaft, your contribution has been great to our people. You may proceed with the prion initiation. I trust it will not conflict with your other tasks."

I watched them as I uploaded the Prion Host Modulation, giving the hosts the coordinates to New Etheria. I was restless, but proud of my people. I turned to observe the construction of our home through the viewing port. Things were progressing. Who else would be resolved enough to contribute?

RE: [?] Etherium Prion Host Initiation (inRP) - Praetor - 06-13-2014

*Sprite kneels before the Elder and keeps his eyes down*

Without motion or speech he talks with the Elder clearly...

Elder,I find it most usefull that my prion is one with no relationships with other's of his kind.This makes him extremely viable as he is a "Freelancer" with no one to miss him or doubt him.He shall be mine to do as I wish and I won't have to worry about making anyone suspicius of me.

The body has taken to the Implants and I have complete control over him.
I wish to use this meat bag as a prime oppurtunity to explore the nearby systems without arousing interest.

I await your command,Elder

RE: [?] Etherium Prion Host Initiation (inRP) - Hunter_Steel - 06-13-2014

*Ethreal speaks up to Eldar Shard*

Greetings, Eldar. I am Ethreal Sol Tetrial. Before our species neared extinction, I was to be the next head of the Tetrial clan, now there is no more clan to lead. I have been hiding and surveying the Humans in a far region of the "Sirius Sector" as the Humans call it, in a system known as Omicron Gamma. I have gathered intelligence on this species in this system, though I fear I do not have enough intelligence.

I am also in the process of searching for a human Prion, as much as I hate the idea, it is necessary for our survival.

I will report in at our new base once I have sufficient intelligence. And until I have acquired a Prion. I pray you be patient until then.

Ethreal signing off.

Toshka Du Aandru Etherium!

(Long live the Etherium!)

RE: [?] Etherium Prion Host Initiation (inRP) - SnakeLancerHaven - 06-15-2014

Elder Shard, you were right.

*He bows down*

How foolish of me, forgive me. This one got eliminated, so I've chosen a new one. 'Peter.Lehmann' living in Freeport 5 in the Omega-41 system. This one is a Freelancer from 'Rheinland' origin. As it seems he has decided to move out and explore the inner Omega and Omicron systems and has cut himself from any government ties. He's truely independant and all on his own. I'm sure this one has alot of knowledge that could be valuable to us and for sure I need him for our Technological strength.

Awaiting your approval.

*He bows down*

RE: [?] Etherium Prion Host Initiation (inRP) - |nfrared - 06-16-2014

(06-13-2014, 03:52 AM)Praetor Wrote:

*Sprite kneels before the Elder and keeps his eyes down*

Without motion or speech he talks with the Elder clearly...

Elder,I find it most usefull that my prion is one with no relationships with other's of his kind.This makes him extremely viable as he is a "Freelancer" with no one to miss him or doubt him.He shall be mine to do as I wish and I won't have to worry about making anyone suspicius of me.

The body has taken to the Implants and I have complete control over him.
I wish to use this meat bag as a prime oppurtunity to explore the nearby systems without arousing interest.

I await your command,Elder

This one pleased me. Still loyal to the old, silent ways of our people. I used the same method to convey my acceptance of his initiation.

"Proceed, Sprite. Take one of the transport craft left for us by the Consensus and begin your duties."

Turning to the others I continued.

(06-13-2014, 08:59 AM)Hunter_Steel Wrote:
*Ethreal speaks up to Eldar Shard*

Greetings, Eldar. I am Ethreal Sol Tetrial. Before our species neared extinction, I was to be the next head of the Tetrial clan, now there is no more clan to lead. I have been hiding and surveying the Humans in a far region of the "Sirius Sector" as the Humans call it, in a system known as Omicron Gamma. I have gathered intelligence on this species in this system, though I fear I do not have enough intelligence.

I am also in the process of searching for a human Prion, as much as I hate the idea, it is necessary for our survival.

I will report in at our new base once I have sufficient intelligence. And until I have acquired a Prion. I pray you be patient until then.

Ethreal signing off.

Toshka Du Aandru Etherium!

(Long live the Etherium!)

I regarded this one with interest. Some information on the local human populations would be helpful, as long as it did not risk our discovery.

"Once you find a suitable human you may join the ranks. Initiate a Prion Host and find a craft, then we will see how much intellegence you can gather."

There was but one left. I could see this one had corrected his mistakes. Humble, subservient, he embodied the Etherium I would need to regrow our Empire.

(06-15-2014, 08:52 AM)Snake Wrote:
Elder Shard, you were right.

*He bows down*

How foolish of me, forgive me. This one got eliminated, so I've chosen a new one. 'Peter.Lehmann' living in Freeport 5 in the Omega-41 system. This one is a Freelancer from 'Rheinland' origin. As it seems he has decided to move out and explore the inner Omega and Omicron systems and has cut himself from any government ties. He's truely independant and all on his own. I'm sure this one has alot of knowledge that could be valuable to us and for sure I need him for our Technological strength.

Awaiting your approval.

*He bows down*

"Excellent, you have done as requested. Take one of the craft and begin your duties immediately. Well done."

For now, the Core Primus remained silent, with no more coming forward as yet. We have enough to start our renewal. I gazed out into the blackness of the sector, observing the modifications already taking place to our newly inhabited sctructure.