To: CEO of Republican Shipping. CC BAF - Bretonia Police Authority - 05-26-2014
Good Day Sir/Madam,
We are contacting you, yet again, about certain Captains of yours within Bretonian Space.
It has come to our notice that last evening there was a violent altercation, between certain ships of your Company and certain ships from USI, in New London. We are led to believe that this ended in the destruction of two (2) USI Ships.
We have received a Report from one of our Constables, who it seems was only involved after the destruction of these Ships, giving us the names of the Ships involved. These are RS|RTS-Bremen and RS|RTS-Lipsia. He also mentioned a third ship, RS|Johny Smirnoff, which he believes was arriving from Rheinland after the main altercation.
We have, now, the full transmission logs from our Constable. We are very disturbed that the Captain of the RS|RTS-Bremen seem very aggressive and still looking to destroy the [*USI*]Ixonia.
Quote:[26.05.2014 00:03:19] RS|RTS-Bremen: Get him!
[26.05.2014 00:04:21] RS|RTS-Bremen: Want me to Deal with this?
[26.05.2014 00:14:00] RS|RTS-Bremen: He Just Moved!
The last statement was after our Officer had told everybody that he would shoot the next one that moved.
Another disturbing fact is the, yet again, apparent lack of regard for Bretonian Authority shown by your Captains towards Bretonian Lawful Officers. I refer you to the previous incident
Quote:[26.05.2014 00:10:00] RS|Johny.Smirnoff: well i think this incindent is done
[26.05.2014 00:13:31] RS|RTS-Bremen: How Long is this going to take?
Your Captains must understand that our Officers decided when and if an incident is 'done' and the length of time our Officers need to investigate is up to them.
We require a full explanation of the incident from your Company. Once we have all the information required we will make a decision on any further steps to be taken.
In the mean time it has been decided that the Captain of the RS|RTS-Bremen will not be allowed in to Bretonian Space until this has been successfully resolved. The reason for this is that he is the one that is being accused of Piracy, the destruction of the USI Ships and his aggressive attitude as witnessed by our Officer.
We will remind you that if this goes unfavourably for your Company then as was stated in our previous communication your Licences for Jump Trading and Scanning will be revoked.
RE: To: CEO of Republican Shipping. CC BAF - SMI-Great.Fox - 05-26-2014
IDENTIFICATION: Republican Shipping Senior Advisor - Daniel Artura
SOURCE: Toruz City, Planet Stuttgart
COPY TO: Personal Datapad
SUBJECT: USI Assault in Bretonia
Guten Tag BPA Representatives.
I have been assigned currently to mediate over this situation involving the actions against our pilots of Republican and those of Universal Shipping Incorporated.
At this time, the ones in question are being dealt with severly and their shipping rights into Bretonia are currently suspended until we get to the bottom of this.
As you know, the Houses of Rheinland and Liberty are currently engaged in conflict between their respected borders, and it is such even Republican joins into the fight, But this act in which was taken on by both parties, I admit could have been avoided but sadly it did not.
However I did recently recieve a report from one of our pilots from earlier today over what is clearly shown as Libertonian aggression, in the House of Bretonia.
Quote:Code: [26.05.2014 11:07:39] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: Guten Tag
[26.05.2014 11:11:03] Death: Anemesis was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[26.05.2014 11:11:13] Death: Epsilon_5 was put out of action by TheHardcoreMax (Collision).
[26.05.2014 11:14:31] Death: Xom9k.Humster was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[26.05.2014 11:14:56] Death: Joe.Flanigan-[Trans] suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[26.05.2014 11:15:12] Death: Traveller was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[26.05.2014 11:18:30] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: Well hello there.
[26.05.2014 11:18:38] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: Guten Tag
[26.05.2014 11:19:02] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: HUZZAH!
[26.05.2014 11:19:07] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: Huzzah!
[26.05.2014 11:19:19] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: COME ON CHAPS LETS HEAR A HUZZAH!
[26.05.2014 11:19:20] [*USI*]A.Raybern[CA]: Look what we have here Chief
[26.05.2014 11:19:27] [*USI*]P.Corte[CA]: HUZZAH
[26.05.2014 11:19:27] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: Huzzah!
[26.05.2014 11:19:29] [*USI*]A.Raybern[CA]: Huzzah!
[26.05.2014 11:19:36] [*USI*]P.Hallow[CA]: Huzzah!
[26.05.2014 11:19:43] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: Can I help you?
[26.05.2014 11:19:48] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Well well well if it isnt the dogs that fired on our ships yesterday
[26.05.2014 11:20:07] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: Oh I can show the repair bill on my Lincoln...
[26.05.2014 11:20:11] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Dance around chaps have some fun
[26.05.2014 11:20:39] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: Dogs, huh how original, I would expect nothing less from a Libertonian
[26.05.2014 11:21:01] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Wow, a comedian, your kind dont have many of them
[26.05.2014 11:21:17] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Do you know what else I would find funny?
[26.05.2014 11:21:24] Death: Wolfgang.Weber suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[26.05.2014 11:21:28] [*USI*]A.Raybern[CA]: Amanda: Fingers getting itchy
[26.05.2014 11:21:29] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: I am sure I have no idea
[26.05.2014 11:21:34] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: If we blew your ship to smitherines!
[26.05.2014 11:21:39] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: HUZZAH!
[26.05.2014 11:21:43] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: Huzzah
[26.05.2014 11:21:45] [*USI*]A.Raybern[CA]: HUZZAH
[26.05.2014 11:21:58] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: I can feel the Lincolns revenge in the air.
[26.05.2014 11:22:01] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Any input from you chaps?
[26.05.2014 11:22:11] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Anything you would like to say?
[26.05.2014 11:22:28] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: Oh you might find that funny at first, but I promise you won't be laughing later.
[26.05.2014 11:22:38] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: No nothing?
[26.05.2014 11:22:44] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: Haha that sounds like a challange.
[26.05.2014 11:22:48] [*USI*]A.Raybern[CA]: Amanda: Im just looks for a few hull panels to start flying.
[26.05.2014 11:22:55] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Hahahahaha
[26.05.2014 11:23:03] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Wow he really is funny
[26.05.2014 11:23:11] Death: J_Bentham was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[26.05.2014 11:23:14] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: Amy I will bring you a piece home
[26.05.2014 11:23:19] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: You should become a stand up comic.
[26.05.2014 11:23:26] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: hahahaha
[26.05.2014 11:23:29] [*USI*]A.Raybern[CA]: Amanda: Oh thank you sweetie.
[26.05.2014 11:23:36] [*USI*]P.Hallow[CA]: I saw we find a nice hot sun and have a picnic.
[26.05.2014 11:23:41] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: The sirius wide known comedians from Rheinland.
[26.05.2014 11:23:47] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: hahaha
[26.05.2014 11:23:52] [*USI*]P.Corte[CA]: hehehe
[26.05.2014 11:23:56] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: What shall we do with him chaps?
[26.05.2014 11:24:10] [*USI*]P.Corte[CA]: slash and burn
[26.05.2014 11:24:11] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: I am not the one who attacked you yesterday, I barely just heard about it this morning
[26.05.2014 11:24:27] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: Oh and that makes you perfectly safe.
[26.05.2014 11:24:30] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: I dont care who did it! We want revenge!
[26.05.2014 11:24:35] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: HUZZAH!
[26.05.2014 11:24:41] [*USI*]P.Corte[CA]: HUZZAH
[26.05.2014 11:24:44] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: How about you pay for the repairs your friends done?
[26.05.2014 11:24:47] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: Huzzah
[26.05.2014 11:24:48] [*USI*]A.Raybern[CA]: HUZZAH
[26.05.2014 11:24:58] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: No no, I have a better Idea
[26.05.2014 11:25:15] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: How about we "Escort" this man to Magellen
[26.05.2014 11:25:32] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: Well that seems a legit idea.
[26.05.2014 11:25:38] [*USI*]A.Raybern[CA]: Amanda: Oh thats a terrific idead Chief.
[26.05.2014 11:25:39] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Of course
[26.05.2014 11:25:44] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: Why would I go to Magellan with you?
[26.05.2014 11:25:45] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: NO transport would be so safe with so much escorts.
[26.05.2014 11:25:50] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Come on Wolfenstein
[26.05.2014 11:25:55] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Lets go!
[26.05.2014 11:26:04] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: My name is Kessler
[26.05.2014 11:26:07] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: Hello officer.
[26.05.2014 11:26:08] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Unless you want to have an accident
[26.05.2014 11:26:19] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: No I would prefer not too
[26.05.2014 11:26:25] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Then lets move!
[26.05.2014 11:26:30] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: Your preference is not a choice
[26.05.2014 11:27:04] Death: Thors.Hammer was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[26.05.2014 11:27:16] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Halt
[26.05.2014 11:27:34] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Lets move it
[26.05.2014 11:27:39] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: Scout will clear the way for us
[26.05.2014 11:27:46] [*USI*]P.Corte[CA]: yessur
[26.05.2014 11:27:47] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: go Wolfenstein
[26.05.2014 11:27:53] Death: Cdr_Sebastian was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[26.05.2014 11:27:56] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Move it!
[26.05.2014 11:28:09] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Hey I said move!
[26.05.2014 11:28:09] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: No, I am done playing this game
[26.05.2014 11:28:14] Discovery Freelancer is a role-playing server. All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. Shouting "Engaging" or "Halt" is not sufficient.
[26.05.2014 11:28:16] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: Game?
[26.05.2014 11:28:27] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Well what if you were to have an accident?
[26.05.2014 11:28:36] Death: ScoBa suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[26.05.2014 11:28:36] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: I think this pilot doesn't know his actual situation right now
[26.05.2014 11:28:43] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Me neither
[26.05.2014 11:28:49] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: he needs an escort
[26.05.2014 11:28:57] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler:... lets just say I am planning on being extra careful
[26.05.2014 11:29:07] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Not good enough lets move
[26.05.2014 11:29:11] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: I am not leaving Bretonia with you
[26.05.2014 11:29:15] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: Right now you should follow orders.
[26.05.2014 11:29:18] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Oh dear
[26.05.2014 11:29:26] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: You are not my commanding officer
[26.05.2014 11:29:37] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: But I can be the last person you see...
[26.05.2014 11:29:37] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: I am looking out for your safety
[26.05.2014 11:29:53] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Lets MOVE!
[26.05.2014 11:30:07] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: I appreciate that, but I think I can look out for myself
[26.05.2014 11:30:14] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: No you cant!
[26.05.2014 11:30:19] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Move it!
[26.05.2014 11:30:52] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Get moving
[26.05.2014 11:30:56] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Last chance
[26.05.2014 11:31:22] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: I am not coming with you. and I warn you. firing on a Republican Transport is a bad idea
[26.05.2014 11:31:29] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Why>?
[26.05.2014 11:31:38] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: And firing on liberty is a good one?
[26.05.2014 11:31:48] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Yeah explain that
[26.05.2014 11:31:50] Death: BlackSparrow was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[26.05.2014 11:32:04] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: I will clear those rookies..I get annoyed...
[26.05.2014 11:32:10] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Copy
[26.05.2014 11:32:15] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: I can't, I was not involved in that incident
[26.05.2014 11:32:24] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: You are now
[26.05.2014 11:32:28] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Move it!
[26.05.2014 11:32:47] Death: Bazooka was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[26.05.2014 11:33:07] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: I am under orders not to go anywhere near liberty and I will follow those orders. Even if it means my death.
[26.05.2014 11:33:08] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: much better
[26.05.2014 11:33:20] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Magellen is an indie system
[26.05.2014 11:33:41] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Now move
[26.05.2014 11:34:07] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Well then the Omegas it is!
[26.05.2014 11:34:08] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: But it borders liberty. I am not stupid. I have no doubt you have set an elaborate trap to further discredit
[26.05.2014 11:34:12] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Rheinland
[26.05.2014 11:34:14] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Omegas!
[26.05.2014 11:34:37] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Lets go to the omegas and have a tea part
[26.05.2014 11:34:47] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Lets move
[26.05.2014 11:34:58] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: What possible purpose could you have in the Omegas?
[26.05.2014 11:35:08] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: Escorting you of course.
[26.05.2014 11:35:23] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Or perhaps Leeds
[26.05.2014 11:35:59] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: If you refuse to talk any longer an accident may occur
[26.05.2014 11:36:05] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: Ahhh, I see now, I was wrong.. I am stupid or atleast had a stupid moment
[26.05.2014 11:36:24] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: Yes it all makes sense now
[26.05.2014 11:36:31] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Then lets go to magellen
[26.05.2014 11:36:35] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Come on
[26.05.2014 11:36:59] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Okay I am getting inpatient
[26.05.2014 11:37:00] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: No, we are not going to Magellan, Or the Omegas, or anywhere else outside of Bretonia.
[26.05.2014 11:37:09] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: We are staying right here
[26.05.2014 11:37:11] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Well then an accident it is
[26.05.2014 11:37:25] [*USI*]P.Hallow[CA]: I will take the gunfire
[26.05.2014 11:37:30] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Is that what you want?
[26.05.2014 11:37:36] [*USI*]P.Hallow[CA]: Where you going
[26.05.2014 11:37:46] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: We didnt say you could go
[26.05.2014 11:37:56] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: Don't go into asteroids - there are corsairs.
[26.05.2014 11:38:02] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Yeah
[26.05.2014 11:38:03] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: Very well, then we will stay aslong as you like
[26.05.2014 11:38:07] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: We want you to be perfectly safe.
[26.05.2014 11:38:15] RS|Johnny.Smirnoff: hi
[26.05.2014 11:38:19] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: go on run away into the asteroids
[26.05.2014 11:38:21] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Go ahead
[26.05.2014 11:38:24] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: Oh do you hear the money flow when transports is standing still?
[26.05.2014 11:38:31] RS|Johnny.Smirnoff: what hepening ?
[26.05.2014 11:38:33] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: I don't care
[26.05.2014 11:38:36] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: run
[26.05.2014 11:38:40] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: USI is happening
[26.05.2014 11:38:48] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: Nope
[26.05.2014 11:38:55] RS|Johnny.Smirnoff: what status now ?
[26.05.2014 11:39:08] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Come on guys hes not worth it
[26.05.2014 11:39:11] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: You told me to stay right here and that is exactly what I am going to do
[26.05.2014 11:39:17] Death: TRADER_of_ER was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[26.05.2014 11:39:19] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: Oh now you listen?
[26.05.2014 11:39:34] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: stand by
[26.05.2014 11:39:42] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Go on then, run my little lamb
[26.05.2014 11:39:43] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: Indeed a waste of time.
[26.05.2014 11:39:57] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: We will be watching
[26.05.2014 11:40:02] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: Give Liberty my best won't you
[26.05.2014 11:40:09] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Indeed
[26.05.2014 11:40:17] RS|Johnny.Smirnoff: dont go to Manchester
[26.05.2014 11:40:22] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Halt
[26.05.2014 11:40:24] Death: re.con was put out of action by Junk.Squid (Gun).
[26.05.2014 11:40:33] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: not that way
[26.05.2014 11:40:40] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: to your left
[26.05.2014 11:40:49] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: My left?
[26.05.2014 11:40:49] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: its not safe down the lane
[26.05.2014 11:40:56] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Yes your left
[26.05.2014 11:41:06] RS|Johnny.Smirnoff: back to Planet Dover , if USI atack you, get pics
[26.05.2014 11:41:09] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: Not Queen's Left...
[26.05.2014 11:41:29] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: As you wish
[26.05.2014 11:41:54] Death: Freeelancer|TheBat was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[26.05.2014 11:41:58] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: They let me go
[26.05.2014 11:42:18] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: well mabey
[26.05.2014 11:42:35] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: You are still following me, Why?
[26.05.2014 11:42:46] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: we want to make sure that you are okay
[26.05.2014 11:42:48] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: Oh we like the sights here
[26.05.2014 11:43:14] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: Fine follow me all you like
[26.05.2014 11:43:47] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Ok I think they are going to follow me to Omega and attack me there
[26.05.2014 11:44:04] Death: TheHardcoreMax was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[26.05.2014 11:44:30] Death: Xom9k.Humster was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[26.05.2014 11:44:37] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: Corsair on scanners
[26.05.2014 11:44:40] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: 2 units.
[26.05.2014 11:44:49] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: Good
[26.05.2014 11:44:58] Arcelia.Chavez.[TBH]: What is this?
[26.05.2014 11:45:00] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: hi corsairs
[26.05.2014 11:45:04] Death: -O-Ger!Lche>> suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[26.05.2014 11:45:07] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: come over here
[26.05.2014 11:45:07] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: It looks like you have bigger problems now
[26.05.2014 11:45:11] [*USI*]T.Marwick[SO]: Oh hello - nothing don't mind us
[26.05.2014 11:45:15] Arcelia.Chavez.[TBH]: What are you... huh? Caramba, I am confused
[26.05.2014 11:45:15] RS|Johnny.Smirnoff: ok , i bring SVHF
[26.05.2014 11:45:21] [*USI*]W.Rainer[CSO]: come over here please
[26.05.2014 11:45:37] RS|Johnny.Smirnoff: and escort you
[26.05.2014 11:45:39] RS|RTS-Wolfenstein: Kessler: Don't think so
File 1 - USI Hostilities Visual
I must highly reccomend that before placing the blame upon Republican, that USI be investeigated for acts against the Bretonian Crown. Otherwise I do fear that these incidents will continue in order to place Republican at fault for acts we did not commit.
Daniel Artura
Republican Shipping Senior Advisor
RE: To: CEO of Republican Shipping. CC BAF - Bretonia Police Authority - 05-26-2014
Daniel Artura,
We have sent a stern Communication to USI in regards to the incident that happen, in New London, today.
Bretonia will not tolerate Libertonian and Rheinland Corporations carrying on their Houses problems within our Borders.
Until we have investigated, thoroughly, the incident last night in which two (2) USI Ships were destroyed we are not proportioning any blame either way.
Today's incident, though terrifying for your Captain, did not end in any violence.
As reiterated to the CEO of USI please ensure that each of your Captains understand that whilst they are in Bretonian Space they are guests as is also Universal Shipping Incorporated. Your Captains may pass pleasantries to Universal Shipping Incorporated, whilst within the borders of Bretonia, but any further incitement to violence will be severely punished.
We do hope that we have made our stance on this matter clear?
RE: To: CEO of Republican Shipping. CC BAF - SMI-Great.Fox - 05-26-2014
IDENTIFICATION: Republican Shipping Senior Advisor - Daniel Artura
SOURCE: Toruz City, Planet Stuttgart
COPY TO: Personal Datapad
SUBJECT: USI Assault in Bretonia
This matter in ending has been very clear to this point. I will make sure that the captains of the previous incident make formal apologies toward the Bretonian Crown in their actions. And to that their pay will be docked for the arrogant behavior with the Bretonian House that was shown.
Daniel Artura
Republican Shipping Senior Advisor
RE: To: CEO of Republican Shipping. CC BAF - Bretonia Police Authority - 06-08-2014
Daniel Artura,
USI is claiming, via us, damages from your Captains involved in the incident on the 26th of last Month. We require a full and unabridged Statements from all of your Captains involved in that Incident.
Once we have all the information required we will make a ruling on this Subject.
In the mean time the USI Captains involved in the further incidence of the 27th of last Month have all been dealt with and fined.
We hope that you can supply us with these Statements and we can resolve this quickly.
We would like to remind you that the Captain of the RS|RTS-Bremen will not be allowed in to Bretonian Space until this has been successfully resolved.
RE: To: CEO of Republican Shipping. CC BAF - Morigan - 06-10-2014
Guten Tag , Frau / Herr ,
I was in my office in Stutgard during it , and received report from Herr Klaus Hans , who is operated a vessel , callsign "RS|RTS-Bremen" , that he was attacked by the ships with USI papers . But when i arrived , everything ended. I met one of Police Officers who arrived also to clear a situation and was nearby. Therefore i have no opportunity to add something to that information which already is available . We dont have reliable information about who started shooting first and why . I can tell only, after that , USI pilots tried to attack our vessels several times. But our pilots showed restraint and didn't follow provocations .
With the best regards