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To: Liberty Navy Primary Fleet || CC: Liberty Police Inc. - Printable Version

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To: Liberty Navy Primary Fleet || CC: Liberty Police Inc. - Sath - 05-28-2014

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Name:Hayden Blake

Location:Westpoint Military Academy, New York

Subject:Naughty Zoners

Greetings gentlemen,

Today, I came across a very weird sight in front of Norfolk Shipyard, while on my normal patrol duty. I found 2 "Juggernaut" class Zoner capital warships moving around Norfolk. There were some other navy personnel holding them and enquiring their sudden intrusion into Liberty space.

Since there was not much of a noise between the Zoner vessels and our personnel, I docked at Norfolk for a cup of coffee. To my surprise, suddenly warning alarms were raised inside Norfolk and on enquiring, I came to know that the Zoner capital vessels took out 2 of our capital vessels. I took off from the hangar at once and there they were, fleeing from a group of our bombers and fighter class vessels.

I threw in some punches and at the end, both of them and their mercenary, paid to halt our bombers, were taken down like flies. I hope that you take this into serious consideration, since we cannot have nomadic people bringing their toys into our space, shoot our men and walk away like nothing ever happened.

Attachments Wrote:Stealthtyper: ID || Visual Proof || Destruction 1, Destruction 2

FlyingFinn: ID || Visual Proof || Destruction 1, Destruction 2


Hayden Blake, Liberty Navy Secondary Fleet

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RE: To: Liberty Navy Primary Fleet || CC: Liberty Police Inc. - rainth345 - 05-28-2014

*****Incoming Transmission*****
[Image: np9r.png]
COMM ID: Admiral Remus Sius
TARGET ID: Hayden Blake

Mister Blake,

I must first commend you and your wingmen on taking down the monstrous beasts. It is has been acknowledged by the High Command that one of the Zoner Captains; particularly of the Nephilim "Steathtyper", has broken several laws in the course of the past few weeks.

Rest assured, your report will be used against them. There will be an announcement regarding these two offenders.

On a side note, please use our official channel for purposes of reporting similar cases. It will be better documented this way.

For Freedom and Justice,
Admiral Remus Sius
Liberty Naval High Command

*****Transmission Terminated*****

RE: To: Liberty Navy Primary Fleet || CC: Liberty Police Inc. - Jonas Valent - 05-28-2014

[Image: 2cscv1e.jpg]

To: Hayden Blake
From: Sergeant Jonas Valent

Priority: High
Subject: Zoner Capital Ships

Mr. Blake we at Liberty Police Inc. appreciate your assistance in this matter. We had received several reports about these ships flying through Liberty. However, LPI Officers have been tied up the past few days because of an investigation of one of the Liberty Corporations so we were unable to commit any resources to deal with this threat. We will be keeping a watch out for any future zoner capitals ships wandering into Liberty.

Safe Skies,
Valent Out

[Image: 2zyik20.jpg]