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To: All Liberty Naval personnel CC: Secondary Fleet - Printable Version

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To: All Liberty Naval personnel CC: Secondary Fleet - rainth345 - 05-28-2014

*****Incoming Transmission*****
[Image: np9r.png]
COMM ID: Admiral Remus Sius
TARGET ID: Liberty Naval Forces
SUBJECT: "Kill on Sight" Order

Attention all Liberty Naval personnel,

The amount of intrusions made by a Zoner Captain, particularly the captain of the "Stealthtyper", has been excessive to the point of blatant disregard for the Laws of Liberty:
  • violating Section I, Articles III & IV
  • violating Section III, Article IV
The ship has been deemed HOSTILE; thus, is considered to be a threat to the House of Liberty.

Therefore, a "Kill on Sight" order has been issued on the Zoner Nephilim "Stealthtyper".

In addition, a report submitted by Hayden Blake, a pilot in the Liberty Naval Secondary Fleet, shows Stealthtyper accompanied by another Zoner Nephilim. The "KoS" order also extends to any 'hostile' ship found to be accompanied by or working with Stealthtyper.

Shoot without mercy... these Zoners have barked up the wrong tree.
For Freedom and Justice,
Admiral Remus Sius
Liberty Naval High Command

*****Transmission Terminated*****