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Incompetency in the Liberty Navy - Printable Version

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Incompetency in the Liberty Navy - Orin - 08-27-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID Recieved, Orin Hasting, Freelancer]
[Location: Unknown]

I regret the need for this report to be made with Naval high command, but as I know, the Liberty Navy strives to mantain a reputation of excellence.

After a arduous journey back from a GMG contact in Sigma-19, I made it to New York and put my ship in orbit of Manhatten, kicked back, and lazily eyed the traffic around me. Soon after my arrival a Naval battleship IDed: LNS-Providence, pulled way to close for comfort up my tiny in comparison BW VHF.

The commander then begins to brazenly scrutinize my "pirate vessel" and rashly interrogate me as to where it was procured. I explained that it was from no illegal orginization operating in Liberty, and kindly said I would rather not explain the useless details. That wasn't enough for our dear commander. The Providence then decides to fire 2 missiles at me, not once, but twice! Bringing my shields down to a critical level.

I am a Freelancer, my friends. I fly support for the LPI, and lawful escort. I am not allowed to openly fly for illegal orginizations as Mercenaries do. That's the reason Mercenaries are banned from Liberty space. Do you now intend to ban law-abiding Freelancers who decide to fly a ship that a pirate faction may fly as well? I may note that the Sabre is a Border Worlds vessel. And even if it wasn't, and was a pirate vessel, Freelancers are what they are because they want freedom of choice.

Back to the encounter. After questioning why I was fired on, the Providence said nothing more then "Where did you procure your vessel?". He fired once again after I warned him that he had no right to fire on me and I told him that I obtained it in Rheinland as a decommissioned RH strike craft. The commander then proceeds to tell me that as there is an embargo on trade from Rheinland. Trade! This commander decides that if my ship is from Rheinland, it is a good. Therefore needs to be under embargo. Feeling unjustly accused, and saddened by the Navy's choice of leadership here, I left New York.

Have I said enough? This commander has a power trip, horrible judgement, and is quite honestly, a bully hiding behind a battleship.

I formally request that the high command in the Liberty Navy belay this commander's command until he/she is fit and able to be a competent leader.

I thank you for your time.

[Transmission Ended]

Incompetency in the Liberty Navy - Linkus - 08-27-2008

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Commander Hujuk, LNS Providence

I will simply state this.

1. You were flying a known pirate vessel infront of the capital of Liberty space. It is my duty to ask where you got said ship.

2. Those missiles were misfires unfortunately. The Providence has only recently been put into service and features some new experimental systems, we are still ironing out the kinks (// I stated that actually, misfires unfortunately, I had you targetted and clicked accidently.)

3. Your entire statement is about me asking you a question, you refusing to answer and my eventual conclusion that you could very well be a Rheinland Spy. You procure the 'decomissioned' vessel from Rheinland and then proceed to evade my question in all manner of ways. You should be happy to not have been taken in properly for interrogation.

I acted in accordance with our laws and duty. If you wish to debate the laws of Liberty, take that up with the judical system.

Incompetency in the Liberty Navy - Orin - 08-27-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID Recieved, Orin Hasting, Freelancer]
[Location: Unknown]

In response, commander.

1: As Freelancers are not allowed to ally themselves with pirate orginizations (you as a Naval officer should know this), your duty should not fall to this minor event. You well know how Freelancers operate, therefore your questions were unwarranted and a waste of taxpayer's credits.

2: You expect to pawn it off on faulty equipment? I hardly believe that. But if that is correct, you as a proper commander would shut down missile systems after one misfire. You did not, making your ability to lead even more questionable. (//And no. You didn't say that once to me...)

3: A Rheinland spy? Where are you getting this stuff? For one, Freelancers have no authority or will to spy. We are Freelancers so that we may be free of the political and dare I say tyrannical governmental systems of Sirius. Spying would be the last thing in our agenda. And answering your question in all manner of ways? I fail to see your point, commander. I told you the important aspects, then after being fired on with no explanation blurted the rest of the useless information in fear of my life.

My request stands.

Incompetency in the Liberty Navy - Xing - 08-27-2008

[Comm ID unknown]
[Source: Das "Red Dawn II]

Let me say, I myself have been threatened of demolition by the commander of this vessel, the LNS Providence, for merely stating my own opinion. While I hold no love for Liberty and it's government, I hold respect toward warriors, be they against me or not.

However, this man, isn't worthy of his ranking. This is an abuse of power, an abuse of the sheer firepower he holds in his hands.

-Kapitan A. Baier

Incompetency in the Liberty Navy - monsterlancer - 08-27-2008

"Oh Darn, Wrong frequency again."

Edit: //Wrong thought , Wrong place.

Incompetency in the Liberty Navy - Orin - 08-27-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID Recieved, Orin Hasting, Freelancer]
[Location: Unknown]

Thank you for your insight, Kapitan. (Hope I'm saying that right...)

The commands given to persons within the LN of late have been very lacking. A battleship does not give you the right to lord over smaller vessels. You cannot brashly interrogate individuals that you and your god-complex percieve to be a "danger" to your house.

Much consideration and examination must take place before a command is given. As much as I respect the Liberty Navy, their decisions regarding their posted leaders has been very troubling.

A capital ship such as a a battleship is a very dangerous weapon. Would you put a firearm in the hands of a man who has never fired a gun?

And to Flint: Check the infocard. It is a "Border Worlds" vessel. Designed to survive the dangerous enviroments in which a Freelancer operates every day. (//To that effect, the NPC Freelancers in Stilettos are under violation as well? Please.)

Incompetency in the Liberty Navy - monsterlancer - 08-27-2008


Incompetency in the Liberty Navy - Orin - 08-27-2008

' Wrote:I did not write the Law. If you see a problem with it then please take it up with your Liberty Government repersentative.

//Liberty is not the Border Worlds.
(//This ooRP intrusion is a little frustrating, mate. But I'll deal with it.)

Does the law say

Border Worlds Vessels-?

No, it does not. There are specific OC/LH vessels, that I imagine the law is referring to.

And Liberty is not the Border Worlds? What did you mean by that?

' Wrote:some pirates use Civilian, and some use Borderworld ships. They don't have the ability to create or build their own.
As you can see, the Border Worlds ship line is not a "pirate" vessel and is able to fly freely in Liberty without scrutiny. Banning Daggers/Stilettos/Sabres would warrant the banning of Starfliers/Startrackers/Starblazers/Hawks/Falcons/Eagles as well. Xenos fly Civilian vessels, do you treat Freelancers flying Eagles the same way, commander? These ships are actually the prime choice for Freelancers; in RP especially.

This only further shows that Commander Hujuk's actions are not in line with Liberty law, and that he needs to recieve the proper consequences of his actions.

Incompetency in the Liberty Navy - VincentFerrex - 08-27-2008

|::Incoming Message...
|::Comm ID: Lieutenant Commander Valence Harper - Liberty Navy
|::Opening Message.

Alright, seems that the Captain of the Providence needs to get some facts straight.

We allow Freelancers into Liberty space.

Secondly, the Sabre is a BorderWorld craft. It was designed FOR freelancers. The Outcasts have just taken it and used it for their own. But that does not mean that the ship belongs to them, and that whoever owns the ship supports them. That is wrong.

Commander Hujuk, you will be watched carefully by us. If I should see any more mistakes such as this, I'll take it directly to High Command, and then you'll be hearing from us.

I'm going to let this go as a warning to you, Commander. I hope to not see any more slips like this.


Mr. Hasting, I apologize for the actions of the LNS-Providence. Should there be any more problems related to this event, the Providence itself, or its commander, kindly inform me. We will take appropriate action.

Good day.

|::Ending Transmission::|

OOC: Also, the title of the post is rather misleading. The Providence is not an [LN] vessel. The correct title of the post would be "Incompetency in the Liberty Navy" so as to not get things mixed up.

The [LN] don't really take responsibility for the actions of the LNS independants, unless they themselves submit themselves under our command.

Just wanted to clear that up for anyone who might be in the dark in regards as to the [LN] and LNS independants.

Thank you.

Incompetency in the Liberty Navy - Orin - 08-27-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID Recieved, Orin Hasting, Freelancer]
[Location: Unknown]

Thank you for your intervention into this matter, Harper. I'm glad that this could be cleared up so quickly.

As for the Providence, I suggest you inspect its weapons systems to see if they are indeed malfunctioning.

[Transmission Ended]

OOC: Ah, fixed. I know that, it just slipped my mind. Sorry 'bout that.