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O'Rhu Cell Information and Database - Thabit Communication Bureau - 06-09-2014

[Image: IfF0gSz.png]

[Image: awRlU2c.jpg]
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Thabit Autonomous Virtual Intelligence Assistant

| SELECT ENTRY [O'Rhu Cell Information]
| [I.Overview]
| [II.History]
| [III.Structure]
| [IV.Objectives and missions]
| [V.Area of operations]
| [VI.Diplomatic ties]
| [VII.Technology]
ACCESSING [I.Overview]
O'Rhu Cell is a paramilitary small scale organization affiliated with the Order, destined primarily for defending home systems against nomadic and non-nomadic threats alike, accomplishing this by means of military strength but also by re-enabling and sustaining economic, industrial and scientific development efforts inside Order space.

The organization is subsidized independently, through own logistics and production methods, thus trying to offer an alternative to the base economic ties developed in accord with Zoners. The economic side of the Cell is relatively new and in parts still in experimental stage, providing supplemental support for the Order war effort.

O'Rhu Cell, also known as the Order’s “Hellhound” Reaction Unit is an Order Secondary Fleet of warships and pilots who, unlike the Order’s Primary Fleet stealth and covert operations or the 141st research operations, use brutal fire power and force to tackle any hostile forces. Just like its sister forces which joined O'Rhu over time, this Cell is known to be the force to join if you wish to combat the nomads while on the front lines of Order space or taking the fight to the Nomad's or Core's door step and beyond.

Having been reinstated little over a year ago, O'Rhu Reaction fleet has since absorbed many smaller or bigger groups alike into their own, last addition being the 606th warfleet. While other secondary fleets indeed to this day frown upon O'Rhu’s methods, O'Rhu and its members remain one of the few fleets with pilots and captains skilled enough to single-handedly be capable of handling hostilities with just little over a platoon of men.

SUPPLEMENTAL ENTRY FOUND [The period leading to Toledo-incident]


O'Rhu Cell follows the lead set by Order during its long and continuous activity in what it concerns the core structure. Most of the time, the cell operates independently of other cells and organisms present in Order, ensuring the necessary resources for cooperation when its required; either way, it does that abiding by Order core law.

The actual framework is that of a small to medium group of personnel working under direct supervision of an executive. Nevertheless, during its time in service, specific Cell activities imposed the creation of Nuclei - structural parts of the cell in charge with specific domains. Current structure is as follows:
  • MILITARY NUCLEUS - subordinates the main body of the O’Rhu Fleet and is designated at all times for defending Order interests inside its borders.
  • SCIENCE NUCLEUS - small group of specialists in charge with nomadic and advanced studies. They have at disposal a wide array of scientific small crafts and laboratories on board of Thabit Station.
  • LOGISTIC NUCLEUS - composed of non-combatant assets and personnel destined for obtaining the necessary fundings to subsidize O’Rhu operations and provide supplemental logistical support for Order .
For an updated member roster please refer to O'Rhu Cell Roster

SUPPLEMENTAL ENTRY FOUND [Leadership and core functions]

SUPPLEMENTAL ENTRY FOUND [Efficiency level indicator]
SUPPLEMENTAL ENTRY FOUND [Asset identification]

ACCESSING [IV.Objectives and missions]
[Image: mSNS0oR.jpg]
| [Primary objectives]
| ¬Complete annihilation of nomadic activities within home space
| ¬Reconstruction and development of Order Organization
| ¬Continuous development and research of technology
| ¬Xenoarchaeology and associated studies concerning alien lifeforms
| [Secondary objectives]
| ¬The safeguard of Order space from any perpetrators
| ¬Suppressing research /use of nomad technology by other parties
| ¬Providing additional logistic support for Order home space
| ¬On request, providing combat and research support for other Cells
| ¬Continuous development of own structure
| ¬Using diplomatic means to facilitate access for missions outside AoO
| ¬Reacting to nomad threats all across Sirius

SUPPLEMENTAL ENTRY FOUND [Methods of operation]


ACCESSING [V.Area of operations]
[Image: NuJl3vD.jpg?1]
AREAL GREEN: Order homespace in which Order Flight Regulation can and will be imposed by O'Rhu assets. No standing flight restrictions existent in this area.

AREAL ORANGE: Homespace vicinity. In this area, O’Rhu Cell will operate at its own discretion, mostly concerning nomad activity, homespace security or related to them. Standing flight restriction: access in this area with space warfare ships is restricted to minimum.
AREAL RED: Conflict area inside which O'Rhu maintains a clear presence with the purpose of deterring and controlling incoming threats.
Standing flight restriction: access in this area with space warfare ships is forbidden for members others than Cell Command, unless accompanied by representatives.
Access outside the AoO is permitted either with the written approval of O'Rhu Director, for mission purposes, based on a formal request forwarded on the O'Rhu Comm Hub by the person requesting it, or when ordered by the Cell Leaders, formally or informally.
Failure to comply with the flight restrictions or lacking the requested flight permit will attract serious punishment up to removal of the respective ship out of O'Rhu Cell.

ACCESSING [VI.Diplomatic ties]
Current state of affairs with various groups all across Sirius is as follows:

O’Rhu Cell has initiated an open war against Nomads and their sympathizings. Actions carried against this parties must not influence however the relations with other factions. Whilst inside House space caution must be used to not further degrade the diplomatic status.

O’Rhu Cell will maintain a hostile attitude against BHG and all parties affiliated inside Areal Green and Areal Yellow. However, outsides these expanses, no hostile actions will be carried against them, unless provoked.

Factions declared hostile to O’Rhu are not to be considered in a state of conflict. No hostile actions will be carried against them outside Areal Green, unless provoked or stated otherwise.

Any diplomatic change must be discussed with the both the officials of the party involved and Order Overwatch.
Under no circumstance, O'Rhu members are allowed to discuss diplomatic manners in name of other Order organisms.

ACCESSING [VII.Technology]
O'Rhu members are allowed to freely use Order and generic Civilian technology to equip and upgrade the vessels. Furthermore, the Science Nucleus has made available some recreated CODENAME weaponry for Cell personnel to use.

In what it concerns ship usage, O'Rhu perosnnel is allowed to aquire and use freely Order and generic Civilian ships up to space warfare class. Aquisition of restricted vessels is done only with the written permission of O'Rhu Cell Leaders.
SUPPLEMENTAL ENTRY FOUND [Advanced technology]

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Thabit - O'Rhu Command and Research Center - Thabit Communication Bureau - 06-09-2014

[Image: awRlU2c.jpg]
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Thabit Autonomous Virtual Intelligence Assistant

| SELECT ENTRY [Thabit Command and Research Center]
| [I.Overview]
| [II.History]
| [III.Layout]
| [IV.Objectives and missions]
| [V.Technology]

ACCESSING [I.Overview]
[Image: cOztyxkm.png?2]CLASS: Consul POB Type III
LOCATION: Classified
GRAVITY: Complete

Thabit was constructed and acts as the central nervous system for all O'Rhu operations. With impressive communication relays, housing space, three docking bays with repairing and refueling capabilities, overlooking the mooring points, and a few laboratories, it's development posed few difficulties from the very start, which required quite some logistic and engineering feats.

Furthermore, Thabit Station also complements all other Order installations inside homespace, acting as a deterrent and offering control over its surroundings.

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[Image: CqpS2xpm.png?2]Thabit Station was developed after a relative simple, modular project, providing functionality as each module was being completed. Although the project is of civilian design, adjustments have been made in order to fulfill it's role as an Operational base and a Research & Development site. The modules have been assembled on the spot , using the prefabricated components molded at Evora Shipyard.

At the beggining, the Station numbered three main modules, each one of them possessing docking capabilities. The housing modules come fitted with gravitational generators and life-sustain systems based on those used on Order space warfare ships, the decision to use this sort of equipments being made under the "cost efficiency" policy O'Rhu is trying to implement.

Some time after the beggining of the 822 A.S., due to increased hostile activity in Order space, the Directorate came to the conclusion an overhauling of the station was due, to further strengthen it. Along with the renovation of the emplacement, a new module was added. The decisions to overhaul and expand the station were made based on a few factors and after thoroughly discussing them within the Cell leadership.

The site was also intended to act as a depot for O'Rhu's Logistic Nucleus, thus four quadruple "Gargantum" storage pods have been added to the main framework. The technology behind the storage pods is of Zoner nature, but the fabrication process was done at Evora Shipyard, using the best of materials O'Rhu could get and under direct supervision of its engineers.


SUPPLEMENTAL ENTRY FOUND: [Gargantum storage pods]

ACCESSING [IV.Objectives and missions]
Although the main objective is to act as a central nervous system for all Cell's activities, the base is complemented by a wide array of different systems all of which are helping to fulfill it's goals:
  • Centralized operational control over Cell assets
  • Housing for research and development activities
  • Control over surrounding area
  • Repair and refueling capabilities for Cell assets
  • Storage spaces for sensitive materials
  • Long range scanning of homespace


ACCESSING [V.Technology]
Thabit Station was intended as an all-in-one command and research structure and was so designed and engineered from the beginning. In order to achieve this desideratum, O'Rhu engineers employed the help of Zoners for their base-building know-how. The Station's civilian design and the storage pods proves at first glimpse that the Station was fabricated following old Zoner blueprints. The similitudes though stop about there. Equipping the base was left in the care of Order engineers. Thabit employes homogeneous technology in almost all it's fields of activity, from long range communication to research facilities and laboratory equipment. This allows cooperation efforts between Cell and other Order assets to be made with great ease and to satisfactory results.
SUPPLEMENTAL ENTRY FOUND: [Thabit Autonomous Virtual Intelligence Assistant]

SUPPLEMENTAL ENTRY FOUND: [Temerar Mk II Shielding system]

SUPPLEMENTAL ENTRY FOUND: [Communication and Operation Neural Net Entanglement Transmitter]

WORK IN PROGRESS,More information concerning Thabit Station and Nuclei will be added soon