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A new beginning 2 - Printable Version

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A new beginning 2 - [FC]Flox - 06-17-2014

Part 1 Here
*The KNF headed back to Planet New Tokyo and unloaded everyone who was tractored in.*

*Flox was being taken out and as soon as he got out he began to yell*

"You fools! You dumb as*** Why couldn't you have arrived earlier? My wife has been kidnapped"

"Sir, but you are safe."

"Yes i'm safe and my wife is kidnapped. It needs to be the other way around!"

"We can find her. Just give us some time."

"There is no time to waist. I'm headed back out there and i'm going to find her and kill those piece of s*** pirates."

"Sir, you shouldn't go back out. They may come back for you."

"Bloody hell i wish they come back. Ill tear them up."

"Ok we will help you fin..."

"No! You guys are useless... I'm doing this by myself."

*Flox jumps on a starflier that was being sold in Planet New Tokyo and heads for the Okinawa system where he had his Chimera VHF.

*Flox begins to talk to himself.*

"God dammit why did she have to be taken and not me?"

He arrived safely to the Okinawa system and jumped into his Chimera. Not long after making sure the ship still worked he headed out to the Kyushu system to look for clues or anything that would help him find the pirates.

He arrived at the location where everything went bad and began to search through the scraps, piece of scrap here a piece of scrap there but nothing that would help to fin the pirates.


The pirates arrived back home, a Luxury Liner in the Tau-29 system 30k under the plane.
Nancy had been tied down and duct taped over her mouth.
The pirates began to unload everything from the bombers and sort through all the rubbage they tractored in when the mastodon went down.

"Ah Helium-3... This could come in handy, no Jack?" - Pirate 1(Jess)

"Aye, that will come in handy. What else did we loot from the wreckage?" -Jack

"Hm...Lets see, well there's this scrap metal. We could sell it to the junkers i suppose" -Jess

"Sell it to the junkers?" *Laughs* -Pirate 2 (Davy)

*Jack smacks Davy in the back of the head*

"You think that's funny, huh? Have you seen how many credits we have? We need to sell everything we can. Our base here is barely standing. We have quality scrap here, actually i think were going to keep some of this equipment for our base.
Anyways, i'm sure if we were to call the junkers we have some scrap metal here they might bring us some of them slave girls.
" -Jack

"Slaves, oh yes please." -Jess

"Talking about slaves look at the crew we managed to tractor in. Especially that sexy one" *Points at Nancy* -Davy

"That's right the crew members we managed to tractor in. James! Take all of those chumps to section B-2.
Now lets see... Nancy...
" -Jack

*Nancy mumbles unable to speak*

"Hmm whats that?" -Jack

*Jack rips the piece of tape from Nancy's mouth*

"You piece of s*** let me go." -Nancy

"Let you go? Don't make me laugh" -Jack

"Hey Jack! Are we going to have fun with her?" *WInks* -Davy

"No! I am..." -Jack

"Jack, you need to share that fine piece of a**..." -Davy

*Jack interrupts*

"I said no! She's all mine. Anyways you fools wouldn't know what to do with her" -Jack

*Jack plays with Nancy's hair and gently touches her arms...*

'"You bastard...What do you think your doing. Get your disgusting hands off of me!" -Nancy

"You cant say you don't like it Nancy, you used to love it back when we used to be younger." *Jack Laughs* -Jack

*Jack heads to his chair and lights a cigar.*

"So that's it? Only Helium-3 and some Scrap Metal?" -Jack

"Yes sir! We would have tractored in more loot if it wasn't for the KNF who came in and interfered." -Jess

"Ah yes those bloody KNF... They took that fool Flox. I'm sure he's looking for Nancy at this precise moment."

*Jack looks at Nancy*

"But hes not going to find you sweety." *Jack Laughs* -Jack

Back to Flox...

Flox keeps looking through the debris of what was left from the incident, but nothing was there.
The only thing Flox knows is that the pirates name was Jack and he was Flying a Border worlds Bomber...
That's all the clues he had and wasn't sure were to start.
He knows that someone has to know who Jack is and it is for sure Jack is going to brag about what happened here to someone.

The only problem is that how will he talk to other pirates. No pirate will ever want to talk to an Interspace Commerce Employee. There's only one solution. He would need to go undercover. Flox Corp used to have a Research and Development station hidden in the in an unknown system in the Nebula's.

The station has been running solely by Robots. He knew the equipment Flox Corp had been working on before the downfall had to still be in there.

He arrived at the station and everything was running perfectly and began to look for the equipment.
Since the station was being ran by robots it was a a breeze to find the research project.

Project "Quaid"

The project had been dismissed after the destruction of Mining Station in Humboldt. This equipment was a Mask that would cover the entire head which would look realistic, react as a regular human would, and repeat anything the wearer would do. Flox Corp had created this mask in order to infiltrate Rheinland and bring down there economy and military power from the inside.
The project was going really well but there was only some slight problems that still had to be fixed but we rent able to due to the incident.

Project Quaid had bugs:
  • It had lag problems which meant it would sometimes repeat sentences twice or not react at all.
    The mask would get stuck on the head and would not come off until it was completely destroyed.

Flox decided that he would go through every Pirate station in the universe to find any clues that would help him find Nancy.

He knew that its was a dangerous job.
All House Police and Military wouldn't be able to help him and would be on his own.

Flox needed a new identity and a new ship that was untraceable. Credits made the world go round and round so a new identity wouldn't be a problem especially with all the credits he had.

Flox headed back to Okinawa and hoped into his Eagle VHF.
He knew about a Hacker base located in Gallileo and set way points to the station. He flew to the Gallileo system and before docking he put on the mask.

"Hey you! Stop!" -Unknown Hacker

*The hacker shoots a CD and Flox's ships comes to a stop."

"Whoa there! Hello hacker." -Flox

"What are you doing here?" -Unknown Hacker

"Well i'm here to...Well...The thing is that..." -Flox

*The hacker interrupts*

"Hmm?" -Unknown Hacker

"The thing is...I need a new identity and i know you hackers can help me acquire a new one." -Flox

"A new identity? For what reason? You know what i don't care. I may be able to help you...Maybe" -Unknown Hacker

"Well i do have credits to offer." -Flox

"I doubt you have enough to pay me. Look at you. Your in a Civilian Eagle VHF. You haven't even upgraded your ship hull panels!" *Laughs* -Unknown Hacker

"Trust me i'm sure i have more than enough to pay for your services" -Flox

"Huh...Lets see well, if you need a new identity i can help you out. Hmmm...You will need a new ID and a new ship or if you'd like to keep the ship you currently have that is ok." -Unknown Hacker

"So how much is this going to cost me?" -Flox

"Well i would say 300mil is a fair price. Don't ya think so?" -Unknown Hacker

*Flox is surprised and gasps*

"300 mil!?!?!?! So much?" -Flox

"I thought you said you had the credits?" -Unknown Hacker

"Well i do, but i didn't expect it to cost me this much" -Flox

"Well are you going to want your new identity or not?" -Unknown Hacker

"Yes. Just open up your systems so i can transfer the funds." -Flox

Flox transfers the credits to the hacker and is anxious for the hacker to begin his work.
He doesnt know if this will work but he is determined to do it.

"Ah yes, credits recieved. Now... Lets begin. Open up your systems and i will work on your ship in the meantime. My brother will be arriving shortly to transfer you you'r new ID." -Unknown Hacker

"Thank you." -Flox

The hacker begins to work on Flox's eagle.
His transponders are being changed and all his equipment is being modified.

Flox is nervous hoping that no one comes around and notices Flox dealing with hackers. He knows that if he is caught before the hacker is done he will be sent to jail for dealing with criminals. The hacker continues to work for several hours and Flox just waits for him to finish.

Part 3 Coming Soon