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A new beginning - Printable Version

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A new beginning - [FC]Flox - 06-17-2014

After the destruction of the "[FC]Mining and Storage" and the slaughter of [FC] workers in Humboldt, Flox was in a depression state.

At this time he attempted suicide 4 times.
His wife who stuck by his side after such a long time convinced had convinced him not to commit suicide.
She cried desperately and begged him not to commit suicide as there was so much to live for and for who to live for.

*You see Flox standing in a corner with a gun to his head. You also notice how everything in the living room is on the floor broken and tipped over.
Nancy, and Flox's wife is standing in the middle of the living room crying and begging Flox not to kill himself.*

"I failed... I have disappointed so many people and my hands are full of blood.
They're all dead because of me....Because of me!!!

*Flox sobs*

"Honey!!! It wasn't you......"

*Flox yells*

"It was all my fault don't you see!
If i had been a leader and not some piece of Sh**...
They could have been alive right now.

*Flox punches the wall and makes a hole*

"Its not your fault...! Flox...Listen to me its not your fault.
Its those damn Navy captains that were there shooting at the station.
Remember!!! You saved the children!
There parents are more than grateful towards you.
You saved their children.


"The children..."


*Flox is lost in the thought and doesn't notice when Nancy runs toward him and takes away the gun.*

"You fool!!!"

*Nancy slaps Flox grabs the gun then throws to the cough*

*The image begins to fade away*

Flox began to recover and spent as much time as he could with his family.
To no surprise his son was called Flox as well.

Time passed and his son grew up.
Jr. began to go to High School and Flox decide it was finally time to teach Jr how to fly a Space Ship.
Flox taught jr how to fly and not long after he bought him his first ship.
Jr was not like Flox, unlike his dad jr was given a Fully outfitted Eagle VHF with an Armor upgrade VIII the best that the VHF can be equipped with.

Time went by and his son left home to explore the universe.
Nancy was not happy about it all, she knew the danger of flying out in space.
She used to be pirate and had left that lifestyle when she met Flox.
Jr went out to explore the depths of the universe and even though his mom wasn't to excited about she let him go.

Flox and his wife were left alone and they relaxed in there home.
Time went by once more.
He was not satisfied.
Relaxing and just staying in one planet was not for Flox.

He missed the trading, making the money.
That's what pumped up his blood.

Flox was rich of course of but he still wanted to work, to trade.
His wife told him to just relax and enjoy life.
To Flox just relaxing wasn't living.
He needed to be aboard a ship and commanding the crew.

Flox talked with Nancy and he convinced her to fly with him aboard his ship and trade.
He knew that being independent wouldn't bring in much adventure and coordination and decide to join IC as they are known for having exceptional trade routes.

Flox moved to Planet Miura in the Okinawa system.
He decide that using his Mastodon was more than enough to trade.
Flox joined Interspace Commerce and was told about Otemachi Trade Annexe which was orbiting Planet Miura and was told they sold Helium-3.

Flox was quick about it and started to move the Helium-3 toward the best paying destination.
They were successful, trading the Helium-3 was a success and they were gaining Profit unlike before.
They kept trading, evading pirates, and evading getting pirated until one day they met "Him".

One day Flox and Nancy where out to start to trade the Helium-3 and as they traveled through the Kyushu system, one trade lane away from the Tau-29 jumpgate the lane was disrupted and 6 pirates where camping there.

"Fire a cruise disruptor! Well look at what we have here, a big fat one!"

"You god damn pirates what do you want?"

"Right to the point, aren't you a feisty one? Well as you may know, all pirates have needs. Bit***, Cardimine, Ale, and Weed."

"Why should i care about your disgusting ne..."

"Disgusting what? You said what? You know what? How about you move 50 million credits to my account? Right now! or unless you like to be space dust...and i know for sure you have the credits since your over there hauling Helium-3!"

"Alright alright...we will move the credits. Just give a minute"

*Flox and Nancy began to talk to each other thinking the Comms System was turned off but in reality is was still on.*

"Honey, what are we going to do? Pay the ridiculous 20 million credits or are we going to try to make a run for it? No no no...Actually call the KNF and notify them. Tell them to come quickly"

"Why don't we just pay? We have the credits"

"You really think after paying them they will just let us go? Hell no! Look at them...they're in bombers plus its not just 2 its 6 of them."

"Alright alright...Ill notify them and then we begin evasive maneuvers."

*Flox begins to notify the KNF when the pirate interrupts.*

"What did i just hear? Calling the KNF are you? They cant help you, don't make me laugh"

*Flox and Nancy in shock*
"What in bloody hell! We left the comms on."
"Honey, they heard us."

"Ya think? Wait a minute."
*The pirate yells*
"I want to see a video feed"

"What for?"

"I said to turn on the video feed"

*The pirate fires a S.N.A.C. towards Flox's Mastodon.*

"Ok, ok."

*Flox turns on the video feed and the pirate begins to receive video*

"I knew i recognized that sweet voice."


"Who else? So i see your working for the Big Corporation now?"

*Nancy begins to tremble in fear"
*Shes gasps*
"Well i ugh..."

*Flox interrupts*
"What's going on here?"

"Nancy! You didn't tell that punk about me?"

"No...There was no need to tell him."

"Tell me what?"

"Honey well..."

*The pirate interrupts*

"Flox, i used to F*** your wife"

*Flox gasps and looks at Nancy very serious*

"Honey, i ugh... I didn't tell you because he wasn't important. He...well"

"Wasn't important?!?!? So it was better for me to find out like this?"

*The pirate whispers to the other pirates*

"This is going to be good"

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way."

*Nancy begins to cry*

"Well...Its not important now"

*Flox hugs Nancy very tightly and turns off the Audio and Video feed*

*Flox yells at everyone to head to there stations and to give the ship everything the Mastodon has as they were going to run from the pirates and to prepare to get receive enemy fire*

*The pirates get angered and begin to fire at the Mastodon*

"Everyone open fire!"

*Flox turns on the Auto-Evasive maneuvers and attempts to fly the Mastodon to nearest base.*

"Give it all she has...*

"Your a fool for trying to run away. Your not going to make it out of here in that sluggish ship"


"Automated Message...Vessel in critical condition. Preparing escape pods"

"Everyone head to the escape pod's. Now!"

*Flox, Nancy, and every single crew member headed to there individual escape pods*

*The pirate laughs*
"Look at that fat thing go down. As soon as they begin to come out tractor them in."

*The pirates tractor in most of the escape pods including Nancy's then 5 KNF vessel's come in through the tradelanes and all they see is 6 Pirate Bombers shooting the mastodon.*

"Alright, everyone attack the Pirates! Tractor in all the escape pods as well"

*Flox is tractored in by one of the KNF vessels.*

"Bahahaha...You cant take us down."

*The pirates cloak up and escape.*

*Flox screams*


Part 2 Coming Soon