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-Cerberus Organization- - Printable Version

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-Cerberus Organization- - Dave Synk - 06-22-2014

[Image: UmFlPS2.png]


Cerberus was initially founded on the 31st of June, 816 AS by ex-BAF Commander Jack Aubrey and his fellow libertonian friend, Dr. David Tyberius Synk. Both funding an intricate new idea among the Omicron’s main law enforcers, The Order. The group was aimed towards a black-ops para-military organization which expanded the Order’s jurisdiction into their own unique ideal. To protect all borders of Sirius space from imminent threats and to keep the balance within the sector.

Presumably this goal to be achieved, Cerberus exploited their allegiance with the Order to pursue more the mysteries and secrets of the K’Hara. Dave Synk was the only one to believe that humankind could establish a peaceful relationship with the notorious Slomon K’Hara race and put an end to all atrocities between the two races.

After Aubrey’s catastrophic death, Dave took command of Cerberus for 2 years as he slowly began to be more intrigued about this possible peace between the K’Haras and Humans. So he departed the sector far from it, in hope to find his answer over there. Meanwhile the newly arrived Gallic forces in Sirius began to unbalance the already “Chaotic Order” delivered by various conflicts and factions existent in Sirius.

Cerberus had an attempt to contact the Council deep within Galia to make
something similar to a Coup D’Etat in order to dismantle the Gallic government and overthrow the blood-thirsty King.

After a long period of absence, Cerberus is re-organized again and their role within Sirius will reach far beyond their initial goals. With more support and with a greater cause, Cerberus will take it’s title as Vanguards of Mankind.


Cerberus is a para-military black-ops group, affiliated with the Order but independent in their actions. Capable of maintaining and building their own vessels located in a remote system, Cerberus reaches and spreads in various vital locations in Sirius, to be capable of maintaining a direct supervision of the events that occur Sirius-wide. Their operations include :

-Research and Development
-Reconnaissance and Infiltration (Black-Ops)
-Diplomacy and Economics

A precise goal to describe Cerberus is not clear since their activity is reported to be versatile and dynamic, depending on their needs and on their priorities. The ones that are presented upper are part of their agenda.

The ship range is also versatile for them, reports indicate these type of ships have been seen in their fleets :

-Bomber Class Fighters
-Assault Fighters
-Reconnaissance Crafts

As part of the non-military branches :
-Advanced Science Vessels
-Heavy Class Transports

Information about space-stations or ground bases :
-No data available of yet.

Other Systems :

The main linking network between Cerberus Agents is an advanced version of the common neural net that utilizes also a self-autonomous comprehensive electronic suite named Z.E.W.S. (Zephyr Electronic Warfare Systems). With an integrated AI and a pleasing human-to-machine interface, it delivers the perfect co-pilot in intricate tactical situations and also it delivers full information as it serves as a good, Life Augmentor and personal HUD.

The ZEWS is installed in any piece of equipment and asset that Cerberus has. Currently all agents have as assistance the ZEWS interface as the core if it is it located on one of their space stations. Each ship has a small terminal that inter-connects via Quantum Entanglement Uplink and makes an access point to the nano matrix which is stored inside it’s core. Currently the advanced quantum servers can house approximately 1 million zbytes of raw information, which makes possible for more then 1 cvintillion operations per second to be performed. This computational power is necessary and very expensive.

Their funds are coming through several contractors around Sirius but mostly from those whom they seem more to operate with. It is supposed that their technology comes from the ingenious research projects developed by their leader and scientist, Dave Synk. It is supposed that Cerberus manipulates K’Hara technologies for their own advancement. Another rumor indicates that aside from their normal and known agenda, Cerberus follows a secret program in which they want to manipulate the K’Hara technologies to uplift mankind and let them expand beyond the reaches of Sirius.

Zone of Influence:

Main activity is reported to be sighted inside the far Omicron systems. Their agents are spread as well in the various main areas of Sirius activity which include, Liberty, Bretonia, Rheinland and Kusari.

ADDENDUM : If interested, contact via SKYP3 frequency, rubicon141 !

Ranking System - Dave Synk - 06-22-2014

[Image: UmFlPS2.png]

Ensign (Cerberus|Ens.INITIAL.SECONDNAME)

Proven member. Ensign's first assignments will probably be assisting high ranking officers into several type of missions. The Ensign will most likely participate into all type of missions offered by Cerberus in order to evaluate him for his next rank and to test one’s skills, so Cerberus will later decide in which wing a respective agent will operate.
New ships allowed: Order snubs
Minimum time: 7 active days
Reports: 5 patrol OR 2 mission
Evaluator: Captain
Other: None

Operator (Cerberus|Op.INITIAL.SECONDNAME)

The first step on the higher ranks, and the most precarious one. When an ensign becomes an operator,, he will be under constant scrutiny by the superior officers to see if he is really capable to handle a position of responsibility. he will often be put in charge of ensign wings on patrols and other missions, and carefully observed in action.

New ships allowed: None
Minimum time: 15 active days
Reports: 10 report OR 5 mission
Evaluator: Captain
Other: Relevant RP intervention in faction activity


No longer a junior-officer but someone with experience in battle and leadership.. At this point, the new officer will probably have to choose. Either maintain a stable position and become a fixed point in our command chain, or continue on the effort to rise the rank.

New ships allowed: Order gunboat, freighters, transports, prison liner
Minimum time: 30 active days
Reports: 20 patrol OR 10 mission
Evaluator: Lt.Colonel
Other: Continued service; proven PvP skills OR presented an Operation project

Captain (Cerberus|Cpt.INITIAL.SECONDNAME)

Now the real hard stuff begins. A captain is a very important part of the rank structure, it's the link between the commanding officers and the lower ranks. Also, rising above this rank will require a serious commitment, and managing to fulfill the requirements while performing all the other duties will be hard.

New ships allowed: Order recon cruiser
Minimum time: 60 active days
Reports: 15 mission
Evaluator: Commander
Other: Continued service; presented 2 or more Operation projects; proven RP skills; must take charge of an Operation and form his own Cell.
Special: Only captains with a perfect service status will get past this rank; sanctions, bad behavior, cap-whoring, lolwuttery, meta-gaming, etc., will permanently prevent any promotions beyond this point (not to mention the eventual demotion where needed).

Commander (Cerberus|Com.INITIAL.SECONDNAME)

Will be organizing the assignments of the captains, and will direct the activities of his Cell.
New ships allowed: Order light carrier

Second In Command (Cerberus|SiC.INITIAL.SECONDNAME)

The Core Cell, composed by the 2nd-in-Command and the selected high-ranking officers staff.
New ships allowed: Order battleship

Supreme Commander (Cerberus|SCom.INITIAL.SECONDNAME)

Cerberus supreme commander, and Core Cell leader. Can bypass any rank and grant any promotion personally.

RE: -Cerberus Organization- - SnakThree - 06-22-2014

I have only one question:

(06-22-2014, 02:28 PM)Dave.Synk Wrote:
(06-22-2014, 02:27 PM)Snak3 Wrote: I have only one question:


Brand fresh start. The faction is reinstated. New surprises coming up.

Brand fresh start does nto work with same mindset of using an import name matching roleplay and even going as far as using this icon to make it even more obvious to being unoriginal content.

RE: -Cerberus Organization- - Dave Synk - 06-22-2014

(06-22-2014, 02:27 PM)Snak3 Wrote: I have only one question:


Brand fresh start. The faction is reinstated. New surprises coming up.

RE: -Cerberus Organization- - sindroms - 06-22-2014

Dunno how much we can complain about non-OC content, when most of our graphics are non-OC.

Or is the guy in your sig commissioned by you?

RE: -Cerberus Organization- - Dave Synk - 06-22-2014

(06-22-2014, 02:30 PM)Snak3 Wrote:
(06-22-2014, 02:28 PM)Dave.Synk Wrote:
(06-22-2014, 02:27 PM)Snak3 Wrote: I have only one question:


Brand fresh start. The faction is reinstated. New surprises coming up.

Brand fresh start does nto work with same mindset of using an import name matching roleplay and even going as far as using this icon to make it even more obvious to being unoriginal content.

Your point being ? As stated before many, many graphical content on the forums and some factions are very inspired from outside sources. It was not a problem before and surely it will not be now. The quality of the RP matters.

RE: -Cerberus Organization- - Evo - 06-22-2014

(06-22-2014, 02:28 PM)Snak3 Wrote: I have only one question:

(06-22-2014, 02:28 PM)Dave.Synk Wrote:
(06-22-2014, 02:27 PM)Snak3 Wrote: I have only one question:


Brand fresh start. The faction is reinstated. New surprises coming up.

Brand fresh start does nto work with same mindset of using an import name matching roleplay and even going as far as using this icon to make it even more obvious to being unoriginal content.

Oh hello there, please direct your attention towards: Colonial Republic.

RE: -Cerberus Organization- - Binski - 06-22-2014

Well that symbol is ancient and has been widely used by people for thousands of years. Assassin's creed did not invent it, and it has been, like many other symbols of the same style, a symbol of continuity, of multiple dimensions, etc. So there's no problem with that. Not everyone thinks of things only in the context of what they see in other video games.

My only question is, are you using the Order ID/ IFF? Or did I miss that part? Was it always straight up Order in the past? I don't think I was around if there was an original Cerberus group.

RE: -Cerberus Organization- - Dave Synk - 06-22-2014

We use indeed the Order ID because it was always closest to our way to operate. If we had something more independent we would get it. Affiliated with them, but independent in our goals and operations.

RE: -Cerberus Organization- - Omicron - 06-22-2014

Okaay... whoever you left in charge of first Cerberus, pretty much made your entire lot marked for imminent arrest for disobeying faction's diplomacy and orders, funnily enough the other faction died too later.

Now you are coming back and intend to use Order ID despite not being Order. Ok?