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To: BHG Core Guildmaster - Printable Version

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To: BHG Core Guildmaster - Redacted.Member1-2 - 06-23-2014

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I certainly hope your 'restructuring' of the Guild Core has gone well. We have business to discuss.

We want the balance of power in the high omicrons to change, and change in our organizations' mutual favor. That is all I can say over open communications, however.

I would like yourself or a professional speaker for your organization to come to Deshima station at the soonest convenience. There we will speak and discuss the matters my agency wishes to discuss with you.

The nature of this meeting is to be top secret. Make sure that no one outside your organization finds out about this, and that you are not followed here.

[Source Redacted]

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RE: To: BHG Core Guildmaster - Lythrilux - 06-23-2014

>]Incoming Transmission
>]Sender: E. Nodtviedt

To mysterious individual:

I guess word travels fast that we're back. We've actually split ourselves from the bounty hunters guild and are simply The Core now. We're an elite private military company owned by APM. I was indeed the last guildmaster before things changed, now I am simply guildmaster of The Core.

I am willing to meet up with one of you. Actually, that raises a question. Who are you anyway?

I'd like to know who I am speaking with, before I meet up with them. Didn't your parents ever say it's not wise to talk to strangers?

>]Ending Transmission

RE: To: BHG Core Guildmaster - Redacted.Member1-2 - 06-24-2014

Establishing Secure Channel...
Installing Encryption Firewall...
Initializing Message Relay...


And your parents probably said nothing about securing control of a private army and waging wars of conquest on the payroll of your employers. I highly doubt you'd be willing and able to name the people you work for to myself, beyond the faceless veil of AP Manufacturing.

A humble shipwright dosen't spend billions of credits and wage a war of conquest in such a remote region. Not unless there are other factors involved. If you're cutting ties with the Main Guild then that indicates to me there's much more going on then meets the eye.

Our agency makes a point of not revealing names to outside parties unless we know they're serious. Nor do we make such revelations over Open Comm Channel. Regardless, the nature of the way we've contacted you, and the meeting place of Deshima, in Shikoku, should provide enough hints.

Understand that the work I wish to discuss will benefit both the Guild and my own party.

[Source Redacted]

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RE: To: BHG Core Guildmaster - Lythrilux - 06-24-2014

>]Incoming Transmission
>]Sender: E. Nodtviedt

To mysterious individual:

Very well then, send me a precise date and time to meet via highly encrypted P.M. protocols.

>]Ending Transmission