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To: The ZA - Printable Version

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To: The ZA - Thunderer - 06-24-2014

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-= High Encryption =-

Priority: High
To: The ZA
From: Unknown, the Captain of B.H.C. Numidia
Location: Omicron-74
Subject: The Core Destroying One of your Imposing Stations

[Image: Gq1AKRb.jpg]

He (it is obvious that the person in regard is male) slides his thumb horizontally in front of his throat.
That means that he is going to besiege one of the ZA stations and make sure that it gets absolutely annihilated. He doesn't really care for the lives inside, what he is supposed to want are the Nomad remains and the ZA losing a station, but he merely wants to see something large exploding.
He stays quiet and turns the comms off as soon as he finishes his gesture, so he would maintain his, by his belief, cool appearance.

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RE: To: The ZA - Thunderer - 06-24-2014

- Message Incoming -

-= High Encryption =-

Priority: High
To: The ZA
From: Unknown, the Captain of B.H.C. Numidia
Location: Omicron Zeta
Subject: It is Over

The person previously seen shows two fingers and closes the comms.

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