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Damage report for Unatural Disaster - Printable Version

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Damage report for Unatural Disaster - Hypercast - 06-26-2014

H-h-hi Thing, I'm sure you know how we all got what's left of the Unatural Disaster back. The...the good news is it's in one peace, mostly. The bad news is...The...oh god...the bad news is that everything on board is gone, no signs of a struggle or gunfire or...anything. How do you lose an entire dreadnaught crew?

She takes a moment to compose herself.

T-the other bit of good news is that we recovered the ship without any major bits of structure related damage on the hull or inside. The bad news is that most of the systems and quite a few subsystems need to be replaced, retrofitted, overhualed, or just stuck with some gaffer tape.

The worst and most important system to fix is the engine, most of the H-fuel has burned off or has become useless. The combustion chambers are shot beyond belief and the fuel injectors are unable to inject fuel. Not to mention all the smaller things that would take up everybody's time trying to explain it. All in all, nearly everything needs to be replaced.

She takes a deep breath before going over the reactor.

The reactor while still pretty bad, is still a damn sight better than the engine. Fuel rods are shot and radiation is everywhere down there at the moment. The outcast reactor technology won't work anymore at all. The reactor shielding that we got from the Outcasts has melted into a tastly looking liquid and we are going to need so many new electronics down there from all the radiation scrubing that the Outcast tech just needs to go. Also the heavy water that prohibits radiation to leak out into the open is gone and thus the flooded level so we'll need to find the purest H20 in sirius, free of anything polluting it. The core from the Outcasts also needs to go, it wont work with the new tech we will have to put in there.

She takes a sip of her Grade A Liberty Rogue BrandTM coffee.

Navigation is perhaps the least FUBAR'd system here considering. We found some strange data onboard the Navi-Comp, probbably some coords of some sort. Those were sent down to the lab. A few bits of rewiring should take care of it. The main computer is just...gone. Seems like it went into a total meltdown but I'm also noticing that a hard drive could be missing, its the only part of the computer that's not covered in coffee dust. How the hell do you get all this coffee dust inside a supercomputer. I managed to get the black box out of there but it looks like something may have hit it becuase it's corrupted and I can't get anything off it. Maybe the lab techs can do something with it, if not, maybe someone else outside of here can do something.

She takes another deep breath for the last few and least important things on the list

The comms system is in need of a new transmitter, most of the guns need to be scraped and replaced, the bay door is either not closing all the way or opening all the way, take your pick on that one. Most of the lights on decks 1 through 6 are burnt and also all the coffee machines are broken. Transformers need replaced, carpets redone in the lounge and all the vending machines restocked. Sensors are only able to pick up planets and nothing else so that also needs to be fixed. That about does it.

The Unatural Disaster is in a bad state right now, I give it about six months for it to be anywhere near working condition. It's amazing, I saw Moka lead like five of us into battle against two Outcast dreds and an ungodly amount of gunboats, and we won! Let's fix this ship and then find the bastards that did this.

Minty, the girl who went through this depressing ship

RE: Damage report for Unatural Disaster - Remnant - 06-26-2014

When Thing approached me on helping fix up 'ta vessel which was pretty much causing explosions every ten seconds, I was a little worried. I don't remember tellin' people that I knew some stuff behind ship repair. Damn that woman, looks like she is lookin' into my background some while I still attended university. Hah. Like that lasted long, nice to get outa of 'ta place and into some businesses where I can actually do as I please.

Well, I suppose she offered a number of credits, which makes me a happy man. Right then. Ivan McCormick, reporting in.

The vessel was in a pretty nasty state. Thankfully, the workers which i'm going to call my slaves for the rest of my life (They are not. I like to call them that) gave me pretty much anythin' I needed to get the damn thing running again, and well. They did just that. The hull was the major problem quite obviously, 'ta thing had holes in it all over. I dunno how they got the alloys I requested, since. Well. The kinda I asked for is sorta' more expensive. Same stuff as the militaries use, none of that Reinforced alloy crap.

Welding 'ta thing to the shape was the easy part surprisingly. That happened quite quickly within a matter of days, for the initial layer. However putting a few more layers on seemed difficult. 'ta people decided that bolting and welding at standard increments was too difficult and started doing what'ver they wanted. Well, I guess it still worked. Uneven mind you, but the hull looked much better whan 'ey were finished with it. Gona look at the plans again shortly, 'ta make sure that there are no mistakes.

[Image: RkikVPL.png]
Hull repairs in progress, special clamp in use (Keepin' the thing still)

Engines. A subject that I sorta know, although that's when I started dozing off instead of payin' attention, so I sorta had to improvise. Mind you, I think i'm a genius and am confident that it's gona work. Fear not, thing is gona run.

'ta main issue with the things, was the plasma compressors were actin' up. Guess what folks, you need that thing to keep the reactions going. The engine itself merely needed a touch-up, another technician seemed 'ta know what he was doing. I let 'em have his fun with that end of things. However the plasma was instead of being compressed, ready for rapid expansion in the tubes, it was bein' agitated instead. Agitation inside of a compressor does what kids. It breaks things. Badly. 'Ta turbine rotation rate was a little too slow, since some broken pieces was stuck in inside 'ta thing. After cleanin' it out, and replacing the turbine, stuff seemed quite a bit.. well. It ran better. After endless hours of it 'not' working of course, that issue was easily fixed with a sensor replacement we grabbed from another ship. Not Battleship class mind 'ya, but it works.

[Image: DlVEA4h.png]
Fixed Plasma Compressor (Engines)

Well. Looks like stuff is gona' work once more. This is about half 'ta work, the rest of the engines most likely need to be looked at again. It seems like 'ta technicians are doing stupid things. Heck, perhaps the things 'gota be rebuilt completely. Gona take a look at 'ta hull and stuff again after I finish recording this.

I'll make another entry later. ta-ta.

RE: Damage report for Unatural Disaster - Remnant - 06-26-2014

Eh? Who the heck was that chick? Halfway through my work, some little girly comes up and starts telling me about stuff with the reactors that's broken, and then proceed to say that my engine job was still broken.. Alright, perhaps she has a point. 'ta engines are.. well.. still broken. Guess what ladies and gentlemen! I have no idea how to fix a reactor. I had to call in a favor from 'ta demon herself. The credits may be worth it.

Jessica Snow. She's one scary chick, although if you give her a science project, she'll have it done in three days flat. Her work is absolutely insane. 'tis lucky I even knew her in the first place. Anyways, after convincing the security minions to allow her in, she immediately pretty much dissapeared into 'ta reactor room. Of course, making sure 'ta thing was radiation free.

Anyways. I'm goin' back to the hull and take another look at 'ta engines. I'm leaving the other recordings for the devil. Let 'er talk. She'll work for free, although 'dis is gona be held over my head for a while. Whatever. Credits. I need a beer.

Evening, the name is Jessica Snow. That silly Ivan told me that there is a vessel that I need to fix, that he'd do anything that I wanted him to, as long as the thing is in working order. Thank heavens too, i've been bored for so long. Getting to work on something such as this is a dream. The Unnatural Disaster? Interesting name. The thing is falling apart, and is being put together with scrap and other looted parts. No matter, I suppose I can make it work. Never had a budget in the first place, but they have warehouses of stuff they probably stole. Oh that's excellent. Resources.

Anyways, the reactor was indeed shot. Someone named Minty I guess her name was talked about the rods being shot, which is.. well.. Quite true. They weren't really the most cooperative when I told them to throw out the bad piping, I think a few of the workers wanted to keep it for something else. Whatever. They can do what they want, as long as it was out of the way. After getting some replacements, I retired to a computer terminal for a good amount of time to draw up my simulations.

Using some older designs, and the materials which we currently had in stock, I drafted up a modified plan and constructed a schematic for the new engine model which i'll be putting in. It's quite similar to the one before, so there shouldn't be too much work. However it may have a slightly higher efficiency rating, and be easier for this crowd to use.

[Image: VJeLzVQ.png]
Reactor Schematic (Tubes contain direct engine power link)

I don't expect the result to be as 'pretty' as that, however i'm confident something with what we have can be created quite easily given the time.

And time it indeed did take. They do like to argue with you. Whatever, Ivan scared off his 'minions' whenever they tried to do that. Alrighty, for anyone who actually has a brain and is reading through this report, I'll happily get into some more of the specifics on which I've built the prototype on. Heck, this is nothing compared to what I helped Winterton with on the Ingenuus. This will be quite a bit easier.

Minty continued to insist that the engine did nothing to mess with the H-Fuel as it was used to have the plasma compression system run. I disagreed, however she was quite stubborn. Something to work around. At any rate, the darn thing uses nuclear fusion. Fission as interesting as it is, isn't that efficient. We have H-Fuel. Making sure the Deuterium concentration is higher is no problem. In fact, with the standard fuel these days, Deuterium is a very common thing. Guess what. Deuterium makes reactors very happy when hydrogen fuses inside. Using the fusion energy is much more reliable. I believe the Navy has started to use the method themselves. Of course they have fancy hybrid reactors, I don't have the parts to work on something such as that.

Managing the energy flow to make sure that the Fusion reactions continue, without stopping was the most difficult part about this reactor. Of course, being as cocky as I am, that wasn't very difficult at all. Making this entire project quite amusing. All I merely had to do, to ensure that a constant flow of the energy it was producing was being routed back to the main chamber.

The main chamber. I guess I should talk about that, eh? The main chamber actually has five smaller chambers inside. Basically, it's the same thing. H-Fuel is injected into each one, where the reaction takes place. From there, it exits the reactor, and is routed to the various systems that require the energy.

Cooling systems. What on earth should we use. Water. Not going to waste my time with something else. As much as I would like a nano-fluid to help keep the things in a cooler state, this isn't the Ingenuus. Nothing insane, water would do just fine as long as the pumps were always on. Don't want to let that thing get too hot, hm? Thankfully, due to the Deuterium properties itself, getting to a very high temperature is quite difficult. That compound acts wonderfully as a self-regulator, as the fusion that it undergoes is not from standard hydrogen.

Well, the reactor is almost done. I'm going to go happily take a nap! Ivan better not be bugging me again, naps make the world go around. Uh. Galaxies fall rather.