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Steam Sell So STRONK!! - Printable Version

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Steam Sell So STRONK!! - SMGSterlin - 06-27-2014

Much good games
Very low price
So want

Such need suggestions.

So, are any of the following games worth getting while on sale?

Dark Souls
Gone Home
Alan Wake

RE: Steam Sell So STRONK!! - Remnant - 06-27-2014

Dark Souls


DELETE - SnakThree - 06-27-2014


RE: Steam Sell So STRONK!! - Trogdor - 06-27-2014

FEAR is a great series if you like shooters and cheap jump scares mixed in with your atmospheric horror.

RE: Steam Sell So STRONK!! - Fifty. - 06-27-2014


RE: Steam Sell So STRONK!! - Lonely_Ghost - 06-27-2014

F.E.A.R.= A.W.E.S.O.M.E.

Must be in "to play" list

RE: Steam Sell So STRONK!! - Zed26 - 06-27-2014

Dishonored definitely.

Dark Souls if you don't mind dying a lot, want a challenge in PVE, and are interested in PVP that emphasizes skill over heavy gearing/leveling. For a few bucks, it's hard to go wrong anyway. The porting to PC was pretty bad, so I actually find I do better with a XBox controller.

What kind of games/playstyle do you prefer? Lots of great games for sale.

RE: Steam Sell So STRONK!! - SMGSterlin - 06-28-2014

I like good games, that about sums up my preferences on games.

RE: Steam Sell So STRONK!! - SnakeLancerHaven - 06-28-2014

OVERPOWERED, MUST NOT BUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*buys whole steam for himself, the employees and all*

RE: Steam Sell So STRONK!! - Korny - 06-28-2014

Dark souls best game. I swar