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Ted Miles - Zapp - 09-01-2008

The flight of four Nephthys very heavy fighters flew across Omicron Minor, patrolling for hostiles. In this area of space, all hands were against the Order, and the few pilots left had to be constantly alert. Gamma 3, Ted Miles, was a rookie from Pittsburgh, newly initiated into the Order ranks. Gamma 4, his best friend since childhood and fellow initiate Mike Jerowski was on his wing. Almost out of nowhere, a Liberty Cruiser materialized in front of them. Shouting and evading ensued, as they engaged.

Lambda wing, four Anubises, also engaged, but were quickly swatted down. Then, over the comms crackled the voice of Patrol Delta 7: all vessels, be aware that the LNS Tundra is infected!

Ted's heart sank as one-by-one Gammas 1 through 4 were shot down. He just managed to eject before his ship was destroyed. His stomach lurched as he felt a tractor beam activate and drag him in...

Ted Miles - Zapp - 09-01-2008

It was dark. Oh so dark. Before he had been shot down, he had sent a message to Delta 7 informing him of the situation, and now his portable radio crackled to life, Delta 7's voice coming through with no little static.

Gamma 3, do you read? There was a slight bit of panic in the voice. Ted groaned and raised the radio to his mouth.

"I'm here, but I think the damn thing tractored me in. Oh my god, I gotta get out of here." He rolled off the seat and slammed his palm on the button next to the door that blew it off by breaking the compressed air seals. Unsteadily jumping out of the escape pod, he was greeted by a scene from Hell.

Ted Miles - Zapp - 09-02-2008

The entire interior was... covered in glowing blue sludge, as if the ship itself had been infected. There was no one in sight, Nomad or otherwise, but Ted could swear that anyone within a deck could hear his beating heartbeat. He was in the cargo bay, and had to find his way to the docking bay, and a ship. First things first, he needed to find the schematics.

The halls were empty, but he could swear he was being watched. He never even considered the possibility of a camera security system. He broke into a run, pausing to catch his breath and converse with Delta 7, his new best friend and only lifeline. He was telling him how to get out, trying to calm him down. He was hyperventilating...

Then, there was the computer terminal. Schematics, had to find schematics...

Ted Miles - Zapp - 09-04-2008

The terminal was acting odd, as if someone had already been there. Instead of finding the schematics, he found an open pathway to the main computer core, as if a Lane Hacker had been there first. The ship's original purpose, apparently some Project Sleeper, was an open book to Ted. He gave it only a cursory glance of curiosity before the fear returned, forcing him to continue hunting for the schematics. He was so engrossed that he didn't hear the footsteps until they were right on top of him...

Turning around as soon as he heard them, he saw his best friend Mike.

Ted Miles - Zapp - 09-05-2008

"Mike, thank god you're alive," Ted said with relief. He took a step forward, then stopped. Mike was acting weird. He wasn't talking, and he was just standing there.

Gamma 3, what's going on? Delta 7 called over the comm unit. It was distant to Ted, as he stood looking at his best friend.

Gamma 3?!

Mike's eyes... my god, his eyes...

Through the comm-link, all Delta 7 heard was three gunshots.

Ted Miles - Zapp - 09-08-2008


There was a moment of silence, then: "Oh my God, Mike was my best friend..."

They got him? Delta 7 asked, slowly.

Ted nodded, before realizing he was on a commlink. "I think so."

You gotta get out of there man!

Giving one last look to the information on the ship, he downloaded it then searched for the schematics. Finding them, he looked for the launch bay. Two decks down... he ran like hell through empty and blue corridors, ran until he got to the launch bay. Finally reaching double doors, he opened one to only find that there were no ships.

Ted Miles - Zapp - 09-24-2008

His frantic eyes swept the room so fast that it was no surprise that his only impression was that there were no ships. Forcing them to slow down, Ted took a more calm (calm given the circumstances) survey. Starting with the left, his eyes moved quickly over the room, this time noticing the escape pods. Jogging in, he called to Delta 7: I found an escape pod, I'm gonna launch...

Hold on, I'll get in position and pick you up.

Waiting, for what seemed forever, Ted got very nervous. Then, the sound of big guns firing at some external foe scared him sensless.

I'm here, get out now!

Ted slammed the eject button.

Ted Miles - Zapp - 09-25-2008

Out in space, Ted looked out the small view-port of the escape pod to see the rapidly receeding Liberty Cruiser. It was a menacing sight, and made more so by the fact that purple-hued guns were pounding, making trails across the green sky. There was only one other ship in view, and it was the Nephthys of Delta 7. Dodging the slow guns meant for use against other capital ships, he closed in swiftly and tractored Ted's pod in, beating a hasty retreat. Thanking whatever Gods there may be, Ted nearly fainted in the joy of being saved.

Thank you... for everything, Delta 7...

Ted Miles - Zapp - 02-02-2009

It had been some time since that fateful day. Ted Miles was promoted and given a Nephthys for his survival and service. That was little comfort for him, as every night since has been plagued: nightmares or lack of sleep. He performs his duty to the best of his ability, but some (including himself) think he might be nearing a breaking point, that critcal moment when sanity snaps like a bunch of dry twigs...